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The History of the Reformation… The Morning Star of the Reformation… John Wycliffe (Part 3)
Arlington Presbyterian Church ^ | November 14, 2004 | Tom Browning

Posted on 12/01/2005 4:20:08 AM PST by HarleyD

Our subject this morning is the “Morning Star of the Reformation”. Now I think that term, that title, “the Morning Star of the Reformation” is just about loveliest thing any man could ever hope to be called. The term itself is a biblical term but it is a strange term in that it is applied both to the devil and to the Lord Jesus.

It is applied to the devil in Isaiah 14:12.1

And it is applied to the Lord Jesus as well and it is applied to the Lord Jesus by the Lord Jesus Himself in Revelation 22:16.

NIV Revelation 22:16…I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star.”

Now there is a sense in which it seems presumptuous for any man to be assigned any title ever used to identify the Lord Jesus. But in this particular case I think it is appropriate. I think the fact that the same title was applied both to the devil and to the Lord Jesus makes it especially appropriate to the man who is the subject of our study this morning.

He was a man who was both loved and hated. By many, especially those that fell under the sharp reproaches of his blistering tongue, he was considered to be the devil incarnate. By others, especially those who were fortunate to hear him preach, he was honored as a prophet…like one of the prophets of old. Now, he is known and referred to as the “Morningstar of the Reformation” because of the darkness in the time in which he lived and because his light shone so brightly in contrast to the darkness of his age.

Now the reason they called him the “Morning Star” is plan enough. Sometimes in that darkest part of the night, when it seems like morning is never going to come…one star shines brighter than all the others. Usually, that star is not a star at all in the technical sense…usually it is the planet Venus. Whenever it appears in the east just before sunrise…whenever it appears in the east just before sunrise and there is no moon…it shines with extraordinary brightness. Usually, it is so bright that by comparison its brightness more or less dwarfs the brightness of all the other stars in the sky.

Its brightness makes it lovelier than all the rest.

It is lovely for its brightness and in a real sense it is also lovely for its isolation.

The bright and morning star is never the only star in the sky…but its brightness is so intense and that it isolates it from all the rest of the stars so that it seems like it is the only star there. Of course, when the sun does finally rise even the bright and morning star is blotted out by its transcendent brilliance. But then as the day presses on people remembering its comparative beauty and brightness begin to ask, “Do you remember the time just before the first glow of the sun began to show on the eastern horizon? Do you remember when it was so dark and it seemed that no sunrise would ever come? Do you remember that one star…that morning star and how beautiful it was? Wasn’t it something grand?” That is how it was and is with our subject this morning, the “Morning Star of the Reformation.”

He was both hated and loved. He was admired and despised. He was pilloried without mercy by some and defended with swords by others. He was hated by the Catholic Church but loved by his country’s king. He possessed the mind of Calvin, the courage of Luther and the tongue of John Knox and besides all that he was…an Englishman.

The unimpeachable John Milton once said of him:

And that is mostly true. What he actually was, was a pre-reformer…a reformer before the Reformation. He was the “morning star” before the dawn of the recovery of the gospel.

His name was John Wycliffe. Now before we look at his life and his ministry, I thought I might preface our study with a few general remarks.

When people study history in general and the history of the Reformation in particular they tend, I think, to see an absolute linear connection between all of the particulars of history. That is, they tend to think that events always occur in a straight line and that each one builds neatly on the preceding event. They tend to think of history and the history of ideas as something like a long line of dominoes and because of that they tend to think that when a reformer comes along with a new idea or truth that his idea or truth knocks down a subsequent idea and all the rest follow quickly in a precise and orderly fashion. But history is never really quite that neat.

Take for example the case of John Wycliffe. Sometimes you will read a person or a biographer who seems to think that the line from Wycliffe to Luther is a straight line. They seem to argue that what Wycliffe held, Huss held and then Luther after him. And that is true to a point. But it is not completely true. Wycliffe actually held some views that were never embraced by Huss. Some of Wycliffe’s views were never embraced until Calvin and those that followed after Calvin. Huss, for example, disagreed with Wycliffe regarding transubstantiation. Luther disagreed with them both. But here’s my point. That doesn’t matter or at least it doesn’t matter very much.

You see the dominoes of truth in actual history are almost never arranged in a perfectly straight line. One or two dominoes always wind up slightly out of line, slightly askew, and when a breakthrough occurs in the progress of history… truth will sometimes advance very quickly and then hit one of those places where the dominoes are askew and…stop. Sometimes it will even back up. To say it another way, sometimes after a visionary reformer…some dominoes remain standing and it falls to someone else to knock down the ones that were missed along the way.

Now the reason that happens is because most of the time…a reformer’s successors tend to embrace only a portion of his overall vision or insight and though the cause of truth still gets advanced…it is almost never orderly. It is almost never neat. Rather, and I hate to resort to such a cliché, it is something much more like two steps forward and one step back.

