You have just used quotes from a movie I just loved, “OH , Brother, Where Art Thou”
Not quite sure how that related to anything, but thanks for bringing up that movie...
>>You have just used quotes from a movie I just loved, OH , Brother, Where Art Thou
Not quite sure how that related to anything, but thanks for bringing up that movie...<<
That is a magnificent movie - I’ve just watched it again in Hi Def.
What I took from the message of the “unaffiliated” quote and theme was that the love of God continues even when we don’t participate in organized religion , even when we are cynical.
In the end, Everett (Ulysses) puts others before himself and looks to God and that is what is truly important so he is saved.
At least, that is my take on it.
The pleasure is mine; though another 30-45 minutes went by as I YouTubed (can I use that as a verb?) various snippets from it.