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Commentary by Rev. Hoover

Numbered text in Purple Roman Typeface is copied from the NEW STANDARD REFERENCE BIBLE. All else is commentary by the Author.

(1) And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars:

(1a) "...a woman clothed with the sun' and the moon under her feet,..."

This is Columbia, defined by Webster's 1828 Dictionary of the American Language as Spiritual America. Her material person is Djisasee, a Huron Indian maiden born around 1405.

(1b) "...clothed with the sun..."

This indicates she is holy and that she bears enlightenment, spiritual, intellectual or both. Look at any "Walking Liberty" coin for her engraved likeness.

(1c) "and the moon under her feet,..."

This is a deliberate key to her identity that did not activate until 1969 when an American Citizen planted the Stars and Stripes on the surface of the moon and lay that orb at the feet of Columbia. Please note that until this happened there was no possibility of identifying the Woman, or interpreting this chapter.

Subsequent to 1968, it is probable that only people accustomed to dealing with non-linear time would make the connection. That means a Shaman Lodge of the light side of Orenda, for the Dragon's Masters of The New World Order already knew this and were not about to make it public. It indicates the passage in the Bible was deliberately written, or revealed in such a manner that the sense of it would be hidden from clerics, whose minds are captive. Dogma is anathema to The Great Spirit. True faith must be dynamic.

(1d) "and upon her head a crown of twelve stars."

One tries in vain to call these stars the Colonies. They in fact represent the original twelve tribes of Israel. Somehow, unlikely as it may seem on the surface, spiritual guidance has caused a representative number of the descendants of these tribes to immigrate at some point in or before history to the land of the Great Turtle where they are united as Native Americans. It is not by accident that this is contained in chapter 12, which itself is a further clue. By extrapolation, it also follows that Christ's New Jerusalem, is the United States,

According to the First Book of Samuel, God caused the twelve tribes of Israel to be broken up for demanding a King to rule over them instead of Himself. What could be more fitting than they be reunited in Christ's Republic, under His Constitution and the Territorial Imperative that taken together, banishes the rule of men forever?

(2) And she, being with child, cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered.

(2a) The dark ages were at their depths, Tomas de Torquemada was conceived in Europe and the Great Temple of the Dragon was raised in Peking, 1420 was a year of spiritual crises and heaven's response was Columbia's travail.

(2b) Her Son's birthing alerted the dragon who moved to intensify the inquisition. The frantic persecution of heretics is a deliberate search for the Messiah or any of his disciples.

By the fact that women are also burned, we know that Christ's message was anticipated by the Church, which knew her true master was Lucifer. Columbia's pain was intensified by the fact that there was no place in the known world where She could safely be delivered. Nostradamus, beyond doubt a professed convert from Judaism to Christianity, known to be a Cabalistic scholar and known to be searching the future for Christ, is not harmed by the Inquisition, though he is frequently questioned and lives in fear of them. Can you doubt they hoped he'd lead the Church to Christ? Do you believe they intended to fall on their knees and turn their whole power structure over to Him?

If that were the case, would not Christ simply go to them and announce He's taking over. Why didn't He use that approach the first time as the King of the Jews? You say that Rome would have been more likely to accommodate him than the Sanhedron? Yeah, I think you're right.

Actually Christ went to great lengths to fulfill the prophesies of His coming. You will recall He selected a virgin ass for the entrance into Jerusalem and stated his purpose.

Now the shoe is on the other foot. Rome appears to be quite willing to follow the example of the Sanhedron and save the Church from Christ the “Prince of Heretics” in the most painful way possible. Why would He do other than to appear in the wilderness to pave the way for his eventual descent? If followed, the Constitution would make the USA safe for Heretics, would it not?

