I deliberately left that out - because justification is not the site of major controversy. Let's ditch "sola fide," since as a label it's not particularly useful.
When Trent anathematized "faith alone,"in Canon 11 of Sixth Session of the Council of Trent, it anathametized a particular belief - that you could be saved solely by grace, without any works ever occurring. While that may be taught in some Protestant churches, it is not and never has been the Reformed faith. The Reformed Church has always taught that works are the inevitable result of true justification. See, for example, WCF Chp. 11, Section 2.
The anathametizations simply don't apply to the Reformed faith because the anathematized doctrines in the Council of Trent are either mischaracterizations or abuses of the Reformed faith.
I disagree. Christianity hinges on faith in Christ.