You see what usually happens is that a portion of the truth comes from one man and then a portion comes from another. Their ideas are tried like gold in the furnace of vocational ministry and perfected and compared to the Word of God and altered and improved or laid aside until the truth finally prevails. So when you study history you have to try to avoid the trap of taking what you know to be true and going back six or seven centuries and comparing it to what a man thought or taught and saying, “Well clearly the man was an idiot!”

It’s not always that simple. No, when you study history you have to examine a man and the times he lived in. You have to study his historical context and situation and see what he had to work with and what he had to contend with and then judge the man.

Now I bring all that up because for two or three centuries after the death of Wycliffe he was though of as something of an embarrassment…much like the Scotsman John Knox is today. But then over time historians and theologians began to reevaluate his life and theology and all of a sudden Wycliffe came to be held in high regard…as he rightly should have been all along. Now I tell you that because Wycliffe’s life was so extraordinary. He is one of the few people who continued to make his enemies crazy long after his death. As far as I know, he is one of the few people in the history of the church who was ever excommunicated after having died and having been buried. He certainly is the only person I know of who was ever dug up forty plus years after having died to be burned as a heretic.3

Now the question remains, “What kind of man could possibly evoke that kind of emotion? What kind of man could create that kind of anger? What kind of ideas could a man espouse that would lead someone to hate them so much?” Let us see if we can see the answer to that together.

John Wycliffe was born in the village of Wycliffe, Yorkshire sometime between 1324 and 1330, probably the later date 1330 is more likely. Almost nothing is known of his early life except that his parents owned land and were wealthy enough to provide him with an excellent education. In that sense, he was different than Huss. He was not named after the town where he was born. The town where he was born and raised was named instead after his family. Still, we know almost nothing of his life until the time he entered Oxford University. In 1361, he was listed as the Master of Balliol Hall, one of the colleges at Oxford, which meant that he had by that time already obtained his master’s degree and was lecturing in various subjects…most like philosophy.

In 1363, he was appointed to a benefice at a local parish, which meant that he performed the duties of a parish priest and cared for the souls of a congregation and received in return, a small annual income for his labor. He was what was called a secular priest, which meant that he interacted with the public through preaching and ministry as opposed to being a monk or a religious priest who was largely confined to the monastery. In 1366, he was appointed as one of the king’s chaplains. In 1368, his benefice was moved to a different parish, one that paid less but was much closer to Oxford. Some time around 1372, Wycliffe finally received his doctorate, which opened up for him a whole range of possibilities. It allowed him to then both lecture and write on theological topics.4 By my reckoning he would have been about forty-two years old.

Later, in 1374 at the appointment of the king, Wycliffe was given the benefice of the parish at Lutterworth, which he retained till his death in 1384. His salary was set at £ 26 a year.

Now you shouldn’t be too concerned abut the fact that Wycliffe was both a professor at Oxford and a parish priest. It was common in his day partly because it provided professors the opportunity to make additional income and partly because the England of his day was still reeling from the dreadful effects of the Black Death. You see in 1348, all of Europe groaned under the weight and devastation of the bubonic plague. Some historians have estimated that up to two-thirds of the population of Europe died. Others estimate it to be less but it is reasonably certain that up to half of the population of Europe died in the plague.

Now I want you to think about that. Many farms were simply abandoned. Many fields went unplowed. Many harvests went unharvested. Farm animals wandered the countryside untended and that lack of care extended to parish churches. Many congregations were left largely on their own. Now what that meant practically is that many parishes had no pastors at all. One of the bishops of the time encouraged parish priests to try to preach at least four times a year in their parishes. You can see the expectation was not very high. As a result many of the professors at Oxford and elsewhere were assigned the religious care of various parishes. Still many churches went unshepherded and the care of souls was left largely to traveling mendicant friars.

Now that seemed like a wonderful solution but practically it created a great deal of conflict. You see, England was besieged in Wycliffe’s day by hordes, and I really do mean hordes, of mendicant friars. Now a friar is not exactly the same thing as a monk. Monks were largely restricted to monasteries. Friars were like secular monks…they went out among the people. The term “mendicant” meant they begged for their bread. There were of course many monks at Oxford. Wycliffe despised the monks of his day. He accused them of laziness and gluttony and corruption of every sort. Wycliffe was always an advocate of the state taxing the wealth of the monasteries. He believed that the monasteries were bleeding the nation dry. They possessed up to perhaps a quarter of the land and as much as half of its wealth. Monks lived very well in Wycliffe’s day as he noted in his studies at Oxford and Wycliffe despised them.5

He did not feel quite the same way about the mendicant friars. Now the term “mendicant” means they made their living or earned their bread by begging. In addition, they often performed religious rites such as hearing confession or granting absolution. No most of the friars in Wycliffe’s days were Franciscan. That is, they were members of the Order of the Franciscans founded by Francis of Assisi. They were everywhere in England in Wycliffe’s day and they posed a special problem to individual parishes in that they wound up scouring the land of almost all of its revenue. In other words, after the mendicant monks passed through a parish there was not enough money left to sustain the regular ministry of a parish priest. They came through…heard confession…offered absolution…took the money and left. No you might be thinking to yourself, “Well what is wrong with that? They preached. They listened to confessions. They did the work of the ministry. Why shouldn’t the get the money?”

