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VISIONS OF COMING CALAMITIES [A well respected source]

Posted on 08/08/2005 5:06:47 AM PDT by Quix

Visions of Coming Calamities

Roxanne Brant

God has given me two visions in the past eight years that have changed my life and ministry. In these two visions, He has shown me events to come that will affect the lives of every man, woman and child in this nation, … as well as throughout the world.

Jesus said to me, “..My people need to be informed and prepared for the difficult times ahead,…I want My people to not only be informed, but to seriously and diligently devote themselves to the building up their faith and to seeking My guidance in every detail of their lives,… Some of the things which I have shown you have already come to pass, and it has taken some time for even these things to occur.

In the same manner, the rest of the vision will come to pass, but it will take time for it to occur. I will bring all of the things which I have shown you to pass in THIS generation. … By My Spirit, I have shown you things to come that My people might be prepared. I want My people to be one step ahead of everything that will occur. …

Tell My people that I will provide protection in danger, food in famine and faith in persecution. I will be true to My words and My Covenant with them. I will keep them in the coming difficult times and My hand shall be upon them in special ways, but they must do their part to seek Me and to cooperate with My Spirit by diligently nourishing themselves with My Word, building up their faith and seeking My guidance in every detail of their lives.”

The first vision came in Oct. '72, giving 14 months for 4 judgments. This has been fulfilled. The second vision came in Sept. '73, regarding which Roxanne says in My Vision:

“…About two weeks prior to the vision, God, moving in a very miraculous and powerful way, had commanded me to buy several acres of land in northern Florida. I went ahead and bought the land, but because I was so amazed at the strength and power behind His command, I asked Him, ‘Lord, why is that land so important to You? Why would You make us move from beautiful Naples up to the northern part of Florida?” He answered me more fully and powerfully than I could have anticipated--in a vision form.

Late one afternoon in early September I was relaxing after a hard day’s work, thinking about business details, when the Holy Spirit came upon me and opened my eyes to see what was to come in these next few years. First, I saw a very clear picture of Florida. The southern two-thirds of the state was baked dry in the sun and in a state of severe drought.

But I saw clouds filled with rain move down and gently drop their moisture over the northeast corner of Florida, exactly in the location where I had bought the land. Then, I sensed that something awesome was about to happen to the southern half of Florida, and as I shifted my gaze southward, the most eerie and incredible thing I have ever witnessed then occurred.

The ocean, like a giant monster rose silently and calmly and began to move across the land. It moved miles inland, flooding everything in its path. Later when it moved back, the drought continued and the sun baked the ocean salt into the land. I knew the area where I bought land in northern Florida would be protected and watered by God, and certain areas where God led other Christians to buy land and farm would also be protected. But most of the country and world would be under the supernatural siege of God with ever increasing and worsening droughts, flooding, earthquakes, storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, pestilence, etc.

I knew that because of these natural judgments of God that many crops would fail and millions of people in different places of the United States and the world would be starving. It is not a pretty picture and is therefore very difficult for me to talk about, but I saw millions of people starving and trying to find edible roots and grasses to eat. I saw presidents of corporations reduced to nothing except their homes and the food in their cupboards. One man was trying to warm watery soup for his family on a fire in his backyard.

It seemed to me that many houses were very dark and cold which would signify that somehow there was a shortage of electricity and heat. Money was not much more valuable than paper. The only things worth having were land, food, seed, wood for fuel, a home that was not mortgaged, farming tools and machinery, and certain everyday products which were no longer available. Many people simply left their jobs and tried to grow enough food to live on.

Many of our largest and most trusted corporations went bankrupt. Many valuable machines were setting idle because they lacked the one necessary part to fix them. Many people who were living beyond their means and who had mortgages on their homes were turned out into the streets. Insolvable problems presented themselves in every area, in politics, as well as economics and weather.

There were so many quick changes, that by the time we had heard of one change, another change had already occurred. The church became heavily taxed and many of its activities were curbed by the government. Much persecution broke out against Christians who preached the gospel and witnessed. But in the midst of all these calamities, the (true) church of Jesus Christ waxed valiant and became stronger than ever…millions were swept into the kingdom.

