Among Muslims, unfortunately, I think support for terrorists is very high; and the religion actively promotes terror as a means of propagating itself. "Hindiism" is in fact a blend, or even a tossed salad, of many religions and religious traditions with sharp contradictions to each other. Some sects are a little scary (The cult of Kali has been the antagonist in movies both real and fantastic.) But as a whole, I must emphasize that Hindi are not people who promote or tolerate religious violence. I am sure that many Hindi were shocked by the horrible crime, and angry, especially at the destruction of human life, but the profanation of the Hindu religion.
I tend to agree with you that the majority of the Hindu people are non-violent and peace loving. Nonetheless there is an established Hindu religious/political party that is committed to "cleansing" the country of non-Hindu religions. Kill a few of the leaders and we'll chase the rest of them off.