Well Satan was not originally from Earth either, and right now he's the "prince and power of the air" and is not bound to the Earth. That's why in Job he and his corrupted angelic host go to Heaven and talk to God when God asks Satan the question: "What do you think about my servant Job?"
Revelation 12:9
"And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him."
INteresting I have to go look at that passage again. I have always had the sense that Ged so of oked the visit to Heaven in that story. However the rebellion of Angels has already happened. The great war in Heaven is a past event. There will be no more rebellion in HEaven. All the rebelling angels were cast down to earth. So that would seem to say that there will not be a rebellious angel that been hanging out at the Restaurant at the End of the Universe waiting to show up to play the role of the anti christ.