So, in short, it would be good to begin to set our houses in order and prepare ourselves inwardly for His coming, and outwardly for the events that are coming. None of these will come upon us suddenly, but we can see the beginnings of everything I have mentioned already. These problems will just increase and cause some people to begin to seek God, for they will realize there is no other answer…

Whatever you do, DON’T RUN AHEAD OF GOD! Just use this as an incentive to spend more time with Him, praying and reading your Bible, and waiting upon Him so that HE CAN SPEAK TO YOU…

Norm & Kathleen Rasmussen - Summer of 2000

I have had but two visions in my lifetime. The first came to me in 1958, when a vision of God took me from a little town in Pennsylvania to New York City to work with teen gangs and drug addicts. That was not a false vision. [The beginning of Teen Challenge, insertion mine]. Now, years later, its reality is shown by the youth centers spread all around the world. Gangs and addicts have not only been converted, but many are even preaching the gospel as ministers and missionaries.

A second vision came to me this summer (1973). It is a vision of five tragic calamities coming upon the earth. I saw no blinding lights, I heard no audible voices, nor did I hear from an angel. While I was in prayer late one night, these visions of world calamities came over me with such impact that I could do nothing but kneel, transfixed, and take it all in.

At first I did not want to believe what I saw and heard. The message of the vision was too frightening, too apocalyptic, too discomforting to my materialist mind. But the vision came back to me, night after night. I couldn’t shake it off. Deep in my heart I am convinced that this vision is from God, that it is true, and that it will come to pass.

Who wants to listen to a message of economic confusion in a time of great affluence? Who wants to be told judgment is coming when so many can’t even cope with life as it is? Who will ever believe that the religious freedom we now enjoy will soon be threatened and that a Jesus revolution will turn into a Jesus revulsion movement?

Parts of this vision will come to pass in the very near future. Some of the events are more distant. But I believe all the events mentioned will happen in this generation!

Chapter 1 then begins addressing the first of the “five calamities.” For sake of space, I’m only going to share certain key sentences to give you a “taste” of this book. The first sentence of Chapter 1 starts out with:

There is worldwide economic confusion just ahead. In my vision, this is the clearest thing I have seen. Not only is the American dollar headed for deep trouble, but so are all other world currencies. It is not really a depression I see coming – but a recession of such magnitude that it will affect the lifestyle of nearly every wage earner in America and around the world. Countries that now control huge amounts of Western currency are going to be in very deep trouble also. Arab countries will especially be hurt. The world’s greatest economists will be at a loss to explain the confusion, and an international crisis of fear will develop.

I believe we are going to witness the bankruptcies of some of this nation’s major and most popular corporations. I see tremendous difficulty arising for credit corporations. There are going to be many people unable to pay off their heavy obligations to major credit card companies, causing near-chaos. Thousands of small businesses will also be forced into bankruptcies. Three, and possibly four of the major religious denominations will be forced to operate with a skeleton organization due to a lack of funds. More than a few churches are going to go bankrupt and a number of independent missionary societies and church organizations are going to have to pull back. All but a few of the radio and television ministries will have to be abandoned. Tight money will trigger a wave of uncertainty and fear. Those who have money will hold it in reserve.

The United States government is going to “overreact” to the confused economical developments. I see a flurry of near-panic decisions being made by various government agencies – but these hasty efforts to shore up the economy will backfire. Almost every economic indicator will be gloomy. It will be spotty at first, but will eventually affect nearly all industry.

It is not a time to go into debt. It is a time to prepare, a time to get clear and out from under heavy financial burdens.

Gold prices are soaring, but those who are investing in this commodity, hoping to find security, are in for a tragic surprise. The price of gold is going to rise astronomically, but it will not be sustained over a long period of time. Silver will also become a very precious metal, and its price will go wild. But neither silver nor gold will offer real security. The fluctuation and uncertain value of gold and silver will be a part of the total picture of economic confusion that grips the world.

Believe it or not – even gold will not hold its value. Gold hoarders are going to get hurt – badly. This is one of the most significant predictions in this book.

There will develop a call for revamping all world monetary systems into one uniform system. And even though the dollar will appear to be gaining strength just before the coming major recession, a new crisis will develop that will shake the entire financial world. . . .

Some kind of a world credit system will develop and nations will be able to utilize blocks of credit. Although a universal money system may be far off in the future, a world credit system between nations will soon develop, setting the framework for the future world monetary and trade system.

Be prepared to hear of world trade agreements “policed” by an international governing committee. Strict guidelines for international trade will develop and a “world market” will be closely monitored by big power interests.

To put it plainly – we will soon witness the development of a world trade policy, supervised by a super secretary invested with unprecedented powers by all nations involved in international trade.

I seem to see a picture of a partial and almost complete recovery from the coming recession – but the world economy will continue in confusion until the time of the Antichrist. From this day on, there will hang over the entire world a sense of fear and uncertainty about future economic conditions. Never again in the history of the world will there be a time of complete confidence and trust in world economies.

