To: ArrogantBustard
I would think that they're a step "upward" at this point; they've preserved the truth better than the West. Some of their practices/customs will never fly well in the US (such as those that have the genders sit separately in the Church), but that doesn't weaken their message.
58 posted on
03/17/2004 5:37:12 PM PST by
Tuco Ramirez
(Ideas have consequences.)
To: Tuco Ramirez
"I would think that they're a step "upward" at this point; they've preserved the truth better than the West. Some of their practices/customs will never fly well in the US, but that doesn't weaken their message."
It is not my intent to criticize them, just to say that I think a celibate priesthood is better than a married priesthood.
"(such as those that have the genders sit separately in the Church)"
Maybe later.
67 posted on
03/17/2004 5:57:53 PM PST by
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