(3) And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold, a great red dragon, having seven heads, and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads. (3a) "And there appeared another wonder in heaven: and behold, a great red dragon,..." Red is the ancient color of evil. Red and black in combination symbolizes far greater evil. The red dragon is both Satan/The Serpent, and the body politic spiritual construct of the known world in the fifteenth century. It is both theological and secular, but primarily it is a cabal bent on world domination. Again, we are dealing with non-linear time. The seven heads are the Christian churches as they were to be, while the seven crowns represent secular governments allied with the churches. As to the ten horns, they are a part of the dragon more intimate than a crown, which is merely apparel. According to other scripture, horns, teeth and claws represent Armies under separate secular control. Biblical reference is always historical and I have yet to identify each one. Since I am hardly a scholar, I'll leave them to the specialists.

(4) And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven and did cast them to the earth.

(4a) These stars are the new human souls and others who owe some form of allegiance to the Dragon, though most are dupes, and newly created as human souls. The passage does seem to indicate the Dragon had influence over the allotment of lifetimes and could stack the population deck in his favor. Perhaps some of the victims of the inquisition really were witches.

The fact that the inquisition sought witches to burn does not mean they were in opposite camps. It means only that burning witches was an acceptable cover at the time. Even the Devil wants martyrs, the difference is he creates his own. The actual search was for Christ, or manifestations of His true doctrine, which is heresy to Saul's Church.

(5) And she brought forth a man-child; who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: And her child was caught up unto God and to his throne.

(5a) "And she brought forth a man-child;..."

Where was the Dragon? In Europe, of course. Columbia gave birth in the wilderness of the "New World". Probably in 1420. Henry Hudson and the Dutch did not claim New Amsterdam (New York) until 1609. Long after the Iroquois Confederacy was established by Hiawatha.

(5b) "...who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron:..."

What is the single most powerful nation in the world? Was it not established by, and ruled, at least in theory, by our Declaration of Independence and the Constitution?

(5c) "...And her child was caught up unto God and to his throne.."

He certainly was, but not until His work on Earth was complete. As Degandaweda, Christ first devised a system of writing on wampum belts. Then He wrote the Iroquois Constitution from which our own was copied. Could a mere mortal have been capable of two such fantastic cerebral feats? Think on it. Two almost diametrically opposed cultures discovered it worked equally well for them.

(Many years after this was written (THE HISTORY CHANNEL) ran a special documentary entitled (“500 NATIONS”). They made the first reference I’ve ever seen to the fact that Sachems of the Iroquois nation and the original wampum belt of Degandaweda were stashed upstairs while our founding fathers crafted our Declaration of Independence.)

To devise a written language among a people who had no means even to record it, beyond bead art. Then to inscribe a legal document that would free mankind from themselves for the first time in recorded human history. How could we believe Him a mere mortal? Ah, but to remove all doubt, Revelations says He was drawn up "to the throne of God." Only one of three entities within our ken occupies that throne. Did you note the emphasis on to? It's also in my bible.

(6) And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and three score days.

(6a) "And the woman fled into the wilderness,..."

Columbia as Djisasee did flee, from the Huron who were outraged by an unmarried woman giving birth. According to legend, not even Djisasee’s mother would believe her until she tried to drown the baby and was struck down from heaven.

(6b) "...where she has a place prepared of God,..."

She fled to the Onandaga who's Turtle Clan adopted her and her son. It was there that Degandaweda met and recruited Hiawatha after his labors on the Constitution. The Turtle represents North America and thus Columbia.

(6c) "...that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and three score days".

The Onandaga adopted Djisaee, her mother and her Son. They were fed and provided meat and a garden plot was cleared for them by the men of the Turtle Clan. I do not yet know why the emphasis on, and. The day count works out to slightly less than three and a half years.

His labors completed, Degandaweda sailed/paddled away in a white stone canoe. The tribal legends vary as to the manner of propulsion but agree on the color and texture.

The departure of Degandaweda corresponded very closely to the death of Tomas de Torquemada, Grand Inquisitor of Spain in 1489. That's three, to three and a half years before Columbus sailed into the Caribbean and the persecution of Columbia and her seed began.

