To: gamarob1
Where do they get the money to fly themselves all over the country?
10 posted on
08/05/2005 10:41:52 PM PDT by
(The amazing thing about communication is that it ever occurs at all!)
To: newberger
He's buddy-buddy with Al Gore. The Democrats are behind this fool.
11 posted on
08/05/2005 10:44:12 PM PDT by
("The French should stick to kisses, toast and fries.")
To: newberger
It has been alleged (with some documentation) on other FR threads that this group is actually funded by Al Gore in order to create a straw man, so that those who have rational Biblical opposition to the gay agenda can be perceived as being of the same ilk as Phelps.
The anti military stuff only lends credibility to the charge of Gore being behind them.
18 posted on
08/06/2005 7:50:50 AM PDT by
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