A cannibal might say
"If God did not want us to eat humans why did He make
them taste like meat?"
Meat is more addictive than coffee, since the preurine
in animal cells is trioxypurine, stronger than caffein
which is dioxypurine.
If you miss meat buy a veggieburger and whiz on it.
I was just making a joke. I was vegetarian for a number of years and am aware of the arguments in its favor.
I also know that you can get all the essential amino acids by combining foods such as rice and beans. So unless a person needs extra vitamin B12 there is usually no health reasons to not be vegetarian.
But I do not see it as a prolife position or one which is found in Catholic dogma. I do not think the eating of animals makes someone less of a life affirming Christian. I am down right disgusted by people such as PETA members who compare the raising of livestock with lynchings. Or ethicists who give the life of a dog more value then that of a handicapped child. Both of these schools of thought embrace vegeterianism as an animal rights issue. They view any use of animals as illicit. Often at the expense of man. Look at the animal right terrorists in England and the effect they have had on scientific research.
For those reasons I am somewhat skeptical when I am told being vegetarian is a prolife issue.