Elane Durham's Death-and-Back Vision of Coming Calamities and Triumph

The following account is taken from Elane's book, "I Stand All Amazed: Love and Healing from Higher Realms." Elane was clinically dead for an hour and was being prepped for the morgue when she came back from the dead. Meanwhile she was given a tour of heaven as well as a vision of what could happen on this planet given our current course.

A Changed North America

As the angel pointed in front of me a wide view of land and water opened up, so that at first I thought I was seeing two countries. Instantly it was made known to me that I was looking at a vastly changed portion of North America, which was completely divided by a large body of water, and which had lost a large part of both eastern and western shorelines. As I saw this I was given a total understanding of the natural and man-made disasters that would need to occur to make these changes, and I was informed that these might or might not come to pass according to our choices as a people -- according to my choices as an individual.

Great Destruction

In this scenario icebergs and polar icecaps were melting. Earthquakes had occurred and there had been hurricanes and fierce storms -- the whole country had been ravaged by these things. I could also see massive fires burning here and there -- not so much the flames as the smoke that was ascending toward me -- as huge areas of the country seemed to be burning or burned. There were also explosions in some areas, sort of like sheet lightning in a dark sky, that were doing great damage.

Where Washington and Oregon had been there were mostly islands, the water coming inland over most of California and Arizona and parts of Utah and Nevada. Yet there were also islands there, massive ones, so it wasn't like it was all ocean....

On the East Coast I saw that much of the eastern seaboard was gone, though the water did not come so far inland as it did on the West Coast. I was also aware that the southern half of Florida was under water.

I don't remember seeing anything like Central America or South America, for water surrounded what I was seeing, and I didn't really focus on what was beyond that water. Yet at the same time, I had the understanding that the waters had risen around the entire earth, and that everything had changed to one degree or another.

Two Separate Countries

The area of water in the middle of . . . the United States was massive, and was widest or most extensive in the north. There were no Great Lakes as I had known them, for all of them had come together into this huge sea that extended northeastward into the ocean. The inland sea also extended southward, filling most of the Mississippi an Missouri River valleys and widening by many, many miles the Mississippi River where it flows into what we know as the Gulf of Mexico. This sea was so vast that I knew it could not be bridged, and so in essence the United States had become as two separate countries.

[Quix: I do believe rather strongly that this prediction will essentially come true. I basically believe the whole gist of these prophecies or I would not have posted them. But I've long believed the Great Lakes thing from my own impressions as well.]

A New Seat of Power

I was also aware that the seat of power, or patriotism, had moved away from Washington, D.C. There was so much turmoil and warfare on the eastern side of this body of water that no authority really existed there. I understood then that in the scenario I was being shown our country had come to the very edge of destruction -- to the brink of losing everything, because myself and hosts of others like me had chosen to seek worldly things rather than loving or serving others.

[Quix: This is in keeping with Dimitru Duduman's prophetic dreams and visions]

Additionally, we had refused to care for our precious natural resources. Because of our greed and selfishness our national government had lost most of its power, and could no longer completely govern or control. National laws were ignored, and there was no true nationwide governmental infrastructure left. What government there was seemed to be territorial, sort of like large tribes or groups of people who had banded together.

And I saw that because of the ramifications of these day-to-day choices the people, especially on the eastern side of this new body of water, lived in great danger and fear. There was tremendous anarchy and crime -- sort of like the Los Angeles riots spread nationwide. And the normal citizens kept themselves hidden away from all this, barricading themselves into their homes or wherever they had gathered together for security. Many children didn't go to school; commerce as we know it had pretty much ceased; many people were starving to death; there was terrible violence from people who seemed like roving gangs -- it was just an awful scene of confusion and turmoil.

Yet in this scenario there was less of that turmoil on the western portion of our country. There was even a certain amount of prosperity, and it was there that I could see the new seat of power, if that is what it could be called. This area, or city or whatever, while on the eastern edge or shore line of the western portion of land, was located in almost the exact center of the combination of both halves of the country. Later when I looked at a map of the United States, I realized that it would have been very near present-day Kansas City.

From this location I could see power radiating outward, almost like light flowing out to strengthen and stabilize other areas. This power was what I called patriotism or strong moral character or spirituality -- a true spiritual force that was the only real governing power over the whole land. This is why I called that area the seat of power.

But I must state this power was totally spiritual -- a true power of spirit such as the angel beside me was exhibiting, or that I had felt emanating from Christ while I had been in His presence.

