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Very simple guide to praying/learning the Rosary ^
| 07-30-04
| The Father, Son and Holy Spirit
Posted on 07/31/2004 6:30:40 AM PDT by AAABEST
TOPICS: Apologetics; Catholic; General Discusssion; Prayer; Religion & Culture; Theology; Worship
KEYWORDS: blessed; father; god; holyspirit; jesus; maria; mary; mother; pray; rosary; son; virgin
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The purpose of creating this was to make the Rosary as simple as possible. I referenced many of the existing "how-to" guides out there including The Knights of Columbus pocket version and a few online guides.
Some of the ways I think this guide is simpler than some other versions I've seen is that there are only seven steps, I haven't seen less than nine. I tried to make the graphic (which took quite a while in photoshop) clear. Also there are no steps "in between" any beads and there is no preference to go clockwise or counter clockwise because it's symetrical.
I would appreciate any feedback, especially if I've erred somewhere.
posted on
07/31/2004 6:30:42 AM PDT
To: ultima ratio; Land of the Irish; Canticle_of_Deborah; Fifthmark; Aestus Veritatis; dsc; ...
posted on
07/31/2004 6:32:05 AM PDT
(Lord have mercy on us)
posted on
07/31/2004 6:40:38 AM PDT
Great job. I really like that you put the Glory Be, the Fatima prayer and the Our Father on the bead itself for #6. It is confusing to explain that the Glory Be and the Fatima prayer go on the links between the last Hail Mary and the Our Father. Thank you for recognizing that fact.
posted on
07/31/2004 7:50:49 AM PDT
(Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just... Thomas Jefferson)
I was taught to say the Fatima prayer after every Gloria Patri. You've only got it after the last one?
posted on
07/31/2004 8:15:23 AM PDT
Oh, and how are those Luminous Mysteries catching on?
I haven't taken them up myself.
posted on
07/31/2004 8:16:17 AM PDT
Comment #7 Removed by Moderator
Comment #8 Removed by Moderator
To: sandyeggo
We also inserted a "St. Joseph, pray for us" after the Fatima Prayer, and I still do it to this day. If I'm praying the rosary audibly with a group (like before Mass) I have to stop myself. :)
LOL... you are so embarrasing. :-) {{sandyeggo}} A couple of Sundays ago, the dear lady behind me (who was a second grade teacher when I was at the parish grade school) was all mixed up when we were professing the Creed... she inadvertently recited the Apostle's Creed a couple times. It was a pleasure to hear that sort of "mistake" and to see her as well.
posted on
07/31/2004 8:27:42 AM PDT
(« O sublime humility! That the Lord... should humble Himself like this... »)
Comment #10 Removed by Moderator
To: dsc; sandyeggo
I was taught to say the Fatima prayer after every Gloria Patri. You've only got it after the last one? Fatima is after every decade on after Glory Be in #6. Does it not come across that way? If not maybe I need to change something.
Sandy I think GSS's tag line was Saint Francis iirc.
posted on
07/31/2004 9:16:43 AM PDT
(Lord have mercy on us)
To: sandyeggo
LOL - let's talk about embarrassing.
LOL! We have to laugh if we want to be like saints; they had a healthy sense of humor. You have a very keen eye sandyeggo... Saint Francis.
Francis had a great love for the Eucharist... In his Letter to the Entire Order of 1224 he wrote:
O Sublime Humility
Let Everyone be struck with fear, the whole world tremble, and the heavens exult when Christ, the Son of the living God, is present on the altar in the hands of the priest! O wonderful loftiness and stupendous dignity! O sublime humility! O humble sublimity! The Lord of the universe, God and the Son of God, so humbles Himself that He hides Himself for our salvation under an ordinary piece of bread!
See the humility of God, brothers, and pour out your hearts before Him! Humble yourselves that you may be exalted by Him! Hold back nothing of yourselves for yourselves, that He Who gives Himself totally to you may receive you totally!
St. Francis of Assisi
My chores await. Catchya later! Pax et bonum!!
posted on
07/31/2004 9:29:01 AM PDT
(« O sublime humility! That the Lord... should humble Himself like this... »)
Comment #13 Removed by Moderator
Comment #14 Removed by Moderator
Praise God for those who desire to be closer to God. I am a former Catholic who has chosen to rely on what the Holy Spirit supernaturally preserved in Word of God. I pray the Holy Spirit will speak to you through His word.