All is foretold in this scripture. The Grand Inquisitor of Spain was dead, but his organization and principles lived on. Add: Separate the one thousand two hundred and three score days, and point out the fact that it was given so precisely so we could establish the actual day of Degandaweda's birth. I cannot give it at this time as am not satisfied with the exact date Columbus set foot in the "New World" and have no clue as to how that one solid date can be used. Besides I have no wish to contribute to another travesty like Saturnalia/Christmas. The Island landing was where the persecution of "the woman's seed" began, so is the relevant date. It should be handled by accredited scholars as no college alumni would be satisfied with a truck driver's solution. What if I got it right? Horrors, the actual date would be eliminated from consideration!

(7) And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon and the dragon fought and his angels,

(7a) Obviously there is turmoil in the Spirit World. On Earth the conflict began much earlier. Believing he had the entire population of the so called "civilized world" in an iron grip, the dragon began the persecution of innocent European victims in the name of Christ, and in anticipation of His coming. Lucifer had paid attention to Christ's words, and knew He would be obscure, "as a thief in the night". Also that He would not be known as Christ, but in disguise, under a "new name". He is also aware that the Christian religion is going to go through some radical changes, for one thing Christ is taking a Bride and all of heaven is singing “a new song”. That song is our sacred Constitution.

Knowing our savior would respond by returning to Earth, the Dragon planned to identify and destroy him before He could amass a following. This would have been a great victory that should have prolonged his rule indefinitely. He exhibited enough foreknowledge to choose Spain, which was to become the greatest exploiter and murderer of the wilderness.

The apparent injustice to all those innocent victims by Christ's time consuming reaction was not callous as it appears. We know from history that many so called martyrs that were immolated by the Inquisition were outspoken followers of the dragon in his role as Satan/Lucifer, who'd rejected his own version of Christianity. Many more were true martyrs, paying debts to The Infinite, amassed in previous lives.

Their continued sentience on the other side matched the wisdom of the design they created or allowed another to create for them. Don't forget all those stars swept from Heaven by the dragon's tail. Although most Europeans were penalized to a degree, it is certain that the majority of victims came from Satan's own ranks.

Only on rare occasions does the principle of evil have real power over those who do not grant it to him. Most martyrs have actively sought their fate, while with others the animal self or conscience brought it on through the agency of the Parent Self or Guardian Angel. "As it is on Earth, so it is in Heaven." The Bible frequently calls the Spirit World Heaven. Christ told Peter that we design it for ourselves.

It is quite probable that a soul chooses it’s parents and the probable fate involved to fill out it’s evolutionary curriculum. Christ said “The dead know nothing.” The nature of the heavens we design prove it.

I am not a thorough enough researcher to state that interchangeability is always the case, but in this instance it certainly is. The reaction against the church's persecution and the positive image of Hiawatha's Confederacy ushered in the Renaissance, which corresponds to the Archangel Michael's counterattack. Hiawatha then, would have been the earthly counterpart of the Archangel Michael who may well be a male aspect of Columbia. Certainly she is the "bride of Christ". Her dimensions in the Bible match the lower 48.

(8) And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.

(8a) 'Nuff said?

(9) And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which decieveth the whole world: He was cast out into the world and his angels were cast out with him.

(9a) "...which decieveth the whole world:..."

I'm tempted to underline, whole world. We're not talking rocks and rivers here folks, this is people and all their institutions and governments. In fact we are also talking Christianity as it lives today.

I am not saying all Christians are going to hell for their beliefs. They are in fact the best and most moral among us. This makes them the most effective instrument in Satan's kit but at death they will sit at the right hand of Christ, until boredom drives them back, or perhaps it's the crowding.

Each Christian has the option to search their own soul and accept or reject what is said here without penalty. This does not have to be an either-or, decision, but it must be informed. This does not mean blindly accepting the word of "experts" or preachers and priests. The decision must be formed from studying the Bible without the guidance of another person. They may accept any part of these words, or none of them. They will know the truth when they see it. Woe, to the soul who does not act upon their true belief. That has always been the law.

(9b) "He was cast out into the world, and his angels were cast out with him."

This is actually a great boon to mankind, for the dragon can no longer shape events on Earth from the high level of the Spirit World, nor can he influence the birth of human souls. He must now operate from the shadow world, or directly on Earth and his overall power is greatly reduced.

