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THE TRUE CHURCH ^ | 11/4/03 | J.C. Ryle

Posted on 11/03/2003 9:42:20 PM PST by RnMomof7


J.C. Ryle

I want you to belong to the one true Church: to the Church outside of which there is no salvation. I do not ask where you go on a Sunday; I only ask, "Do you belong to the one true Church?"

 Where is this one true Church? What is this one true Church like? What are the marks by which this one true Church may be known? You may well ask such questions. Give me your attention, and I will provide you with some answers.

 1. The one true Church IS COMPOSED OF ALL BELIEVERS IN THE LORD JESUS. It is made up of all God's elect - of all converted men and women - of all true Christians. In whomsoever we can discern the election of God the Father, the sprinkling of the blood of God the Son, the sanctifying work of God the Spirit, in that person we see a member of Christ's true Church.

 2. It is a Church OF WHICH ALL THE MEMBERS HAVE THE SAME MARKS. They are all born again of the Spirit; they all possess "repentance towards God, faith towards our Lord Jesus Christ," and holiness of life and conversation. They all hate sin, and they all love Christ. (They worship differently, and after various fashions; some worship with a form of prayer, and some with none; some worship kneeling, and some standing; but they all worship with one heart.) They are all led by one Spirit; they all build upon one foundation; they all draw their religion from one single book - that is the Bible. They are all joined to one great center - that is Jesus Christ. They all even now can say with one heart, "Hallelujah;" and they can all respond with one heart and voice, Amen and Amen.

 3. It is a Church WHICH IS DEPENDENT UPON NO MINISTERS UPON EARTH, however much it values those who preach the gospel to its members. The life of its members does not hang upon Church-membership, or baptism, or the Lord's Supper - although they highly value these things when they are to be had. But it has only one Great Head - one Shepherd, one chief Bishop - and that is Jesus Christ. He alone, By His Spirit, admits the members of this Church, though ministers may show the door. Till He opens the door no man on earth can open it - neither bishops, nor presbyters, nor convocations, nor synods. Once let a man repent and believe the gospel, and that moment he becomes a member of this Church. Like the penitent thief, he may have no opportunity of being baptized; but he has that which is far better than any water-baptism - the baptism of the Spirit. He may not be able to receive the bread and wine in the Lord's Supper;but he eats Christ's body and drinks Christ's blood by faith every day he lives, and no minister on earth can prevent him. He may be ex-communicated by ordained men, and cut off from the outward ordinances of the professing Church; but all the ordained men in the world cannot shut him out of the true Church.

 It is a Church whose existence does not depend on forms, ceremonies, cathedrals, churches, chapels, pulpits, fonts, vestments, organs, endowments, money, kings, governments, magistrates or any act of favor whatsoever from the hand of man. It has often lived on and continued when all these things have been taken from it. It has often been driven into the wilderness, or into dens and caves of the earth, by those who ought to have been its friends. Its existence depends on nothing but the presence of Christ and His Spirit; and they being ever with it, the Church cannot die.

 4. This is the Church TO WHICH THE SCRIPTURAL TITLES OF PRESENT HONOR AND PRIVILEGE, AND THE PROMISES OF FUTURE GLORY ESPECIALLY BELONG; this is the Body of Christ; this is the flock of Christ; this is the household of faith and the family of God; this is God's building, God's foundation, and the temple of the Holy Ghost. This is the Church of the first-born, whose names are written in heaven; this is the royal priesthood, the chosen generation, the peculiar people, the purchased possession, the habitation of God, the light of the world, the salt and the wheat of the earth; this is the "Holy Catholic Church" of the Apostles' Creed; this is the "One Catholic and Apostolic Church" of the Nicene Creed; this is that Church to which the Lord Jesus promises "the gates of hell shall not prevail against it," and to which He says, "I am with you always, even unto the end of the world"(Matt.16:18; 28:2).

 5. This is the only Church WHICH POSSESSES TRUE UNITY. Its members are entirely agreed on all the weightier matters of religion, for they are all taught by one Spirit. About God, and Christ, and the Spirit, and sin, and their own hearts, and faith, and repentance, and necessity of holiness, and the value of the Bible, and the importance of prayer, and the resurrection, and judgment to come - about all these points they are of one mind. Take three or four of them, strangers to one another, from the remotest corners of the earth; examine them separately on these points: you will find them all one judgment.

 6. This is the only Church WHICH POSSESSES TRUE SANCTITY. Its members are all holy. They are not merely holy by profession, holy in name, and holy in the judgment of charity; they are all holy in act, and deed, and reality, and life, and truth. They are all more or less conformed to the image of Jesus Christ. No unholy man belongs to this Church.

 7. This is the only Church WHICH IS TRULY CATHOLIC. It is not the Church of any one nation or people; its members are to be found in every part of the world where the gospel is received and believed. It is not confined within the limits of any one country, or pent up within the pale of any particular forms of outward government. In it there is no difference between Jew and Greek, black man and white, Episcopalian and Presbyterian - but faith in Christ is all. Its members will be gathered from north, and south, and east, and west, and will be of every name and tongue - but all one in Jesus Christ.