Matt 6:7
7 And when you pray, do not use vain repetitions as the heathen do. For they think that they will be heard for their many words.
Matt 15:2-3
2 Why do thy disciples transgress the tradition of the elders? for they wash not their hands when they eat bread. 3 But he answered and said unto them, Why do ye also transgress the commandment of God by your tradition?
Gal 1:18-19
18 Then after three years I went up to Jerusalem to see Peter, and remained with him fifteen days.
19 But I saw none of the other apostles except James, the Lords brother.
Mary is mentioned once in the Book of Acts with "his" brethren, and is not mentioned in any of the epistles:
Acts 1:14
14 These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication, with the women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brethren.
If Mary had prominence during the Apostolic Church why is the Bible silent?
P.S. I have family and friends who are Catholic and are Born Again believers, which indicates to me salvation comes from knowing Jesus Christ as savior.
posted on
07/31/2004 9:48:08 AM PDT
(Alignment is critical!)
To: All; Hermann the Cherusker; nickcarraway; NYer; B-Chan; ultima ratio; AAABEST
posted on
07/31/2004 9:54:35 AM PDT
(†With God all things are possible.†)
To: bondserv
I am a former Catholic... I'm sorry to hear that. No wonder you have such an odd view of the Rosary and the Mother of God.
Thanks for "caring" enough to post your unsound theological musings.
posted on
07/31/2004 9:57:39 AM PDT
(Lord have mercy on us)
To: dsc
We never took up the Luminous Mysteries in our family here. Reasons why not come from the very design of the Rosary itself, described by St. Louis De Montfort in The Secret of the Rosary:
Sixth Rose: Mary's Psalter
"Ever since Saint Dominic established the devotion to the Holy Rosary up until the time when Blessed Alan de la Roche reestablished it in 1460 it has always been called the Psalter of Jesus and Mary. This is because it has the same number of Angelic Salutations as there are psalms in the Book of the Psalms of David. Since simple and uneducated people are not able to say the Psalms of David the Rosary is held to be just as fruitful for them as David's Psalter is for others.
But the Rosary can be considered to be even more valuable than the latter for three reasons:
Firstly, because the Angelic Psalter bears a nobler fruit, that of the Word Incarnate, whereas David's Psalter only prophesies His coming; Secondly, just as the real thing is more important than its prefiguration and the body is more than its shadow, in the same way the Psalter of Our Lady is greater than David's Psalter which did no more than prefigure it. And thirdly, because Our Lady's Psalter (or the Rosary made up of the Our Father and Hail Mary) is the direct work of the Most Blessed Trinity and was not made through a human instrument.
Our Lady's Psalter or Rosary is divided up into three parts of five decades each, for the following special reasons:
To honor the three Persons of the Most Blessed Trinity; To honor the life, death and glory of Jesus Christ; To imitate the Church Triumphant, to help the members of the Church Militant and the lessen the pains of the Church Suffering; To imitate the three groups into which the Psalms are divided: a) The first being for the purgative life, b) the second for the illuminative life, c) and the third for the unitive life; And, finally, to give us graces in abundance during our lifetime, peace at death, and glory in eternity."
posted on
07/31/2004 9:59:41 AM PDT
(Quicumque vult salvus esse, ante omnia opus est, ut teneat catholicam fidem)
To: bondserv
I am a former Catholic You conveniently omitted the word ignorant.
If Mary had prominence during the Apostolic Church why is the Bible silent?
It isn't. Read the Gospel of Luke regarding the Blessed Mother, for starters.
I'm sorry to hear that. No wonder you have such an odd view of the Rosary and the Mother of God.
Thanks for "caring" enough to post your unsound theological musings.
Thank you for your response. You may notice, if you feel like looking again, I am basing my understandings on the Word of God, not a theologian.
I am sorry that posting passages from scripture is considered evidence of "unsound" theology. I pray that you reconsider, and that Jesus places a desire for you to spend time in His word.
My understanding may be faulty, and I am open to correction.
Prov 15:10
10 Correction is grievous unto him that forsaketh the way: and he that hateth reproof shall die.
posted on
07/31/2004 10:27:02 AM PDT
(Alignment is critical!)
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