This does not mean he is unable to concentrate enormous influence over localized events or persons. Worse, he now has human agents in the most powerful governments and their clandestine organizations, in the world, as well as our fraternal groups, charities and churches.

Agencies such as the FBI, BATF IRS and the CIA have been infiltrated from their inception. (In fact they also infiltrate each other. I know of at least one instance where a FBI agent provocateur named Christensen was a CIA infiltrator who used a drug named "Hypnotique" [An East German developed derivative of ayhuasca.] to entrap a patriotic idiot. The FBI belatedly discovered and sacked him so he came in from the cold as a recruiter for United Fruit in Utah. [an infamous CIA front]) That still beats open tyrannies such as the old Russia and Red China where such agents of the dragon actually created the governments and staffed their oppressive organs.

(10) And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven' Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: For the accuser of our brethren is cast down which accused them before our God day and night.

(10a) "...Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God and the power of his Christ:.."

Yup! That's what we been talking about all along. Our Nation is established. As to the rest of the passage, we need to clean up our thinking and protect the real heroes from the defamation of evil. Personally I suspect the ACLU.

(11) And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.

(11a) Obviously these are good Christians, probably beginning with Martin Luther's reform movement, which had a dampening effect on the excesses of the Catholic Church. However it is a work in progress also, for our protectors face a constant barrage of venom to this day.

(11b) "and they loved not their lives unto the death."

Hoka Hey! We have lots of lives, so it's always a good day to lose one in having a go at the Dragon.

(12) Therefore rejoice ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabitors of the earth, and of the sea! For the Devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth he has but a short time.

(12a) "Therefore rejoice ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them..."

Sure you noticed the plural on heavens. How many? How many has man conceived? To each, his own. These heavens are not the same as dimensions or the shadow world, though they are a part of the Spirit World. In our imagery the closest I can come is the Holo deck of the starship "Enterprise". Their reality is of a different sort and not stable. Please note that this is the 12th. Verse of the 12th. Chapter and thus bears a very important message.

(13) And when the dragon saw he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman who brought forth the man-child.

(13a) Still does, at first it was just the Indians, but as we became a single body-politic he included the rest of you. Not that he doesn't still punish the Indian the hardest, he just includes all you other Native Americans now. We are all the spiritual sons and daughters, the seed of Columbia. Now you know where all those “Hate America” types are coming from.

(Any physical Anthropologist can tell you about the proliferation of type ‘0’ blood and the cupped bicuspid. Conversion to “Seed of the Woman” leaves physical tracks of which these two are the most clearly defined.)

(14) And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place where she is nourished for a time and times and half a time, from the face of the serpent.

(14a) Skajian of course would be the "great eagle." Degandaweda and Hiawatha are the "two wings". The rest of it refers to the roughly two and a half years before Columbus landed and the floods of the servants of the dragon began.

(15) And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood, after the woman, that she might be carried away of the flood.

(15a) This one is easy. It refers to the flood of immigration across the waters and mountains. Orenda is frequently cryptically referred to as water. A great flow of this life force would indicate a massive migration. As a for-instance allow me to refer you to Chapter 17, verse 15 of Revelations "And he saith unto me. The waters which thou sawest, where the whore siteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues." The emphasis was by yours truly, who believes you will understand and benefit from much of the 17th chapter now... For instance, do you recognize that the whore, Babylon the Great is all organized religion?

(16) And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth and swallowed up the flood, which the dragon cast out of his mouth.

(16a) Did She ever, fortunately the new land was vast enough to accomplish this. Had the poor Indian no place to retreat to, you would not be reading this. Time and the Territorial Imperative, of course converted the flood into more of Columbia's seed.

(Except for Genesis 4:11, to the best of my poor knowledge, this is the only other place in the Bible where the Earth is referred to as living and sentient. To be sure we notice, it is repeated in the same verse. We tried telling the white man the Earth is alive ever since he got here. As he becomes more native, he hears truth.)

(17) And the Dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.

