AMPU stated:
“I have dear friends who are in mormonism. I truly like them.
Id do anything for them as friends. That doesnt mean
I have a good view of moromonism (its a cult) or would
vote for a mormon who ran for POTUS. Lower offices, maybe.
Did you really think about what you stated? A Mormon running for POTUS is, in your view, DQ’d and if he or she is running for lower offices “MAYBE” he or she is not DQ’d?
Mormons can be a member of the club, but just can’t hold an office in the club, right?
“Did you really think about what you stated? A Mormon running for POTUS is, in your view, DQd and if he or she is running for lower offices MAYBE he or she is not DQd?
Mormons can be a member of the club, but just cant hold an office in the club, right?”
I have no idea what a DQ is, but if it helps you to understand
my thinking...
I don’t think it is about a “club”. It is about me, an
American and a Christian, not voting personally for a
person in a cult and elevating them to the most powerful
office in the world.
You can do differently with your right to vote.
Kinda like your organization treated BLACKS until, viola!, a revelation occured.