One historian writes this:

But they didn’t just limit themselves to preaching. You see, the problem was they were also granted the right by the pope to hear confession and to offer absolution.7 Now guess what that led to? It led to sins being absolved for money. You see the mendicant friars were constantly on the move. They had no tie to the community they passed through. They were never held responsible for what they said or did. They were very content to absolve a man of his sins and to give them a paper of absolution if the money was right and it was that aspect that made Wycliffe crazy. You see Wycliffe understood first hand that a parish priest hoping to hold sinners accountable for the manner in which they repented of their sins had no chance at all against such a shameless bunch of mercenaries. So Wycliffe came to hate the mendicants. He hated them not because of their vow of poverty but rather because of the shameless way and manner they extorted money and deluded the weak and uneducated.

And it is very easy to see how that could have happened. The people reverenced the mendicants. They held them in awe as great and faithful servants of God because they believed they were true to their vows of poverty. In fact, one historian writes this:

Now think about that. They believed that they were going to stand in better stead with God after death because they wrapped in the tattered rags of a mendicant friar. Wycliffe despised that kind of superstition and he went after them with all his being. Now I have to tell you, Wycliffe’s objections early on were not theological. They were moral. He hated the dishonesty and greed and avarice of the monks and friars. That is why he objected to them so violently. Early on he admired their poverty. But when he saw how things actually worked themselves out he fought them with all his being. That meant that wrote against them in the form of various tracts and sermons, tracts and sermons, which he wrote in English by the way.

Let me just share one example to help you see how much he despised the mendicants. About 1376 or so, Wycliffe became very ill. Almost everyone was sure he was going to die. Now some of the mendicant monks heard he was dying and they came to visit him. AT his bedside they appealed to him saying, “Now brother John, you’ve written some terrible things about us and now you are about to die. Shouldn’t you take this opportunity and repent of what you have said and written. Shouldn’t you do that… shouldn’t you repent of your sin before you die?”

Wycliffe propped himself up on his pillows and pointed his long skinny finger at them and said something to the effect of, “Well now…because you have done this I am not going to die. In fact, I am going to come after you all the harder.”

And in truth, that is what he did. He lived and went after them again…with all of his might. That is the kind of man he was. He was right to do that by the way but 150 years later Wycliffe’s objection to the morality of the mendicants led Luther to write the following:

Now I know what Luther means by that but I have to tell you I think it is a bit unfair. It is unfair and though it grieves me to say it, I think Luther was wrong about Wycliffe. Oh, he was right enough about this issue with the mendicants but all that did was put Wycliffe on the radar screen of the English King Edward the III. Wycliffe’s writing drew the kings’ attention and the reason it did that, I think, is because Wycliffe was willing to attack the Catholic Church over the issue of money. The king liked that.

The reason Knox’s writings against the mendicant monks drew Knox to the King’s attention is because the pope, Pope Gregory XI, the last pope before the Great Schism, was demanding from England an additional ecclesiastical contribution to Rome of a 1,000 marks. Needless to say, the government was unable to pay the tax both because they were unable to get at the property set aside in the monasteries and because the begging friars had already scoured the parishes clean.

Parliament then backed Edward III’s refusal to pay the tax and a commission was appointed by the King to go to negotiate with the papacy. Knox was appointed as a member of that commission.

After the return of the commission, Knox began to write against the papacy with an increased fervor.

Now needless to say, that drew the ire of Gregory XI, who insisted that the crown submit Wycliffe to be examined by the archbishop of Canterbury or the Bishop of London to determine whether or not he was orthodox or a heretic.

Now that cause was taken up by the Bishop of London, William Courtenay who summoned Wycliffe to St. Paul’s in London. Wycliffe arrived at St. Paul’s in the company of the King’s son, John of Gaunt…the Earl of Lancaster and four Dominican mendicant friars who were planning to represent him. But the examination never took place. The Bishop of London and John of Gaunt got into a fight over whether Wycliffe had to stand or was to be permitted to be seated during his examination. John of Gaunt, the four Dominicans and John Wycliffe had to fight their way out of St. Paul’s. Needless to say it was a breach that was never healed.

Shortly after the riot at St. Paul’s Gregory XI, the last pope before the Great Schism, issued five decrees or bulls against Wycliffe and insisted that he be shipped off to Rome for trial. John of Gaunt, Edward the III’s son and the Protector of young Richard II refused and simply placed Wycliffe under house arrest at Oxford.

Wycliffe promptly began to write against the doctrine of transubstantiation.

When Wycliffe did that he argued that that the benefit of receiving Christ only occurred as the elements were received in faith. He didn’t really deny that Christ was present in the supper. What he denied was that priests had any ability in and of themselves to consecrate the elements to turn them into the body and blood of Jesus. He denied that the elements ever stopped being bread and wine. He argued that the bread and wine always remained bread and wine.

Now the implication of his argument was pretty dramatic. It meant, when logically followed out to its conclusion, that salvation then was no longer in the hands of priests. It meant that each man might come to God on the basis of faith and not on the basis of receiving the body and blood of Jesus in the sacrament. If the priests had no ability to transform the elements into the actual body and blood of Jesus and individuals were still able to sacramentally feed on Jesus by faith it meant that man’s relationship to God was mediated by Jesus and not by some priest or by the church.

This idea was his most radical idea and yet today we see it and accept it as something rather obvious. But it cost Wycliffe his post at Oxford. He was banned from the university. Even John of Gaunt, his able defender at St. Paul’s, abandoned him. Still, to their praise it must be said that they refused to submit him to the discipline of the papacy, which would have been hard because at that point there were two popes but you already know all about that.

Now had Wycliffe been an ordinary man that would have been it for him. He would have retired to his parish at Lutterworth and lived out his life and died and been buried and been forgotten. But he was not an ordinary man. Wycliffe simply could not get the idea of the “mendicant friars” out of his mind.

Though he loathed their behavior and their greed, he could not get out of his mind what a wonderful chance had been missed in sending men out to the countryside. If only they had had the Word of God to preach and had actually done so. The idea of sending priests to the countryside was a great idea. It was just that they took the wrong them with them.

So here’s what Wycliffe did. He began to translate the Bible into English. He and the men still loyal to him began to translate the Latin Vulgate into the language of the people of middle England, which would have made him a legend by itself…to give the common Englishman the Bible in his own language would have made him a legend. But that is not all that he did. He then recruited young men from Oxford to voluntarily submit to a life of poverty and to take the Bible he had translated out to the parishes and preach to the poorer people.

These men, clothed in simple garments…often barefoot…they called themselves the “poor priests”…they took the gospel out to the countryside. Later on these educated men were joined by even simpler men. They preached wherever they could and they actually preached the Bible. Imagine a poor uneducated farmer in England hearing the Word of God in English. The mendicants mocked them as rubes, of course. But that didn’t stop them. Sometimes they simply read passages and gave the sense of the words in the common language of the people. Sometimes they expounded the texts fully. Sometimes the led worship and sang psalms and preached. The people all over England loved them as they had loved the mendicants before them…only in loving them they came to know and love God through their preaching.

These “poor priests” later came to be known as “Lollards”. Now it is hard to know exactly where the name came from and there are all kinds of arguments about its original derivation. Some think the name came from the Dutch “lull” which meant something like “sing”…although their enemies argued that it meant “mumble.” Others, obviously enemies, said the word came from the Latin word for “tares”…the implication being that they were weeds in God’s kingdom.

Now later on, these “poor priests,” these “Lollards” were persecuted without pity by Henry the IV and this grieves me to say even by Henry V. In fact, the word “Lollard” would later come to be associated permanently Wycliffe and anyone opposing the Roman church. But that was thirty or forty years off. In London today there is a famous spot marked as the “Lollard’s Pit” where Thomas More and others executed hundreds of Lollards.

John Wycliffe died in 1384 at his parish church in Lutterworth. He was buried not excommunicate but as a parish priest in good standing with the church. At the Council of Constance, the council that condemned and burned John Huss some thirty-one years later, he was excommunicated and condemned. Martin V demanded that his body be dug up and cast out of hallowed ground. The English refused…but then finally in1428 at the insistence of the papacy, some forty-four years after his death…his body was dug up and his bones burned and cast into a little brook called the Swift.

And you know as I thought about that it occurred to me that they may have burned his ashes but they failed to diminish the brightness of his star.

Let’s pray.

1 See EBCOT, Isaiah 14:12…”To interpret v. 12 and the following verses in this way means that the passage points to Satan, not directly, but indirectly, much like the way the kings of the line of David point to Christ. All rulers of international significance whose overweening pride and arrogance bring them to ruin under the hand of God’s judgment illustrate both the satanic and the Antichrist principles, for these principles are really one.”

2 George S. Innis, Wycliffe: The Morning Star, (New York: Eaton and Mains, 1907), 15.

3 David S. Schaaf, History of the Christian Church Vol. 4: The Middle Ages A.D. 1294-1517 (Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans, 1910), 325. Schaaf writes: “…members, such as Gerson and D’Ailly, we might have expected tolerant treatment, formally condemned his memory and ordered his bones exhumed from their resting-plane and ‘cast at a distance from the sepulcher of the church.’ The Holy Synod, so ran the decree, ‘declares said John Wycliffe to have been a notorious heretic, and excommunicates him and condemns his memory as one who died an obstinate heretic.’ In 1429, at the summons of Martin IV., the decree was carried out by Flemmyng, bishop of Lincoln.”

