They were astonished and said: "Is not this the carpenter's son? Is not his mother called Mary? and his brethren James, and Joseph and Simon and Jude? and his sisters, are they not all with us?" [The Holy Bible: The Catholic Press].
27 [13:54-17:27] This section is the narrative part of the fourth book of the gospel.
28 [54] After the Sermon on the Mount the crowds are in admiring astonishment at Jesus' teaching (Matthew 7:28); here the astonishment is of those who take offense at him. Familiarity with his background and family leads them to regard him as pretentious. Matthew modifies his Marcan source (Matthew 6:1-6). Jesus is not the carpenter but the carpenter's son (Matthew 13:55), "and among his own kin" is omitted (Matthew 13:57), he did not work many mighty deeds in face of such unbelief (Matthew 13:58) rather than the Marcan "... he was not able to perform any mighty deed there" (Matthew 6:5), and there is no mention of his amazement at his townspeople's lack of faith.
Notice that it says in the footnote -- among his own kin, which to me means relatives -- not brothers or sisters.