"....when everybody got up to receive communion, we had to sit down."
Well, if everyone went up, chances are there was false understanding of what communion was at Stella Maris. In a well-catechized parish there will always be a sizable minority kneeling in prayer because they haven't been to confession.
"By being there once in a while, its reminding the people of how weve been treated," Mr. Murphy said. "This is an injustice."
Ah yes, because it's not about praying the Mass, it's about REMINDING the parish that it's all about you.
They lost their religion all by themselves, and of their own volition.
Not true. Sinning is sinning, whether it's done in public or private. As long as their parish priest and the archbishop were aware of the situation (even if no one else had been aware), they have to suffer the consequences.
Devout Catholics?
How can these guys consider themselves "devout"?
It is NOT just the archbishop's opposition--it is the ENTIRE Church's opposition. Good to see some Jebbies with a bit of common sense!
Three cheers for Archbishop Prendergast!
>>>"We were born this way," he said. "God has created us this way and the way that we live is blessed by God."<<<
There's no fool like an old unrepentant fool. Concupiscence - look it up
The secular media sure likes to spin these situations against any church that tries to be a little bit biblical.
I have seen this comment several time on FR, and in truth it baffles me. Is it based upon the assumption that the Church's teachings are so burdensome that any given week a sizeable minority of the parish would have to abstain from communion? I would assume the exact opposite, the better the catechisis the less likely for the need for persons to abstain from communion, due to better comprehension of the Church's teachings. In addition, better cathecisis would result, I would assume, in greater respect for the gift of confession, and then again, the need to abstain from communnion would not exsist.
As many parents have told their children: