"I was informed by CouncilofTrent that this was a Catholic thread and therefore I assumed my input was not welcomed."
Since when did any individual poster have the authority to speak for everyone else on the thread, or the forum as a whole for that matter?
If this is a "Free"Republic then you have as much right to contribute to any thread you want to as anyone else.
If you really don't want to be part of it, then my apologies for pinging you to it again.
Well said!
My reading of the scripture in question differs from that of the Pope. But I don't believe the Pope's proclamation on this subject is an infallible decree so I suspect there is room for disagreement even among Catholics.
IMO it is not unconfessed sin in your life that will bring destruction at the communion table, but an unworthy or cavalier attitude towards the sacrament. Indeed, I think that if you approach the sacrament with the attitude that you, yourself are "worthy", then you are likely to take a cavalier attitude to the table.
No human being has ever been "worthy" to partake of the blood of Christ. We are honored that God has provided us the opportunity in our unworthy state. That is the essence of God's grace.
Thank you for inviting me to stick around. But I will probably keep my posts to a minimum.