 8. This is the only Church WHICH IS TRULY APOSTOLIC. It is built on the foundation laid by the Apostles, and holds the doctrines which they preached. The two grand objects at which its members aim are apostolic faith and apostolic practice; and they consider the man who talks of following the Apostles without possessing these two things to be no better than sounding brass and tinkling cymbal.

 9. This is the only Church WHICH IS CERTAIN TO ENDURE UNTO THE END. Nothing can altogether overthrow and destroy it. Its members may be persecuted, oppressed, imprisoned, beaten, beheaded, burned; but the true Chruch is never altogether extinguished; it rises again from its afflictions; it lives on through fire and water. When crushed in one land it springs up in another. The Pharaohs, the Herods, the Neros, the Bloody Marys, have labored in vain to put down this Church; they slay their thousands, and then pass away and go to their own place. The true Church outlives them all, and sees them buried each in his turn. It is an anvil that has broken many a hammer in this world, and will break many a hammer still; it is a bush which is often burning, and yet it's not consumed.

 10. This is the only Church OF WHICH NO ONE MEMBER CAN PERISH. Once enrolled in the lists of this Church, sinners are safe for eternity; they are never cast away. The election of God the Father, the continual intercession of God the Son, the daily renewing and sanctifying power of God the Holy Ghost, surround and fence them in like a garden enclosed. Not one bone of Christ's mystical Body shall ever be broken; not one lamb of Christ's flock shall ever be plucked out of His hand.

 11. This is the Church WHICH DOES THE WORK OF CHRIST UPON EARTH. Its members are a little flock, and few in numbers, compared with the children of the world; one or two here, and two or three there - a few in this place and few in that. But these are they who shake the universe; these are they who change the fortunes of kingdoms by their prayers; these are they who are the active workers for spreading the knowledge of pure religion and undefiled; these are the life-blood of a country, the shield, the defence, the stay, and the support of any nation to which they belong.

 12. This is the Church WHICH SHALL BE TRULY GLORIOUS AT THE END. When all earthly glory is passsed away then shall this Church be presented without spot before God the Father's throne. Thrones, principalities, and powers upon earth shall come to nothing; dignities, and offices, and endowments shall all pass away; but the Church of the first-born shall shine as the stars at the last, and be presented with joy before the Father's throne, in the day of Christ's appearing. When the Lord's jewels are made up, and manifestation of the sons of God takes place, Episcopacy, and Presbyterianism, and Congregationalism will not be mentioned; one Church only will be named, and that is the Church of the elect.

 13. Reader, THIS IS THE TRUE CHURCH TO WHICH A MAN MUST BELONG, IF HE WOULD BE SAVED. Till you belong to this, you are nothing better than a lost soul. You may have the form, the husk, the skin, and the shell of religion, but you have not got the substance and the life. Yes, you may have countless outward privileges; you may enjoy great light, and knowledge - but if you do not belong to the Body of Christ, your light and knowledge and privileges will not save your soul. Alas, for the ignorance that prevails on this point! Men fancy if they join this church or that church, and become communicants, and go through certain forms, that all must be right in their souls. It is an utter delusion, it is a gross mistake. All were not Israel who were called Israel, and all are not members of Christ's Body who profess themselves Christian. TAKE NOTICE; you may be a staunch Episcopalian, or Presbyterian, or Independent, or Baptist, or Wesleyan, or Plymouth Brother - and yet not belong to the true Church. And if you do not, it will be better at last if you had never been born.

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TOPICS: Apologetics; General Discusssion; Moral Issues; Theology; Worship
KEYWORDS: truechurch
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To: Hermann the Cherusker
Latin is a perfect example of how "dead" languages used only in worship/religion do not stand still. Conscious forceful efforts even had to be made to retain theological terminology against changes in speech as well.

Pre-Vatican II, one of the justifications for using a dead language in the liturgy was that it remained fixed.

221 posted on 11/05/2003 6:14:33 AM PST by maryz
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To: jjm2111
I'm not the smartest person in the world, but I find it hard to believe that masturbation and pulling out are sins on the same level as say, rape. I do realize that "victimless sins" have consequences that can drive one further from God, but it just seems like comparing apples and Siberian pine trees on the part of the author.

On the one hand, it can be pointed out that any failure to obey God is a sin punishable by eternal death. So we must be cognizant of what is sinful and what is not. This list is made to help us examine our own consciences prior to asking God for forgiveness. So it's not necessarily equating the two, though Jesus Himself equated thinking about a woman sexually with the act of adultery.

On the other hand, perhaps when you "pulled out" during sex, God was intending to bless the world with a child, a child who would grow up strong and do great things for God's people. But you thwarted it by your actions.

Now tell me. Is that any better than a rape? Is it still acting in selfish violation of God's will?


