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To: dangus

My apologies for the multiple posting. I'm still only semi-literate on the internet. I don't have any personal knowledge of the widow. The only info that I have is from the MSM and Christian publications. I do believe that she has forgiven her husband's and sons' murderers. It's very comforting to know that in Hindu cultures they only murder the priests, pastors and other Christian leaders; whereas in the Moslem cultures their objective is to kill them all. Blessings-Don

109 posted on 04/12/2006 10:25:33 AM PDT by Upbeat
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To: Upbeat

Among Muslims, unfortunately, I think support for terrorists is very high; and the religion actively promotes terror as a means of propagating itself. "Hindiism" is in fact a blend, or even a tossed salad, of many religions and religious traditions with sharp contradictions to each other. Some sects are a little scary (The cult of Kali has been the antagonist in movies both real and fantastic.) But as a whole, I must emphasize that Hindi are not people who promote or tolerate religious violence. I am sure that many Hindi were shocked by the horrible crime, and angry, especially at the destruction of human life, but the profanation of the Hindu religion.

113 posted on 04/12/2006 11:26:10 AM PDT by dangus (Church: "The road to hell is paved with the skulls of bishops." Me: "US gets new HOV lane.")
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To: Upbeat

Upbeat : "I do believe that she has forgiven her husband's and sons' murderers. It's very comforting to know that in Hindu cultures they only murder the priests, pastors and other Christian leaders; whereas in the Moslem cultures their objective is to kill them all."

The Indian courts have sentenced the murderer to death. As a hindu , I am deeply offended by your statement : "It's very comforting to know that in Hindu cultures they only murder the priests, pastors and other Christian leaders".........that shows your prejudice and ignorance. India is a country of 1.1 billion people.

How many christian missionaries have been killed in India over the last 50 years ? 1 million ? 10 million ? Nope. 10 at best. Just ten. 10 christian priests killed over the last 50 years. How many such murders have you heard of ? One. And yet you think it reflects a tendency in hindu culture 'to murder priests , pastors and christian leader'.

Every day 5-10 rapes take place in US. Would you then say that christian culture condones rape of women ?

114 posted on 04/12/2006 11:32:21 AM PDT by sniper22
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