Now on the occasion of the feast the governor was accustomed to release to the crowd one prisoner whom they wished. And at that time they had a notorious prisoner called [Jesus] Barabbas. So when they had assembled, Pilate said to them, Which one do you want me to release to you, [Jesus} Barabbas or Jesus called Messiah? For he knew that it was out of envy that they had handed him over. (Mt. 27:15-18)
The name Barabbas is an Aramaic word that literally means son of the father. Pilate will face him off against Jesus and unwittingly set up the question: Which one is the true son of the father?
Jesus responds, You say so. His answer is affirmative, but he does not take responsibility for everything Pilate has in mind. For Jesus, king has religious connotations Messiah. For Pilate it is political.
Which one do you want? Jesus Barabbas, who is famous here in the big city? Or Jesus the Christ, who is from somewhere up north? The people will choose Barabbas.
This raises a question. I am a Christian, a disciple of the Lord. How seriously have I chosen Jesus? Is it more or less implicit, sort of an understanding, a not-so-thoroughly examined assumption that I was born into? Or is it an explicit, determined, resolute decision that anchors my day-to-day life?
Lent is meant to be decisions time to make one, if I havent, and renew one if I have.
How clear is my choice to follow the Lord? How clear is it to me? How clear is it to Him?
Spend some quiet time with the Lord.
Archbishop Romero
A bishop will die, but the Church of God, which is the people, will never die. ~ Archbishop Romero
On this date 27 years ago, Oscar Romero, Archbishop of San Salvador, was shot and killed while saying Mass.
Archbishop Romero had incurred the wrath of the military because of his outspokenness about how his people, especially the poor, were being victimized and killed by government death squads.
No one was ever tried or convicted of his murder.