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To: Eagle Eye
Do some research. Everyone else on here seems to know that Easter is rooted in fertilty woship, hence rabbits, eggs, and your beloved phallic symbol on top of your church.

Uh... I think that YOU where the one who made the assertion; back up your OWN facts and quit appealing to the CROWD that seems to know everything.

And yes, I repeat myself a lot because y’all don’t respond, y’all just ask ignore the facts and ask new questions.

270 posted on 07/17/2007 11:08:59 AM PDT by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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To: Elsie
You must be kidding.

Even a bag of hammers knows that Easter includes paganism!

The Pagan Origins of Easter By Royce Carlson Easter celebrations were held hundreds of years before Christ was born as festivals of spring honoring Eostre, the great mother goddess of the Saxons. This name was fashioned after the ancient word for spring, Eastre. The goddess Ostara was the Norse equivalent whose symbols were the hare and the egg. From this comes our modern tradition of celebrating Easter with eggs and bunnies. In the Mediterranean region, there was a pre-Christian spring celebration centered around the vernal equinox (March 20 or 21) that honored Cybele, the Phrygian goddess of fertility. Cybele’s consort, Attis, was considered born of a virgin and was believed to have died and been resurrected three days later. Attis derived his mythology from even earlier gods, Osiris, Dionysus, and Orpheus, who also were supposed to have been born of a virgin and suffered death and resurrection as long as 500 years before Christ was born. The death of Attis was commemorated on a Friday and the resurrection was celebrated three days later on Sunday. There are other Easter traditions that are pagan in origin. The Easter sunrise service is derived from the ancient pagan practice of welcoming the sun on the morning of the spring equinox, marking the beginning of spring. What we now call Easter lilies were revered by the ancients as symbols of fertility and representative of the male genitalia. The ancient Babylonian religions had rituals involving dyed eggs as did the ancient Egyptians.

275 posted on 07/17/2007 12:10:28 PM PDT by Eagle Eye (Jesus is the image of the invisible God. The image of, not God Himself.)
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