This issue first. I thought we were united against Islam.
Secondly, I am not Catholic, Latin or Orthodox.
If you are a Christian, just a humble servant of Him, you would be united with all other such believers from whatever background or ethic origin. In fact, if we are dead to ourselves and alive in Him, there is no longer a you or me...there is really only a Him.
I think being united against Islam is very important. To me, it gives scandal when a leader of any Christian church praises Islam or even treats it on the same level with Christianity.
Islam is a dangerous, violent and repressive cult, and Christians cannot ignore this or gloss over it in the desire to be "nice," PC, or ecumenical. It's too dangerous.
"This issue first. I thought we were united against Islam"
I trust we are. That's not what I was talking about.
"Secondly, I am not Catholic, Latin or Orthodox."
I wouldn't have expected someone from outside to have spoken about a Latin Cardinal that way.
"If you are a Christian, just a humble servant of Him, you would be united with all other such believers from whatever background or ethic origin."
At a certain level, I suppose so, certainly ethnicity or background would have nothing to do with it, but the Fathers teach us that we are to separate ourselves from heretics. I am not saying you are a heretic...I wouldn't know, but the Arians certainly were and they too claimed to be Christians and perhaps they and the Nestorians and others really were. But we were not united to them and with reason.