4 “Wycliffe and Scholasticism,” Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes, Volume 2: The End of the Middle Ages, 1907-21.

5 Martin Luther, Vol. 30: Lutherʹs Works, vol. 30 : The Catholic Epistles, Trans. J. J. Pelikan, H. C. Oswald & H. T. Lehmann, Ed. In Lutherʹs Works 1 Jn 4:11. (Saint Louis: Concordia Publishing House , 1999, c1967). “This, I fear, will happen to our monks, even to those who appear to be the saintliest. For we see that their sects are only sects of perdition, because they want to propitiate God by means of their vows and their sanctity. The works of Christ and Christ Himself are superior by far to our works, in which we have lived at least 40 years and have accomplished nothing. John wants this one and only article, namely, that God sent His only-begotten Son into the world and that we live through Christ alone, committed to us. This article Satan tries to take away from us. In this article the monks have erred; and if they have not repented, they have been damned, as Wycliffe has said. I am surprised that he saw this in his time.”

6 Innis, 130.

7 The four mendicant orders included: Franciscans, Minorites, or Gray Friars…named after Francis of Assisi. Augustines…named for St. Augustine. Dominicans, or Black Friars…Thomas Aquinas was there most famous member. Carmelites, or White Friars…reformed by Teresa of Avila.

8 James Strong & John McClintock, “Mendicant Order” in the Cyclopedia Of Biblical, Theological And Ecclesiastical Literature.

9 Martin Luther, Vol. 54: Lutherʹs Works, Vol. 54 : Table Talk Trans. J. J. Pelikan, H. C. Oswald & H. T. Lehmann, Ed. in Lutherʹs Works Vol. 54, Page 110. (Philadelphia: Fortress Press. 1999, c1967).

10 Christian History Magazine, Vol II, No. 2, Issue 3, 1983. 24.

11 Schaaf, 325.

TOPICS: Evangelical Christian; History; Mainline Protestant
KEYWORDS: churchhistory; history; johnwycliff; reformation
History of the Reformation-How Christ restored the gospel to his church (Part 1)

The History of the Reformation…The Goose That Became a Swan…John Huss (Part 2)

1 posted on 12/01/2005 4:20:10 AM PST by HarleyD
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To: drstevej; OrthodoxPresbyterian; CCWoody; Wrigley; Gamecock; Jean Chauvin; jboot; AZhardliner; ...

For history sake.

2 posted on 12/01/2005 4:22:32 AM PST by HarleyD ("Command what you will and give what you command." - Augustine's Prayer)
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To: HarleyD

Thanks for posting these, Harley. Now I need to find time to actually read them. ;-)

3 posted on 12/01/2005 5:06:44 AM PST by jboot (Faith is not a work)
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To: HarleyD
He hated them not because of their vow of poverty but rather because of the shameless way and manner they extorted money and deluded the weak and uneducated.

I think that Wycliff would have a few things to say about some of our present day Protestant churches and evangelists.

4 posted on 12/01/2005 5:20:01 AM PST by Between the Lines (Be careful how you live your life, it may be the only gospel anyone reads.)
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To: HarleyD
May as well look at some reality here, after reading the fiction of the day:

Sentence condemning various articles of John Wyclif

We learn from the writings and deeds of the holy fathers that the catholic faith without which (as the Apostle says) it is impossible to please God , has often been attacked by false followers of the same faith, or rather by perverse assailants, and by those who, desirous of the world's glory, are led on by proud curiosity to know more than they should; and that it has been defended against such persons by the church's faithful spiritual knights armed with the shield of faith. Indeed these kinds of wars were prefigured in the physical wars of the Israelite people against idolatrous nations. Therefore in these spiritual wars the holy catholic church, illuminated in the truth of faith by the rays of light from above and remaining ever spotless through the Lord's providence and with the help of the patronage of the saints, has triumphed most gloriously over the darkness of error as over profligate enemies. In our times, however, that old and jealous foe has stirred up new conflicts so that the approved ones of this age may be made manifest. Their leader and prince was that pseudo-Christian John Wyclif. He stubbornly asserted and taught many articles against the Christian religion and the Catholic faith while he was alive. We have decided that forty-five of the articles should be set out on this page as follows.

