Yes, and I really do believe that dispensationalists aren’t reading the bible. they are reading the opinions of men regarding the bible.
As for me, when something is not clear, I pray and meditate and then read the Scriptures - not with a magnifying glass, just read them casually, waiting for the Spirit to bring the words of God alive within. He has never disappointed me.
Praise God!!!
Yes, and I really do believe that dispensationalists arent reading the bible. they are reading the opinions of men regarding the bible.
= = =
I can only speak for myself on that score. But for all the formative years on the matter, I read the KJV, period. God made a number of things clear over those years through my reading, praying, prayerfully pondering and waiting on Him.
It’s still my preferred way though I do certainly consider a diversity of inputs on such things nowadays.