The Native Americans

I also sensed that some of the Indians -- the Native Americans -- were partially responsible for the peacefulness that was on the western side of this water. Some of these Native American peoples had a knowledge of how to live from the land, or how to be in harmony with it so it would bring forth in abundance according to their needs. They were teaching this spiritual knowledge to the people around them, and all the people were starting to learn to live in harmony with each other. At the same time they were beginning again to prosper by becoming harmonious with nature, or the natural elements upon which they depended.

TOPICS: Charismatic Christian; Current Events; Evangelical Christian; General Discusssion; Ministry/Outreach; Moral Issues; Prayer; Religion & Culture; Religion & Politics; Religion & Science; Theology; Worship
KEYWORDS: comingcalamities; fasting; fearnot; fixongod; hispeace; hisprotection; hisprovision; persevere; prayer; preparation; propheticwarning; quixianity; standstrong; walknfaith
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To: verity

Ahhhhh, so



your personal experience of Holy Spirit have not included such

then it can't be true.


Please excuse my . . . sadness.

21 posted on 08/08/2005 8:51:35 AM PDT by Quix (GOD'S LOVE IS INCREDIBLE . . . BUT MUST BE RECEIVED TO . . .)
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To: Quix

You are indeed sad. ;-)

22 posted on 08/08/2005 8:56:49 AM PDT by verity (Big Dick Durbin is still a POS)
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To: verity

It's God's assessment I'm most concerned about.


23 posted on 08/08/2005 9:05:31 AM PDT by Quix (GOD'S LOVE IS INCREDIBLE . . . BUT MUST BE RECEIVED TO . . .)
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To: Quix
It is not a time to go into debt.
Proverbs 22:7 -- The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is slave to the lender.
24 posted on 08/08/2005 11:43:45 AM PDT by eastsider
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To: Quix
The Native Americans I also sensed that some of the Indians -- the Native Americans -- were partially responsible for the peacefulness that was on the western side of this water. Some of these Native American peoples had a knowledge of how to live from the land, or how to be in harmony with it so it would bring forth in abundance according to their needs. They were teaching this spiritual knowledge to the people around them, and all the people were starting to learn to live in harmony with each other. At the same time they were beginning again to prosper by becoming harmonious with nature, or the natural elements upon which they depended.

So, this means they can worship the false god, "great Spirit" and be at peace?

25 posted on 08/08/2005 12:41:24 PM PDT by aimhigh
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To: verity

I believe in visions, dreams and prophecy. God always warns his people before He moves, especially in judgement. He warns us so we can pray and also to be prepared.

26 posted on 08/08/2005 1:10:37 PM PDT by Marysecretary (Thank you, Lord, for FOUR MORE YEARS!!!)
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To: eastsider

I love Scriptural confirmation.

27 posted on 08/08/2005 4:09:29 PM PDT by Quix (GOD'S LOVE IS INCREDIBLE . . . BUT MUST BE RECEIVED TO . . .)
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To: aimhigh
So, this means they can worship the false god, "great Spirit" and be at peace?


Evidently you have not read ETERNITY IN THEIR HEARTS. It *could* help you consider that perhaps your constructions about GOD ALMIGHTY may be trying to package HIM in much too small a box.

And, I'm NOT talking about ANYTHING UNBIBLICAL.

28 posted on 08/08/2005 4:12:25 PM PDT by Quix (GOD'S LOVE IS INCREDIBLE . . . BUT MUST BE RECEIVED TO . . .)
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To: Marysecretary




29 posted on 08/08/2005 4:14:31 PM PDT by Quix (GOD'S LOVE IS INCREDIBLE . . . BUT MUST BE RECEIVED TO . . .)
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To: aimhigh

BTW, I'm willing to get you a copy of ETERNITY IN THEIR HEARTS

IF you will promise to read it.

It was written by the same author who wrote the incredibly vivid and allegorical of Christ true story of the African PEACE CHILD.

There aren't many orthodox Christian books written by anthropologists! LOL.

30 posted on 08/08/2005 4:16:08 PM PDT by Quix (GOD'S LOVE IS INCREDIBLE . . . BUT MUST BE RECEIVED TO . . .)
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To: eastsider

Good verse!

When people REALLY read the Bible there are more verses on finances than most people know.

This is just a tiny tip of the iceberg and the beginning of SOUND advice:

Proverbs 22:7 -- The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is slave to the lender.

Thanks for posting that. If I had more time, I'd post a slew of them.