  1. The material substance of bread, and similarly the material substance of wine, remain in the sacrament of the altar.
  2. The accidents of bread do not remain without their subject in the said sacrament.
  3. Christ is not identically and really present in the said sacrament in his own bodily persona.
  4. If a bishop or a priest is in mortal sin, he does not ordain or confect or consecrate or baptise.
  5. That Christ instituted the mass has no basis in the gospel.
  6. God ought to obey the devil.
  7. If a person is duly contrite, all exterior confession is superfluous and useless for him.
  8. If a pope is foreknown as damned and is evil, and is therefore a limb of the devil, he does not have authority over the faithful given to him by anyone, except perhaps by the emperor.
  9. Nobody should be considered as pope after Urban VI. Rather, people should live like the Greeks, under their own laws.
  10. It is against sacred scripture for ecclesiastics to have possessions.
  11. No prelate should excommunicate anyone unless he first knows that the person has been excommunicated by God; he who does so thereby becomes a heretic and an excommunicated person.
  12. A prelate excommunicating a cleric who has appealed to the king or the king's council is thereby a traitor to the king and the kingdom.
  13. Those who stop preaching or hearing the word of God on account of an excommunication issued by men are themselves excommunicated and will be regarded as traitors of Christ on the day of judgment.
  14. It is lawful for any deacon or priest to preach the word of God without authorisation from the apostolic see or from a catholic bishop.
  15. Nobody is a civil lord or a prelate or a bishop while he is in mortal sin.
  16. Secular lords can confiscate temporal goods from the church at their discretion when those who possess them are sinning habitually, that is to say sinning from habit and not just in particular acts.
  17. The people can correct sinful lords at their discretion.
  18. Tithes are purely alms, and parishioners can withhold them at will on account of their prelates' sins.
  19. Special prayers applied by prelates or religious to a particular person avail him or her no more than general prayers, if other things are equal.
  20. Whoever gives alms to friars is thereby excommunicated.
  21. Whoever enters any religious order whatsoever, whether it be of the possessioners or the mendicants, makes himself less apt and suitable for the observance of God's commands.
  22. Saints who have founded religious orders have sinned in so doing.
  23. Members of religious orders are not members of the Christian religion.
  24. Friars are bound to obtain their food by manual work and not by begging. [22]
  25. All are simoniacs who bind themselves to pray for people who help them in temporal matters.
  26. The prayer of someone foreknown as damned profits nobody.
  27. All things happen from absolute necessity.
  28. Confirming the young, ordaining clerics and consecrating places have been reserved to the pope and bishops because of their greed for temporal gain and honour.
  29. Universities, places of study, colleges, degrees and academic exercises in these institutions were introduced by a vain pagan spirit and benefit the church as little as does the devil.
  30. Excommunication by a pope or any prelate is not to be feared since it is a censure of antichrist.
  31. Those who found religious houses sin, and those who enter them belong to the devil.
  32. It is against Christ's command to enrich the clergy.
  33. Pope Silvester and the emperor Constantine erred in endowing the church.
  34. All the members of mendicant orders are heretics, and those who give them alms are excommunicated.
  35. Those who enter a religious or other order thereby become incapable of observing God's commands, and consequently of reaching the kingdom of heaven, unless they leave them.
  36. The pope with all his clerics who have property are heretics, for the very reason that they have property; and so are all who abet them, namely all secular lords and other laity.
  37. The Roman church is Satan's synagogue; and the pope is not the immediate and proximate vicar of Christ and the apostles.
  38. The decretal letters are apocryphal and seduce people from Christ's faith, and clerics who study them are fools.
  39. The emperor and secular lords were seduced by the devil to endow the church with temporal goods.
  40. The election of a pope by the cardinals was introduced by the devil.
  41. It is not necessary for salvation to believe that the Roman church is supreme among the other churches. [23]
  42. It is ridiculous to believe in the indulgences of popes and bishops.
  43. Oaths taken to confirm civil commerce and contracts between people are unlawful.
  44. Augustine, Benedict and Bernard are damned, unless they repented of having owned property and of having founded and entered religious orders; and thus they are all heretics from the pope down to the lowest religious.
  45. All religious orders alike were introduced by the devil.

Condemnation of Wyclif's books

This same John Wyclif wrote books called by him Dialogus and Trialogus and many other treatises, works and pamphlets in which he included and taught the above and many other damnable articles. He issued the books for public reading, in order to publish his perverse doctrine, and from them have followed many scandals, losses and dangers to souls in various regions, especially in the kingdoms of England and Bohemia. Masters and doctors of the universities and houses of study at Oxford and Prague, opposing with God's strength these articles and books, later refuted the above articles in scholastic form. They were condemned, moreover, by the most reverend fathers who were then the archbishops and bishops of Canterbury, York and Prague, legates of the apostolic see in the kingdoms of England and of Bohemia. The said archbishop of Prague, commissary of the apostolic see in this matter, also judicially decreed that the books of the same John Wyclif were to be burnt and he forbade the reading of those that survived.

