To: Quix; Hacksaw
The RC edifice singles ITSELF OUT for note and response hereon
Once again, Christ's Church is properly called The Catholic Church -- we consist of 1 Western/Latin and 22 Eastern Catholic autonomous Churches, we are in communion with or close to communion with other Churchs, who we call Apostolic Churchs (Churchs founded by Christ through His Apostles) like the Eastern Orthodox, the Oriental and the Assyrian Churches -- an Apostolic Church is a Church of Christ. Other groups like the pente-whatever, tele-evangelicals, Jehovah's Witnesses, etc. are not Christian but on the contrary do the evil one's work by leading people astray
151 posted on
03/03/2008 12:03:47 AM PST by
("Islam isn't in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant" - Omar Ahmed, CAIR)
To: Cronos
Other groups like the pente-whatever, tele-evangelicals, Jehovah’s Witnesses, etc. are not Christian but on the contrary do the evil one’s work by leading people astray
= = =
From my perspective, that’s a kool-aid construction on reality.
170 posted on
03/03/2008 8:04:55 AM PST by
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