31 posted on 08/08/2005 7:06:52 PM PDT by nmh (Intelligent people recognize Intelligent Design (God).)
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To: Quix

Thanks for the ping.

32 posted on 08/08/2005 10:02:09 PM PDT by rubofthebrush (Satan has useful idiots`)
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To: rubofthebrush



33 posted on 08/08/2005 10:18:28 PM PDT by Quix (GOD'S LOVE IS INCREDIBLE . . . BUT MUST BE RECEIVED TO . . .)
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To: Quix; Alamo-Girl; navygal

Genesis 1:14 Then God said, “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years; 15 and let them be for lights in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth”; and it was so. 16 Then God made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night. He made the stars also. 17 God set them in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth, 18 and to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good. 19 So the evening and the morning were the fourth day.

Revelation 12

1 Now a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a garland of twelve stars. 2 Then being with child, she cried out in labor and in pain to give birth.

3 And another sign appeared in heaven: behold, a great, fiery red dragon having seven heads and ten horns, and seven diadems on his heads. 4 His tail drew a third of the stars of heaven and threw them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman who was ready to give birth, to devour her Child as soon as it was born. 5 She bore a male Child who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron. And her Child was caught up to God and His throne. 6 Then the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God, that they should feed her there one thousand two hundred and sixty days.

7 And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought with the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought, 8 but they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer. 9 So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

10 Then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, "Now salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before our God day and night, has been cast down. 11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death. 12 Therefore rejoice, O heavens, and you who dwell in them! Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea! For the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, because he knows that he has a short time."

13 Now when the dragon saw that he had been cast to the earth, he persecuted the woman who gave birth to the male Child. 14 But the woman was given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness to her place, where she is nourished for a time and times and half a time, from the presence of the serpent. 15 So the serpent spewed water out of his mouth like a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away by the flood. 16 But the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened its mouth and swallowed up the flood which the dragon had spewed out of his mouth. 17 And the dragon was enraged with the woman, and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring, who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Yeshua HaMashiach.


Note the symbolism between Rev. 12 and these events that took place at the ‘birth’ of America.

The Secret Architecture of Our Nation’s Capital
David Ovason


These events happened a long time ago, and any horoscopes cast for the foundations have not survived. However, in those days it was commonplace to relate new enterprises to the skies, as though seeking the benediction of gods, and it would not be inappropriate to resurrect such charts. Had the two horoscopes for the foundation of the federal city and for its first building survived, they would probably have looked like the two opposite.

The first is the chart for the founding of the federal city, in April 1791, the second that for the founding of the White House, in October 1792.

The two figures will not reveal much to those unacquainted with astrology, but there is no need to be perplexed by them. My purpose in reproducing these charts is to show the remarkable correspondence between them – a correspondence which can be grasped even by the nonastrologer.

Let us consider the second chart first. In the arch of skies on the day the foundation stone for the White House was laid, there was a most interesting conjunction. Shortly before noon, the Moon had entered the same degree as the Dragon’s Head (a node of the Moon). Both planet and node were in 23 degrees of Virgo. This close relationship is shown in the top of the central panel of the figure to the right:

[chart is in book] means: Virgo in: Dragon’s Head 22.48, Moon 23.56

Now, incredible as it may appear, 23 degrees of Virgo was precisely the same as that occupied by Jupiter on the day the federal city foundation stone was laid.

This fact is recorded in the top of the central panel of the first figure:

[chart is in book] Means: Virgo in Jupiter 22.38 retrograde.

What the charts demonstrate is that a chart cast for 1791, and one for 1792, are related by a single degree, in Virgo. The chances of the correspondence being mere coincidence are so remote that we must assume that whoever was directing the planning of Washington, D.C., not only had a considerable knowledge of astrology, but had a vested interest in emphasizing the role of the sign Virgo.

Time and time again, as we study the Masonic involvement in the building of this city, through almost two centuries, we shall see emphasis placed on this sign Virgo. Time and time again, we shall see that a knowledge of the stars played an important part in every stage of the creative phases in the construction of the city. Indeed, as the story of Washington, D.C., unfolds, we will be forced to the conclusion that the 13 approximately straight lines of avenues which L’Enfant planned for the city were symbolic of the stripes of the national flag, laid out to receive the empress of the stars…

…By now, we should have few doubts that matters have been so arranged in Washington, D.C., that Virgo – or the Masonic equivalent of Virgo, the beautiful virgin – dominates the symbolism of the city. This Virgoan symbolism is not restricted merely to details of statuary: it permeates even the basic planning of Washington, D.C., itself, and reaches into the symbolism of obscure cartouches, light fittings and ceiling moldings. Strange as it may at first seem, the Virgoan symbolism of the stars is also expressed throughout the triangle. The L’Enfant triangle, with its three primal buildings at its corners, is almost the same as a right-angled triangle which may be traced in the skies, around the constellation Virgo.

