thanks for quoting Verses from the Quran, I was very much pleased to read them. all these verses from the Bible sound good too. I only have one little q-n: which version of the Bible did u quote? as far as I know there is not one and the only but at least 4 versions of the book which I'm aware of. I'm sure there r much more which I don't know abt. now reflect on this: how can there more than one version of Word of God from one and the same Prophet? another q-n: how do u know what was written in the original, the very 1st one and most truthful Bible that was sent to Jesus- Isa (sas) by God? the Aramaic language in which he spoke has been dead for centuries. the most known first versions of the book were translations from Aramaic to ancient Hebrew and Greek if I remember right. there r several books from Mathew, Paul,Luke,John, Peter and other apostles, I don't even remember all the names and their exact spelling in English. these books from Apostles differ on some things. I wonder why? there were several books in circulation until the Coucil in the 4th A.D. chose a few ones and said they were the ones to be used and the others were to be destroyed. r u aware that Catholic Bible has 7 (SEVEN) more books than Protestant Bible? the q-n is why? how could real God's word be so different in the same religion? instead of wasting ur time and studying Quran with the purpose to find facts of violence and contradictions in it, why don't u study all Christian bibles, Catholic, Protestant, Russian Orthodox, King James Bible and another tens of Bibles, to see how many contradictions and facts of violence r there. Then try to decide which one is the most "truthful" and original one. u or any other Christians on the planet will NEVER be able to do that even in a million years because the original Bible was lost. all of u would be trying to prove that urs is the most correct one. now compare that with the Holy Quran:there has been one and only Quran for the past 1400 years. not a word was added to it, taken off or distorted in any other way. Arabic is still an alive language spoken by millions of people and Arabs and non-Arabs who learnt the language understand what is written in the Quran even though modern Arabic may be slighly different. if ur religion is so truthful as u say, can u tell me who was Isa (sas)? some Christians tell me Jesus was God, others say Son of God, others say he was the Prophet, and others just mumble smth unclear. if he was God, how could he be crucified by mere human beings? how could he send himself to Hell to spend some time there? how could God bear himself? while he was in Hell, who was managing and ruling and controlling the whole Universe? if he was Son of God, why did God send him to Hell? why couldn't God forgive people's sins withour sacrificing His son? what abt this trinity concept? what the heck does mean? God and his son and holy spirit? there is only One God , Allah in Arabic and he didn't bear nor was he born. this trinity was invented by Byzantine Council whose previous religion contained dualism. so they couldn't put up with only one Almighty God. now listen to what the Quran says abt Isa: he was God's Prophet and he only preached what Allah told me to preach and he never called himself God. he was not crucified because Allah (God) lifted him to Heaven and made people see as if he was crucified. all these Prophets- Abraham, Moses, JOhn, Solomon, David, Ismael, Isaak, Isa and Mohammad (peace be upon them all) were God's Prophets and a few of them brought the true message from God that was later distorted.
enough abt that, hope or ur peers here will be able to answer my q-s, at least some of them.
quote "Christians have not always been perfect in following the injuctions of Christ, but the nearer they come to perfect following, blessings will invariably flow for all people. Conversely, when the teachings of Mohammed are followed to the letter, the fruits are blood, sorrow, deceit and misery--even for those who are not infidels". the more I read postings from u all, the more q-s I have. r Christians getting any nearer injuctions of Christ? what do most Christians do except for Sunday trips to church and celebrating Christmas? by the way, again westerns celebrate it on December 25 and Russins on 7th of January. Christmas has become just a commercial holiday, do u not think so?
the non-perfect and "blood-thirsty" Muslims who try to follow the teachings of Mohammad at least to some extent, donated millions of dollars to US New Orleans. Qatar, a tiny country contributed $500mln., Bahrain-1mln., Muslims from Russia collected millions of dollars, I don't recall the exact number. if Muslims r so bad and hate and kill Christians, why do they donate money to them?
now u reflect on all I said and get back to me with ur answers.