Who's whining??? I'm enjoying this.
See if you can find a copy of a book called: Gli Scavi del Dominus Flevit printed in 1958 at the Tipografia del PP. Francescani, in Jerusalem. It was written by P.B. Bagatti and J.T. Milik, both Roman Catholic priests and archeologists, who discovered ossuaries in a burial cave under the grounds of their monastery there. One of those is inscribed with Simon Bar Jona's name on it and has bones in it of a man in his early 80's and over 6 feet tall dated to be around 70 AD. Roman Catholic priests wouldn't lie, would they???
You wrote:
“Catholic priests wouldn’t lie, would they???”
Even if they told the truth it is meaningless since, as demonstrated with the infamous James ossuary box, there are many of these floating around, passed off as genuine, and even if genuine according to name they are not genuine according to name’s sake.
Also, if you knew about this old story you would know the following: 1) Fr. Bellarmino Bagatti first published a report of the supposed find in Liber Annuus III, (1953) pages 149-184. 2) Fr. Milik then took the report and published it at greater length five years later as Gli Scavi del Dominus Flevit. 3) In that book, Milik wrote that, “The reading proposed in Liber Annuus III, p. 162 (Hebrew text) remains possible, but other possibilities for it can equally be proposed...” 4) You might want to look here before you start posting things about an italian book written from an article, neither of which you’ve read: http://www.uhl.ac/blog/?cat=3