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I am going to give a short version of how I view the book of Revelation. First of all, it does not contain so much figurative images as it does explain them. Without this book, a proper story cannot be made of Old Testament prophecy. And without Jesus' words in the Olivet Discourse, the timeline in the Seal chronology cannot be tied to the seventieth 'seven' at all.

The book of Revelation is divided into parts, parallel accounts as it were. I am not the first to notice this. However, my analysis may vary from others in how I divide the book. For my purposes, not having a school of eschatology to defend, but just looking at the Bible for what it does say, I came realize a rule was in effect for differentiating parallel accounts: there has to be both a change of focus and a change of scene.

Because Revelation is written with overlapping parallel accounts, it cannot be read as a novel straight through. Doing that repeats several unique and specific events and confuses the sequence of any whole timeline approach. The manner of prophecy is like a limited view of each component in a complex movement. While it will be experienced in whole like listening to an orchestra: to foretell it is like to write a symphony section by section. Revelation is like reading the composition of a symphony by reading each written part -by part.

Discounting John’s narrative as a single account to order the events then sets each of the visions to be analyzed within their own context. Switching to the analogy of film, instead of looking at different major divisions as scene changes in a single movie; each parallel account -literally like another movie- films the future from a different vantage point in order to cover all the action occurring at different levels. Discerning the time each vision spans thus depends upon the evidence within each one. Historical time markers that are specific and unique, repeated specific and unique events and repeated time markers will allow for an assignment of time spans based on what the Bible has written.

The First parallel account has to do with the Churches. While each Church is physically present in the first century A.D., each Church's description includes a future promise in the Kingdom. Because of this aspect, chapers 2 and 3 can be viewed as being over 2000 years long and spanning the Church Age.

The Second parallel account is the Seal Chronology. While it starts with the description of the Heavenly Court, the focus changes as the Lamb opens the Seals (but not the scene). The first four Seals reveal the inception of the four horsemen and in Zechariah 6, you can see how these horsemen grow to be chariots of horses as they come out of Heaven and go forth to do their work in the world. This shows that the forces these horsemen represent grow over time. The Seal chronology starts in 4:1 and goes to the end of chapter 11. I maintain that the third woe is not expressed in this parallel account as John more than obeys the order to seal up what the seven thunders said and not write it down. I think the timeline for the Seals does not follow the seven years because of the pegging of the sixth Seal following the midweek point as per Jesus' Olivet Discourse in the Synoptic Gospel accounts. I allow that the Seal chronology make take a much longer time for it to be accomplished, and debating the nature of the first horseman, could have started as early as the nineteenth century with the industrial revolution.

The Third parallel account lies inserted in side the second almost as a sidebar issue. It goes from 11:1 to 11:13. Here the change of focus goes from the Seals to the Temple. There is also a change of scene to an earthly realm. John does not detail his measurements, but I would ask who is it that Ezekiel sees as the man in bronze who is measuring the Temple in Ezekiel 40:3 if not John. The Temple account is seven years long. The first half for the Gentiles, and the second for the two witnesses as God takes over. (We know the witnesses are in the second half, as they are killed by the beast of the Abyss loosed in the Fifth Seal.)

The Fourth parallel account focuses on Israel with a major scene change. It starts with the birth of our Savior and goes into the first half of the seventieth 'seven.' This encompasses verses 12:1-6 and takes about 2000 years.

The Fifth parallel account focuses on Satan with another scene change. Opening up Revelation 12:7 this event spans the next two verses; it describes a battle that allows us to give an approximate time to this event. Through the time of the flood, Satan was able to directly access God as told in Job. At Christ’s birth from the previous parallel account of the woman in Revelation 12:4, Satan is still in that heavenly realm. During Christ’s ministry Jesus describes a similar event to Revelation in Luke 10:18; both have Satan as the accuser displaced from access to Heaven. This happens sometime during Christ’s first advent when Jesus invades the domain of Satan, the strongman, and has power to bind him (and so cast out demons).

Coming to the close a similar event repeats and protection is afforded again for the woman for three and half years. This event chronicles protection for either half of the seventieth ‘seven,’ or this is a repetition of a specific and unique event from the account of the woman: protection afforded Israel by God from Satan. Finally, there is the first definition problem, as this parallel account ties up with the offspring of Israel. This account of the dragon spans a period of time from Jesus’ ministry with his first advent to some time in the seventieth ‘seven.’ This account ends with the opening of chapter 13:1 where the next character is introduced. The fifth parallel account lies directly over the fourth and likewise takes approximately 2000 years.

