The truth be told, Latin being the language of the liturgy is only a side issue. The real issue is the reverence and fidelity to church teachings. Most people attend the Latin Mass mainly because they are sick of hetrodoxy from the pulpit, they are sick of no reverence what so over during the mass, they are sick of altar girls, they are sick of Lay Eucharistic Ministers, they are sick of the banal music, they are sick that they looked down upon for recieveing opur lord on their knees and so on. This is the reason why people go to the Latin Mass.
If the old mass was simpily translated into English, kept the same rubrics, and may some occasional Latin here and there, there would far fewer calls for the traditional Latin mass.
And how, exactly, is allowing the Latin mass to be widely said again going to fix any of those supposed problems??
Each Liturgy has, oddly, benefited the other. And the old Liturgy is/will causing/cause the new to be reformed so as to be all it ought be
**The real issue is the reverence and fidelity to church teachings.**
And this reverence can happen in a Novus Ordo Mass too; a lot depends on the priest.