"Let no one be permitted to bring forward, or write or compose a different faith besides that defined by the holy Fathers who assembled with the Holy Spirit in the city of Nicaea. And whoever dares to compose a different faith, or present, or offer [one] to those wishing to turn to the knowledge of the truth let such, if they be bishops or belong to the clergy, be alien-bishops from the episcopate, and clerics from the clergy--and if they be laymen, let them be given over to anathema." Canon VII of the Third Ecumenical Synod
"I am drawn to this pluralist position because I think that it is only in this deep respect for the traditions of others that we can survive the conflicts of the twenty-first century."
This position might permit him to survive this century but it's being able to survive "The day of The Lord" that counts and somehow, I think his position falls short of the scriptural requirements.
When Regas hears words along the lines of "Away from me, I never knew you", will he understand, albeit too late?
It is okay for this man to be wrong but its abominable that he leads others astray.
This non Christian clergyman is a disgrace and an embarrassment to the Anglican Communion. The Church must split with the Apostates going their way and the Evangelicals and Anglo-Catholics going their ways as well.