Is she numbered among the "all" in Romans 3:23? Is she numbered among the "all" in 1 Tim 2:4 or 2 Pet 3:9?
Romans 3:23 states that "all" have fallen short of the Glory of God. Since Christ is God he would be exempt. But Mary is not God. Thus she would have to be considered to have both sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.
When Paul wrote this he was undoubtedly aware of Mary's position, so if he felt that she was exempt, he would not have said "all" without exception, he would have said all have fallen short of the Glory of God and the Glory of Mary.
Another argument from silence.
Wasn't he talking about all the Romans? Makes sense to me.
She would have been numbered among the "all" if God had not chosen to save her beforehand.