Why is that worse? Is Satan running uncontrolled throughout our lives? Does God somehow stand by and watch the school bus run off the cliff when He would actually prefer that it stay on course? Is God powerless to stop the bus or does He not care to stop it or does He delight in not stopping it?
None of those things is true. God ordains all of life, the good and the bad.
For the condemned, the good in life rebukes them and the bad in life overcomes them.
For the acquitted, the bad in life is endurable and the good in life is all of Him and but a small glimpse of the glory that awaits His children.
We do not fully understand, but we cannot erase the sovereignty of God because we do not fully comprehend Him. We must begin by acknowledging it is all God's creation, one way or another, and through Jesus Christ He will lose none of His children.
It all comes down to trust.
It all comes down to ‘faithing’ and by ‘faithing’ in the promises of God the Holy Spirit transforms the ‘faither’. For as Luther wrote, the law of works may be fulfilled only by faith, by Christ’s faith and the awakening of that ‘faithing’ in us for the rest of our life being transformed. To some it may appear foolish that God would transform us by applying that which Christ enlivened even to the death of the cross. But it is the power of God unto salvation for the faither.
Your Posts are Always Excellent, Dr. Eckleburg!
Because God causing the Holocaust is worse than God creating man with free will.