When Jesus said “It is finished,” he was referring to his earthly life and mission. Just because your pastors read a different meaning into this statement doesn’t mean I have to accept it to be a Christian. If everything was “finished” when he uttered that sentence, why did there need to be a resurrection?
When Jesus said It is finished, he was referring to his earthly life and mission. Just because your pastors read a different meaning into this statement doesnt mean I have to accept it to be a Christian. If everything was finished when he uttered that sentence, why did there need to be a resurrection?
I could care less what the mormon cult leaders say about Jesus ...
I read the Bible for myself...
Jesus said “It is finished” and it was...
Anyone who does not believe that Jesus is God and quite capable of dying to save man..
And thinks that puny man is better at saving himself than God is..
is not a Christian and does not believe in the the Jesus of the Bible...
not by any stretch of the imagination...