(17a) "And the Dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed,..."

Troops to the frontiers! Imagine his frustration when the New Native Americans back in the colonies adopted his victim's Constitution of Degandaweda and forged a Republic around it. That's when the long process of subverting the instrument of God's Kingdom on Earth began with The Federalist Papers, which among other crimes suggested the Supreme Court "interpret" our Constitution.

(17b) "which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ."

The Commandments of God revolve around a personal relationship with The Infinite. Medicine! Freedom to choose! What glory to God, if your government chooses for you? Where is Spiritual growth? The True Testimony of Jesus Christ is recorded on Wampum belts in the Custody of Truth Sayer Brown of the Iroquois Nation of Canada, permanent refugees from the "Land of the free, and home of the Brave". END OF CHAPTER 12 OF THE BOOK OF REVELATIONS. Afterword

The name Lucifer means “Light Bearer”, and he serves the purpose of God/The Great Spirit. Horrors! How dare I? Actually all I did was pay attention while reading Scripture. Christ said it when he pointed out that after the dragon is cast into the Lake of Fire he must eventually be released for a time. If God releases him it is for His purpose. Correct? He also said that to enter the Kingdom of Heaven we must be born again. I have been, several times and if you have read this far, so have you.

Any person of good will and common sense can see that evolution is one of the tools of Creation. Since that is the case, why would God/The Great Spirit not use the same system for Spiritual Evolution?

Immature souls, (Liberals) on both sides of the Evolution/Creation farce demand exclusivity and unwittingly serve the ends of Lucifer who thrives on turmoil.

The New World Order, by the middle of the last century was arming both Red and Black Terrorists. They even held joint International conferences. For the rest of the world terrorism was a fact of life long before 9/11. They feared to bring it here until Bill Clinton proved it was safe.

In point of fact The Evil Empire was so fearful of the transparency of Terrorism, that The New World Order had to step in and arm the terrorists from their Swiss fortress to prove we wouldn’t paddle their little popos. It was a case of demonstrating control.

Red of course is Left while black is Right; right? Champion of the Left was Soviet Russia with the USSR. That stands for Union of Soviet Socialist Republics while the Right was misrepresented by Germany and the NAZIS which is an acronym for National Socialist Workers Party.

All of histories mass murderers, including the Church have been Collectivist Utopian Dreamers who secretly hate the human race. Why else seek to so drastically change Humanity? Christ said He was leaving the World in the hands of Satan. Would that be possible if the Church were not also under the sway of evil? The American Bald Eagle is named Skajian. Old Ben tried to tell that to Congress but it sounded too “foreign” for their sensitive ears and it went the way of women in government and anti-slavery. The arrows Skajian holds on your dollar bill represent the thirteen original States. They were “borrowed” from the five arrows of Hiawatha which he used to demonstrate the strength of union, then gave Skajian to hold.

Colonists saw the Mighty Spruce of the Iroquois as their “Liberty Tree”. That’s where the idea came from as demonstrated by the fact they first rebelled under a series of flags representing an evergreen tree. They changed it later at the behest of the Society of Cincinnatus which Washington and Henry Knox formed to conceal the Indian origin of our Republic.

There are essentially three sets of prophecy concerning the return of Christ. The most commonly ignored are His own words that promised a return in spirit within the lifetime of some of those in his audience. Another says you should “know perfectly that He would come as a thief in the night.” In the third, He will descend from heaven. While on the face of it, the first two would not necessarily be mutually exclusive, the third is.

My Lord and Savior is no liar, neither is he mistaken. My Lord returned in spirit in AD 70 and fulfilled the Judgement Prophecy by leading the Romans to destroy the Temple of the Jews. He gave his life to demonstrate the evil of organized Religion and as a secular legacy He divided time. You will note that the verse immediately subsequent to “Know perfectly” mentions the birthing travail. When He came as a thief, he was again born of woman.