After these things had again been brought to the notice of the apostolic see and a general council, the Roman pontiff condemned the said books, treatises and pamphlets at the lately held council of Rome [24], ordering them to be publicly burnt and strictly forbidding anyone called a Christian to dare to read, expound, hold or make any use of any one or more of the said books, volumes, treatises and pamphlets, or even to cite them publicly or privately, except in order to refute them. In order that this dangerous and most foul doctrine might be eliminated from the church's midst, he ordered, by his apostolic authority and under pain of ecclesiastical censure, that all such books, treatises, volumes and pamphlets should be diligently sought out by the local ordinaries and should then be publicly burnt; and he added that if necessary those who do not obey should be proceeded against as if they were promoters of heresy.

This sacred synod has had the aforesaid forty-five articles examined and frequently considered by many most reverend fathers, cardinals of the Roman church, bishops, abbots, masters of theology, doctors in both laws and many notable persons. After the articles had been examined it was found, as indeed is the case, that some of them, indeed many, were and are notoriously heretical and have already been condemned by holy fathers, others are not catholic but erroneous, others scandalous and blasphemous, some offensive to the ears of the devout and some rash and seditious. It was also found that his books contain many other similar articles and introduce into God's church teaching that is unsound and hostile to faith and morals. This holy synod, therefore, in the name of our lord Jesus Christ, in ratifying and approving the sentences of the aforesaid archbishops and of the council of Rome, repudiates and condemns for ever, by this decree, the aforesaid articles and each one of them in particular, and the books of John Wyclif called by him Dialogus and Trialogus, and the same author's other books, volumes, treatises and pamphlets (no matter what name these may go under, and for which purpose this description is to be regarded as an adequate listing of them). It forbids the reading, teaching, expounding and citing of the said books or of any one of them in particular, unless it is for the purpose of refuting them. It forbids each and every Catholic henceforth, under pain of anathema, to preach, teach or affirm in public the said articles or any one of them in particular, or to teach, approve or hold the said books, or to refer to them in any way, unless this is done, as has been said, for the purpose of refuting them. It orders, moreover, that the aforesaid books, treatises, volumes and pamphlets are to be burnt in public, in accordance with the decree of the synod of Rome, as stated above. This holy synod orders local ordinaries to attend with vigilance to the execution and due observance of these things, insofar as each one is responsible, in accordance with the law and canonical sanctions.

Condemnation of 260 other articles of Wyclif [25]

When the doctors and masters of the university of Oxford examined the aforesaid written works, they found 260 articles in addition to the 45 articles that have been mentioned. Some of them coincide in meaning with the 45 articles, even if not in the forms of words used. Some of them, as has been said, were and are heretical, some seditious, some erroneous, others rash, some scandalous, others unsound, and almost all of them contrary to good morals and the catholic truth. They were therefore condemned by the said university in correct and scholastic form. This most holy synod, therefore, after deliberating as mentioned above, repudiates and condemns the said articles and each one of them in particular; and it forbids, commands and decrees in the same way as for the other 45 articles. We order the contents of these 260 articles to be included below [26].

The council pronounces John Wyclif a heretic, condemns his memory and orders his bones to be exhumed

Furthermore, a process was begun, on the authority or by decree of the Roman council, and at the command of the church and of the apostolic see, after a due interval of time, for the condemnation of the said Wyclif and his memory. Invitations and proclamations were issued summoning those who wished to defend him and his memory, if any still existed. However, nobody appeared who was willing to defend him or his memory. Witnesses were examined by commissaries appointed by the reigning lord pope John and by this sacred council, regarding the said Wyclif's final impenitence and obstinacy. Legal proof was thus provided, in accordance with all due observances, as the order of law demands in a matter of this kind, regarding his impenitence and final obstinacy. This was proved by clear indications from legitimate witnesses. This holy synod, therefore, at the instance of the procurator-fiscal and since a decree was issued to the effect that sentence should be heard on this day, declares, defines and decrees that the said John Wyclif was a notorious and obstinate heretic who died in heresy, and it anathematises him and condemns his memory. It decrees and orders that his body and bones are to be exhumed, if they can be identified among the corpses of the faithful, and to be scattered far from a burial place of the church, in accordance with canonical and lawful sanctions.

-- Council of Constance, Session 8, 4 May 1415

So the man was a heretic and, as a consequence of his actions, millions of people have been misled to their possible damnation. A great Christian hero, indeed!

5 posted on 12/01/2005 5:29:23 AM PST by markomalley (Vivat Iesus!)
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To: Between the Lines
I think that Wycliff would have a few things to say about some of our present day Protestant churches and evangelists.

Amen. I would like to post the history of the Protestant churches and the befuddled mess we have and why we have it.

6 posted on 12/01/2005 6:02:56 AM PST by HarleyD ("Command what you will and give what you command." - Augustine's Prayer)
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To: markomalley

Thanks for posting this. I was looking for the charges against John Huss but haven't been able to locate them. I'd appreciate you posting them on the Huss post if you have them handy.

7 posted on 12/01/2005 6:11:04 AM PST by HarleyD ("Command what you will and give what you command." - Augustine's Prayer)
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To: HarleyD
I would like to post the history of the Protestant churches and the befuddled mess we have and why we have it.