The Sixth parallel account from chapter 13 through chapter 16 focuses on the beasts emanating from the dragon. This parallel account spans the seven years of the seventieth 'seven.' This chronicles the offensive nature of the beasts and their destruction. This follows a major theme in the Bible, idolatrous worship as the most detestable practice and the consequence of God’s judgment for it. This account has a two-step fashion then, the first in chapter 13 covering the first half week enumerating the magnitude of the offence and a change of scene in chapter 14 which literally shows the consequences when God acts going to the end of 16 for the second half week. Within God’s active involvement on the earth, there is an elemental sequence. The scene change in chapter 14 shows God’s saving or harvesting of the earth. After that the scene changes to the pouring out of God’s wrath. This idea of saving and then destroying is the same as John the Baptist said of Christ gathering his wheat and burning the chaff. Jesus’ own parable of the weeds sown among the wheat follows the same course, the weeds are bundled, the wheat brought into the barn and then the weeds are burned (suggested as an action to be done since verb burn is expressed as an infinitive in the Greek: to be burned).

The Seventh parallel account details the end of the reign of the beast and reveals further information on a mystery. An angel from the bowls takes John aside and so changes the scene. The focus changes as well from detailing the unfolding of God’s plan to an explanation of the object of His wrath in threefold fashion, the Harlot, the Beast and Babylon. This provides detailed information that reveals some mysteries as is the nature of the book. This account runs through chapters 17 and 18; it literally describes the day and the hour of their destruction at the end of the seventieth ‘seven’ from the sixth parallel account.

Chapter 19 marks a scene change back to the heavenly throne and the focus changes as well to Jesus now as conqueror going out to battle. Here Revelation reverts to a storyline linear fashion backing up into the seventieth ‘seven’ to show how God is victorious and the conclusion of His plan of Salvation for the Christian. In sequential fashion, it moves into the time beyond the seventieth ‘seven’ and as some would say for the first time in prophecy mentions the Millennial Period (although this period is covered by the Prophets both major and minor).

145 posted on 05/20/2004 7:53:10 PM PDT by Teleosis
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To: Teleosis
Like wise, I do not have time to rebut your Masonic
"Disinformation" taught by our "Controlled"
theological institutions today. But I shall answer, this your"last" post.
To your first two paragraphs, I say, "Masonic Gobbledygook"
You keep "dodging' my requests. I asked you to go to your Local Synagogue, and you give me this "I have a Hebrew Bible" routine.Your Hebrew / Interlinear/English Bible is
"suspect", as this kind of routine was used to "qualify" the NKJV, as "equal" to the KJV, and "from the same source"
they said, even had "Mason" Jerry Falwell, endorse it as "the same". Guess what, they LIED !!!

Corruption of the original Bible manuscripts, and its influence , can be traced from the days of Origen, 200-250 AD, down through the committees responsible for the English Revised Version of 1881,(Wesctt/Hort) The American Standard Version of 1901, and all modern Bibles which depart from the Greek "Textus Receptus", N.Testament text.

As for your referring to "Masonic affiliated scholars", who try to discredit the only book in the English Language, that comes from the "correct" source , and is proven to be God's "Infallible Word",( as opposed to all other books in the English Language , that claim to be God's Word, it is the only one that does not "contradict itself" as in 2.Sam.21:19, and over 5000 other places, for the NIV )