This was actually his fourth advent, and occurred about 1420. The legacy He left was to free mankind from men with the first American Constitutional Republic. I neglected to mention the legacy from the AD 70 visit. In addition to flattening the Sanhedron’s treasured Temple, He also visited his apostle John on the isle of Patmos and gave him the horrific vision of Revelations. John was a true Apostle, one who walked with Christ, though we do not know his age at the time. He was a fisherman so would have been no younger than 12. There were 11 Gallilean Fishermen plus Judas Iscariot who was neither. Later there was Saul of Tarsus who was neither.

My Bible says John received his vision in AD 96. Possible, but that would require yet another spiritual advent. Considering his living conditions and the probable state of his health at a minimum age of 60, John would not be recording the Book of Revelations, assuming he survived the vision. At age 36 John would have been at the peak of his mental powers, and if the ergot of rye theorists are correct, better able to withstand this toxic substance.

Have you ever had one? They are traumatic for a young man, and mine was very simple compared to John’s extravaganza. There’s an awful lot of hoopla thrown in to make sure you know it is a vision.

1 posted on 07/20/2006 10:03:48 PM PDT by Medicine Warrior
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To: Medicine Warrior

That would be "Revelation" without the "s" ;-)

2 posted on 07/20/2006 10:07:30 PM PDT by conservativepoet
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To: Medicine Warrior

"Your continued well-being may hinge upon the significance you attach to this notice. My bonafides are as follows:
Born 6 AM 06/06/1936 without a name, or a pious bone in my body. The records are available from Johns Hopkins
Hospital, Baltimore Maryland.

If you need further proof, consult the records of Edgar Cayce for the above date. This was his only waking vision and
the focus of his gift. Scripture has suffered some unholy inserts in anticipation of my message and an effort to conceal
the True Testimony of Jesus Christ. I am and am not, "The Messenger” that Satan calls "The Beast".

Please be aware that you are standing on the cusp of a culturequake of unimaginable magnitude. Politics as usual will
no longer be tolerated, and the penalty for inattention can be severe."

The above is from your web site, and almost matches your home page here.

3 posted on 07/20/2006 10:09:17 PM PDT by ansel12
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To: Medicine Warrior
Check me out, for what I have to say is a GIFT foretold by Christ, I am his "Messenger".

From your FR Homepage. Hope you don't mind if I take my chances. Welcome to FR.
5 posted on 07/20/2006 10:13:32 PM PDT by IslandJeff
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To: Medicine Warrior

Is that the longest sarcasm I've ever read on FR, or what?

8 posted on 07/20/2006 10:45:24 PM PDT by dangus
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To: Medicine Warrior
Imagine his frustration when the New Native Americans back in the colonies adopted his victim's Constitution of Degandaweda

I know I would certainly be frustrated, I don't know how to pronounce that word.

10 posted on 07/20/2006 10:48:57 PM PDT by Graybeard58 (Remember and pray for Sgt. Matt Maupin - MIA/POW- Iraq since 04/09/04)
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To: Medicine Warrior

Incidentally, the source is supposedly based on the King James Bible. I clicked on the link... Funny, but I don't remember the KJV including the Gospel of Thomas.

THAT ALONE should have tipped you off that this was done by a crackpot.

Who in Heaven or on Earth has ever suggested seven heads equals seven churches? Yes, Revelations is written to seven churches, but there are also seven signs, seven hills in Babylon, seven seas (the fullness of the Earth), and so on and so on. Seven was regarded as representing completeness. If there were seven heads (heads often represent kingdoms, compared to horns which represent kings), that would represent "all the kingdoms of the Earth," which would agree with several other references throughout the bible.

O, and sorry about the comment about sarcasm. I thought the rest of your citation was parody.

11 posted on 07/20/2006 10:51:01 PM PDT by dangus
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To: Medicine Warrior

Who reads King James anyway. I guess only if you are of that type of Bible Reader would you worry about this. The Catholics, Jews, and various other religions don't read this type of material. We have our own version of Revelations. Also only if Baptised into the Catholic Faith will you truly go to Heaven.

13 posted on 07/20/2006 10:57:01 PM PDT by napscoordinator
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To: Medicine Warrior; Religion Moderator

Hmmm... A Satanic Messiah (check out his web page or his FReeper home page) using FR to hype his web site.

