**The problems, conceptually, are many, like: isn't Jesus here anyway? How does "sacramental presence" differ from any other kind of presence?**
I have felt that personal presence of Christ, been moved to tears in many Masses and to sobs in a couple. I know that isn't verification of the Real Presence, but for me, Christ is there, Body and Blood.
I think I mentioned "my" candidate in one of our early conversations, when she was wondering about joining the Church? After all sort of going here and there in the conversation she said that every time she went to our parish church (because of friends' weddings, things of that kind) she just "knew" that Jesus was present in the Tabernacle.
So I just looked at her and said, more or less, "If you know that, what are you waiting for? I mus tbe where my Beloved is. How about you?"
There's knowing He's there, the consolation of feeling His presence. Then there's being able to babble theologically. And now, for extra credit, which is the more precious gift?
I tink there is still room in the universe for us babblers. But I'm under no illusion concerning the relative blessedness of seeing versus running the mouth. Praise God for your gifts -- His gifts -- and His extravagant generosity!