From Wikipedia:
“According to the literal interpretation, Kolob is an actual star in this universe that is near to, or perhaps the sun of, the physical throne of God. This interpretation has significant formative impact on Mormon belief and criticism, leading to conceptions such as that the faithful will be made gods of planets in this universe, that God dwells within this universe rather than transcending it, and that the Biblical creation is a creation of the local earth, galaxy, or solar system rather than the entire known physical reality.”
While Wikipedia isn’t definitive, it certainly shows that the “god” controversy is not something I made up. By the way, do you believe God rules from a planet near Kolob in the center of the universe? More importantly, does Mitt Romney believe that?
By the way, I’ve heard the “god” of a planet story from a couple different Mormons trying to convert me. Once it was a lawyer for the hydroponics farm where they used magic water to make their plants grow (you can’t make this stuff up).
No, Wikipedia is not definitive or authoritative. As for the "god controversy," I am not sure which controversy you have in mind. Do you mean the doctrine that men may become the sons of God and therefore be called gods? I discussed that in my previous posts (27 and 32).
By the way, Ive heard the god of a planet story from a couple different Mormons trying to convert me. Once it was a lawyer for the hydroponics farm where they used magic water to make their plants grow (you cant make this stuff up).
He really said "magic water"? I suspect that someone has been pulling your leg.