Like cancer cells. Marcus Grodi has commented on this several times. Protestant denominations all begin with good intentions to follow Scripture but eventually separate and divide because they lack an authority figure.
Our Lord created one Church and promised that it would be guided by the Holy Spirit and the gates of Hell would not prevail against it. Two thousand years, and still counting.
“Our Lord created one Church and promised that it would be guided by the Holy Spirit and the gates of Hell would not prevail against it. Two thousand years, and still counting.”
Amen sister!!!
I sincerely doubt our Lord is pleased when you call other Christians—particularly those faithful Anglicans who have left the apostate Episcopal Church, “cancer cells.”
HE probably has had his doubts about the ability of Anglicanism to go its own way for a long time. The last Council of Bishops at Camp Allen (which is in my home diocese and at which I’ve spent several lovely and memorable choir retreats) must have been the last straw. Thus, if he’s leaving anglicanism because of schism and apostasy, why join one of the many even more schismatic elements within the so-called communion? They only exist because of deep seated protestant stubbornness about submitting to a higher temporal authority.
What they don’t realize is that the Pope is our friend and our Holy Father, not our master or our enemy. He needs our help to transform the moribund church, to reform the reform, or counterreform it, if you will. I welcome him in the name of Christ.