To: Quix; LurkingSince'98
Decades ago, when I wandered through such docs . . . they were not remotely as convincing as those on the Protty side
Really? Ok, so the guys who lived 200 years after Christ didn't know about their own times, but guys who lived 1600 years after Christ, i.e. 1400 to 1300 years after the first bunch, that second bunch you consider know more about the first bunch's time?
152 posted on
03/03/2008 12:31:48 AM PST by
("Islam isn't in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant" - Omar Ahmed, CAIR)
To: Cronos
You seem to forget . . .
The RC book burners didn’t SUCCESSFULLY DESTROY all the ‘non-kosher’ early documents.
171 posted on
03/03/2008 8:05:52 AM PST by
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