Looks like maybe he needs the old Gospel of Barnabas treatment? Think he knows what IBTZ means?

16 posted on 07/20/2006 11:04:18 PM PDT by dangus
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To: Medicine Warrior

19 posted on 07/20/2006 11:10:41 PM PDT by John Lenin
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To: Medicine Warrior


22 posted on 07/21/2006 5:05:48 AM PDT by A Balrog of Morgoth (With fire, sword, and stinging whip I drive the RINOs in terror before me.)
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To: Medicine Warrior
The birth of America

Washington is a unique city in that a major component of its original design is based on astrology, according to author David Ovason in his book The Secret Architecture of Our Nation’s Capital, published by Harper Collins.

Aligned with the Stars

Ovason suggests that Washington’s planners followed the teachings of the ancient Greek and Egyptian mysteries by aligning the city with a constellation’s fixed stars. His well-researched book explores the mystery of the 1791 planning of the city’s Federal Triangle, consisting of the Washington Monument, White House and Capitol building and their alignment with the three main stars of the constellation Virgo.

On August 10, 1791, the three fixed stars Arcturus, Regulus and Spica rose at sunset, forming a celestial triangle, and the city’s Federal Triangle was engineered to mirror the constellation’s pattern. Why fixed stars? They appeared to be permanent, therefore suggesting stability and spiritual benevolence, desirable traits when constructing a powerful institutional setting. “A sunset leading to the rise of three stars is rare,” Ovason writes, “And a city’s alignment with it is unique.”

Virgo Symbols in the Nation’s Capital

The designers’ choice to link Virgo with the capital indicates that they may have had a mystical intention to establish balance between the masculine and feminine. Ovason cites the numerous images of a beautiful woman holding a sheaf of grain, the symbol for Virgo, appearing on the nation’s architectural decorations. This woman, the virgin, is the only female character in the entire zodiac. Therefore, the most feminine archetypal energy offering healing, purity and wisdom is permanently linked with what appears to be a highly masculine world.

Virgo also appears with a cornucopia, symbolizing the fulfillment of time, prosperity and agriculture. This sign associates with traits of redemption and organization, desirable in a post-war society.

The signs Gemini and Virgo are associated with the planet of communication, Mercury. As the female Mercury (Virgo is considered a “feminine” sign in astrology, while Gemini is considered “masculine”), she represents analysis and critical thinking, qualities that the forward-looking planners knew would play an important role in the nation’s future.

Virgo Prevalent in the Charts of Washington, D.C. Buildings

Astrological charts cast for the laying of important building marker stones involve Virgo in a significant way, and point to the sure knowledge of planetary movement. Jupiter was ascending in Virgo when the city’s first marker stone was laid on April 15, 1791. On October 13, 1792, the marker stone for the White House was laid with the Moon ascending in Virgo. The Capitol was founded with Mercury conjunct the Sun in Virgo on September 18, 1793, and the cornerstone for the Washington Monument was laid when the Moon was in Virgo.

Revelation 12

1 A great and wondrous sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. 2 She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth. 3 Then another sign appeared in heaven: an enormous red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on his heads. 4 His tail swept a third of the stars out of the sky and flung them to the earth. The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that he might devour her child the moment it was born. 5 She gave birth to a son, a male child, who will rule all the nations with an iron scepter. And her child was snatched up to God and to his throne. 6 The woman fled into the desert to a place prepared for her by God, where she might be taken care of for 1,260 days.

The birth of America

12 men have had the moon under their feet, all of them Americans.

Check out the astrological charts in David Ovason’s book and then re-read Revelation 12.


31 posted on 07/21/2006 2:40:40 PM PDT by Jeremiah Jr (Alef Male)
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To: Medicine Warrior
I am sorry, but this is a whole lot of New Age gobbledygook. This is not how I see the Book of Revelation at all.
32 posted on 07/21/2006 3:45:30 PM PDT by ladyinred (The NYTimes, hang 'em high!)
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