Sola scriptura?

You see, the problem was they were also granted the right by the pope to hear confession and to offer absolution.7 Now guess what that led to? It led to sins being absolved for money.


They were very content to absolve a man of his sins and to give them a paper of absolution if the money was right and it was that aspect that made Wycliffe crazy.

Have any of these "papers of absolution" survived? Any corroboration by contemporary accounts?

This isn't "history," Harley. It's a sermon and a polemic, but it isn't "history".

Let's pray.

8 posted on 12/01/2005 6:25:54 AM PST by Campion ("I am so tired of you, liberal church in America" -- Mother Angelica, 1993)
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To: markomalley
Tithes are purely alms, and parishioners can withhold them at will on account of their prelates' sins.

I don't think the "morning star of the Reformation" would approve of Jimmy Swaggart, do you?

9 posted on 12/01/2005 6:29:10 AM PST by Campion ("I am so tired of you, liberal church in America" -- Mother Angelica, 1993)
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To: Campion
Somehow I don't think he'd approve of very much. On the other hand, please refresh my memory: Why, exactly, would I care what a heretic thinks about anything?
10 posted on 12/01/2005 6:32:28 AM PST by markomalley (Vivat Iesus!)
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To: markomalley
To refute them. :-)

Also, just because someone is a heretic on one point of the faith, it doesn't always follow that he isn't orthodox on some other point, and that his arguments in defense of that point aren't useful. Ditto for his devotions.

11 posted on 12/01/2005 6:43:28 AM PST by Campion ("I am so tired of you, liberal church in America" -- Mother Angelica, 1993)
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To: HarleyD

Ah well, it is said that Satan can diguise himself as an angel of light, how apropos.

12 posted on 12/01/2005 6:53:49 AM PST by TradicalRC (Searching Free Republic with lantern aloft for an answer...)
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To: TradicalRC

His crafts and powers are great and armed with cruel hate.....

13 posted on 12/01/2005 7:23:17 AM PST by bonfire (dwindler)
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To: HarleyD
Thanks, Harley, for posting these righteous threads. God's will prevails.

"This Bible is for the government of the people, by the people and for the people." -- John Wycliffe
Amazing that most of us don't know the most famous line in Lincoln's Gettysburg Address was actually swiped from John Wycliffe.


"...the restoration of the church is the work of God, and no more depends on the hopes and opinions of men, than the resurrection of the dead, or any other miracle of that description. Here, therefore, we are not to wait for facility of action, either from the will of men, or the temper of the times, but must rush forward through the midst of despair. It is the will of our Master that his gospel be preached. Let us obey his command, and follow whithersoever he calls. What the success will be it is not ours to inquire. Our only duty is to wish for what is best, and beseech it of the Lord in prayer; to strive with all zeal, solicitude, and diligence, to bring about the desired result, and, at the same time, to submit with patience to whatever that result may be." -- John Calvin

14 posted on 12/01/2005 9:33:51 AM PST by Dr. Eckleburg ('Deserves' got nothing to do with it.)
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To: HarleyD

"Christian men and women, old and young, should study well in the New Testament, for it is of full authority, and open to understanding by simple men, as to the points that are most needful to salvation. Each part of Scripture, both open and dark, teaches meekness and charity; and therefore he that keeps meekness and charity has the true understanding and perfection of all Scripture. Therefore, no simple man of wit should be afraid to study in the text of Scripture. And no cleric should be proud of the true understanding of Scripture, because understanding of Scripture without charity that keeps God's commandments, makes a man deeper damned... and pride and covetousness of clerics is the cause of [the Church's] blindness and heresy, and deprives them of the true understanding of Scripture." -- John Wycliffe (1384)

First they burned Wycliffe's English Bible, then after he had been dead for 40 years, they dug up Wycliffe's body and burned his bones.

15 posted on 12/01/2005 10:01:45 AM PST by Dr. Eckleburg ('Deserves' got nothing to do with it.)
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To: HarleyD; Dr. Eckleburg; Between the Lines
Thank you for posting these sermons Harley, they are an interesting contrast to the current scene.

Today's pope might consider that Wycliffe was on the same journey as him and that Wycliffe surely possessed the necessary "spark" to reach communion with Christ - after all, Wycliffe was really, really sincere in his search for the transcendent.

16 posted on 12/01/2005 11:07:55 AM PST by suzyjaruki ("What do you seek?")
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To: HarleyD
Thanks again.

Knox got substituted for Wycliffe for a few lines starting at The reason Knox’s writings against the mendicant monks drew Knox to the King’s

17 posted on 12/01/2005 6:26:46 PM PST by Dahlseide (TULIP)
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To: HarleyD
Thank you for theses posts.  The religious forum has sorely needed some fairness and balance.  I hope there will be more such posts.
18 posted on 12/01/2005 9:39:10 PM PST by Celtman (It's never right to do wrong to do right.)
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