As for your listing prior "Learned sholars" and their
"sholarly opinions", negating the KJV. I can come up with a List three times Longer than you can, I have "been down that road", and found it to be "full of error".
To point you in the right direction, I would start with
Dean Burgon, asd his "never refuted" argument on the KJV.
Next,you have,Dr. Fredrick Nolan, the Diatessaron by Tatian, J.Hill's article about Origon,(by McClintic & Strong ) Church History, vol2,p.791-Dr. Schaff; Apologia pro vita sua, Chapt.7,p.282-Dr.Newman; History of our English Bible,p.70-Dr. Ira M. Price;Introduction to Textual Criticism of N.T.,p.80-A.T. Robertson; The Canon and Text of the N.T.,p.345-Dr.Gregory; Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol4,p.86; Eccles History,Book 5,chapt.28-Eusebius; (Scribners)Vol.1,pp.434-435-Ante-Nicene Fathers; History of Dogma, Vol.1,p.128-Harnack; Three Religious Leaders of Oxford,pp.481-482-S.Parkes Cadman;
Princeton Review,Jan., 1854,pp.152-153; History of Christianity, Vol2, p.107; History of Christian Doctrine,p.19-G.P.Fisher; Texts and margins of the Revised N.T., p.45-Dr. G.Vance Smith; A History of the Revised Version, pp.36-37-Samuel Hemphill; The Traditional Text,p.163-Burgon & Miller; Introduction to Greek O.T.,p.86-Swete; Catholic and Protestant Bibles,p.4,6-Jacobus; Jerome against Helvidius; Defense of Translations of the Bible(1583),p.62-Faulke; Memoir of Life of Cartwright, p.276-Brook's; The Catholic Encyclopedia, article on Douay Bible; Revised Version, p.51-Cook; Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers(Christian Lit. Ed.),Vol.6,p.338; The Influence of the Bible,p.136-Von Dobschutz; Church History, Vol. 2,p.446-Hagenbach; History of the Reformation,Vol2,p.391-Kurtz;
This is just for "starters" , you can find many more if you care to look in "the Right direction", instead of believing the "misinformation" Scholars.

Now as to your comment about the NIV being "essentially the same" as the KJV, I need to "prove you wrong" again,
not so much to instruct you ,(as I think you are to
"indoctrinated" into Heresy, to be able to turn around, as you are obviously caught in the grip of the "Spirit of Error" as spoken of in scripture, however, I shall be praying for your salvation, what is Impossible with Man , is Possible with God ) but for clarification to all those reading your erroneous "assertions" and "Declarative Statements" both Linguistically and Doctrinally. So let us examine some scriptures in Luke, that you claim are
"essentially the same" in the False NIV, as the KJV.
Lk. 1:28, "Blessed art thou among Women" (taken out of NIV)

Lk.2:33 "Joseph" (is changed to Father, in NIV) Doing away with Christs Deity, and the Incarnation.

Lk.2:43 "Joseph and His Mother" (changed to Parents)again
a refutation of Christs Deity.

Lk. 4:4 "But by every Word of God" (taken out in NIV)

Lk. 4:8 "Get thee behind me SATAN" (taken out in NIV )

Lk. 6:48 "Founded Upon a Rock" ( changed to; is well built)

Lk. 9:54 " Even as Elijah did" ( taken out in NIV )

also look up, Lk.9:55-56, 11:2-4, 11:29, 17:36, 21:4, 22:20 and 31, and 64, 23:17,38,42,45, 24:3,6,12,40,49,51

Look at all these changes and omissions !!!
And you have the "nerve" to say that the NIV is
"essentially the same" as the KJV ? The NIV is a DIFFERENT BOOK Entirely !!! A "Different Gospel". No wonder you are "all messed up" reading it. Paul "rested" his whole doctrine on one letter, the letter "S" , the Seed of the woman,(1.Tim.3)in the singular.
Notice, you change one verb, and you change the whole Doctrine. What do you think happen to the Bible when you
make over 5000 changes in the New Testament alone, which
Hort admitted to ? You might as well take that book you read, and "chuck it out the window"

As to your other statements, on the book of Revelation, you have demonstrated that you are so far from the "truth" on this subject, that I am not going to even comment on it. (For those who are interested I do teach on this subject. Have your Pastor invite me to speak at your Church)
I have to ask you ,if have another relative, by the name
of, Sun Myung Moon? You are one confused Puppy !!!

Your last comment about "Prophets, major and minor" absolutely solidifies my opinion about your "Masonic"
Indoctrination. God's Prophets do not come in "majors or Minors" they come in "True or False". Majors and minors belong in the Army, Kindergarten, and Music.
Lastly, let me tell you the purpose of theologians.
They write commentaries, the commentary, is to tell us , that God did not mean what he said. See, as carnal Human
beings, we do not like what is in the Bible, because it tells Us things we don't like an d things we don't want to know, from cover to cover. That's why we have Theologians make it , so we like it Better !!!!!

End of discussion with teleosis

148 posted on 05/21/2004 8:59:38 AM PDT by Sorensen
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