To appreciate this stellar symbolism fully, we must look first of all at the nature of the triangle, set out in L’Enfant’s plan for Washington, D.C. Having done this, we must then relate it to a less obvious triangle, set in the stars around the constellation Virgo.

L’Enfant set down his triangle on the earth with great care. His Masonic Brothers who continued his work ensured that each of the three points of the figure was consecrated, and linked in a meaningful relationship with the stars. I will recapitulate:

• The White House cornerstone was laid at noon on October 13, 1792.
The Moon and the Dragon’s Head were in Virgo.
• The Capitol cornerstone was laid by George Washington on September 18, 1793.
At that time, the Sun, Mercury and the Dragon’s Head were in Virgo.
• The Washington Monument foundations stone was laid at noon on July 4, 1848.
The Moon and the Dragons’ Head were in Virgo.

Besides the obvious connection with Virgo, the one thing which these foundation charts have in common is that they each have the Dragon’s Head in that sign. The Dragon’s Head is the node marking the point where the path of the Moon intersects the path of the Sun. The term relates to an early phase of astrology when it was believed that the circuit of the Earth’s satellite was the invisible body of a stellar dragon.

In terms of the triangulation of the plan for Washington, D.C., this means that the corners of the L’Enfant triangle were symbolically fixed into the Earth when this beneficial point – the solar lunar meeting point – was in Virgo.

This same triangulation is reflected in the stars gathered within and around the constellation Virgo. One of the few modern Masons to write openly about the deeper secrets of astrology in the Craft was the Frenchman Brunet.

Among his many astute observations relating to esoteric astrology is that pertaining to the triad of stars surrounding the constellation Virgo. As Brunet points out, the constellation of Virgo is encased in a stellar triangle traced between the three first-magnitude stars, Regulus (alpha Leonis), Spica (alpha Virginis), and Arcturus (alpha Bootes).

While one should not confuse the tropical sign Virgo with the constellation pattern Virgo, the undeniable fact is that this triangle of stars seems to reflect the central triangle in the plan of Washington, D.C. The stars of the Virgoan Triangle correspond with the L’Enfant triad, as follows:

• Arcturus falls on the White House
• Regulus falls on the Capitol
• Spica falls on the Washington Monument


Now a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a garland of twelve stars.

Twelve men have had the moon under their feet, all of them Americans.


34 posted on 08/09/2005 1:06:20 PM PDT by Jeremiah Jr (T.O.E. = Unification = Echad!)
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To: Jeremiah Jr


Strongly agree. Thanks.

35 posted on 08/09/2005 2:50:19 PM PDT by Quix (GOD'S LOVE IS INCREDIBLE . . . BUT MUST BE RECEIVED TO . . .)
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To: aimhigh

There are Native Americans who are Christians. - Years ago we visited a Cherokee church in Oklahoma. They kindly took us to see a pow-wow, but they did not participate in the pow-wows themselves because they personally felt that they didn't need to go backward to practices that were used in a time when some, what they considered pagan practices, were used. And before someone chews me out for not being PC on Native American practices, some of my ancestors were Native American.

I'm not speculating as to the total perfection of all this prophecy. All I can say is humbly, I just do not know.

36 posted on 08/09/2005 3:17:36 PM PDT by Twinkie (Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.)
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To: Twinkie

Well and wisely stated, imho.


37 posted on 08/09/2005 4:15:54 PM PDT by Quix (GOD'S LOVE IS INCREDIBLE . . . BUT MUST BE RECEIVED TO . . .)
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To: Marysecretary
We have a mortgage but how can we get it paid up quickly when we can't afford to? I've retired, my husband has retired

Get unretired and pay it off.

38 posted on 08/09/2005 4:19:31 PM PDT by RightWhale (Withdraw from the 1967 UN Outer Space Treaty and open the Land Office)
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To: Jeremiah Jr

Wow, that was interesting!!

39 posted on 08/09/2005 5:05:46 PM PDT by navygal
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To: Jeremiah Jr

Thanks for the ping!

40 posted on 08/09/2005 7:14:38 PM PDT by Alamo-Girl
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