222 posted on 11/05/2003 6:21:28 AM PST by SoothingDave
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To: maryz
Pre-Vatican II, one of the justifications for using a dead language in the liturgy was that it remained fixed.

Fixed in meaning, but not necessarily fixed in pronunciation. It's a slower evolution, but I'm sure that the common language of the day can start to effect pronunciation.


223 posted on 11/05/2003 6:23:02 AM PST by SoothingDave
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To: SoothingDave
It's a slower evolution, but I'm sure that the common language of the day can start to affect pronunciation.

Sounds change pretty slowly, especially in a literate environment, and consonants are a lot more stable than vowels. The classical Arabic of the Koran is considered by linguists to maintain early "purity," with respect to vowels, as opposed to the various Arabics spoken in the Arab countries, presumably because of a self-conscious effort to preserve the Koran.

224 posted on 11/05/2003 6:30:25 AM PST by maryz
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To: Blessed
You deny the ability of a spirit filled christian to interpret scripture but blindly do nothing to prune the corrupt theologians you rely on to interpret God's word for you.

No offense, but if you think any of us here are "relying" on the American bishops for anything other than comic relief and redemptive suffering, you are sadly mistaken.

The beauty of the Catholic Church is that we do not rest upon whoever is presently alive. Tradition is "the democracy of the dead" Chesterton said. This means that the "theolgians" we "rely" upon are long gone. And there is no evidence of their being "corrupt."

Today's bishops are mere dust in the wind, fodder for the floors of hell. I realize to a Protestant who insists on personal revelation of all knowledge the idea that we rely upon anyone for help is difficult. But it is not just these present bishops who lead us, it is the bishops and thinkers of the past two millennia, in concert.


225 posted on 11/05/2003 6:34:13 AM PST by SoothingDave
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To: RnMomof7
I am forever grateful That Christ bore ALL my sins and transgression and was the propitiation for my sin ! I praise Him for offering continual sacrifices for me and mediation for me before the Father

Huh? "Continual sacrifices?" I thought you thought that "it is finished"?


226 posted on 11/05/2003 6:37:16 AM PST by SoothingDave
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To: RnMomof7
It was not a doctrine of the church until 1215 when the doctrine of Transubstantiation promulgated by Pope Innocent III as official dogma of the church. (it had been debated since the second century)

Even then it was years before their was any way to defend it. Then in 1265 Thomas Aquinas developed an explanation for the Transubstantion doctrine.

What? In your fantasy world, the Church can "define" a doctrine without having an argument for it until 50 years later. You are quite simply in over your head.

It's like you believe that the Church said "you must believe in transubstantiation" and the people said "what does that mean?" and the Church said "we don't know, but Aquinis is working on it. We'll have a draft soon. but just shut up and believe it anyway."

You're quite literally hysterical.

So until the 1200's one could be a Catholic and not believe the doctrine.

Over and above your confusion about reality, you fail to understand that defining transubstantiation is not the same thing as believing in the Real Presence. One is a declaration, the other an explanation.

Using your logic, you would have us believe that nothing ever fell to the ground until Newton described how gravity worked.


227 posted on 11/05/2003 6:43:13 AM PST by SoothingDave
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To: maryz
Church Latin was mostly frozen grammatically, not in pronunciation.
228 posted on 11/05/2003 6:43:20 AM PST by Hermann the Cherusker
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To: maryz
Pre-Vatican II, one of the justifications for using a dead language in the liturgy was that it remained fixed.

Meaning fixed definition of words, not fixed pronunciation. Even there, as I noted, a conscious effort had to be made to forbid innovations in terminology. The dead language had to be "protected" from signs of life.

And even so, scribal errors and glosses crept in and were constantly in need of purging from the Liturgy.

229 posted on 11/05/2003 6:45:19 AM PST by Hermann the Cherusker
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To: jjm2111
>> I'm not the smartest person in the world, but I find it hard to believe that masturbation and pulling out are sins on the same level as say, rape.

They're not.

>>I do realize that "victimless sins" have consequences that can drive one further from God,

That's the only point of this list.
230 posted on 11/05/2003 6:47:26 AM PST by dangus
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To: Havoc
The point is that as a Catholic, it is not sinful for me to oppose the requirement for clergy to be celibate. On the other hand, if I represent myself as a Catholic and I knowingly contradict Catholic doctrine, I am guilty of apostasy.

Believe me, that's a big difference.
231 posted on 11/05/2003 6:52:32 AM PST by dangus
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To: Hermann the Cherusker; SoothingDave
Doesn't look different enough to me to make such a fuss over.

232 posted on 11/05/2003 7:11:41 AM PST by maryz
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To: SoothingDave
"On the other hand, perhaps when you "pulled out" during sex, God was intending to bless the world with a child, a child who would grow up strong and do great things for God's people. But you thwarted it by your actions.

Now tell me. Is that any better than a rape? Is it still acting in selfish violation of God's will?

It very well might be a selfish violation of God's will. But pulling out is in no way on the same plane as rape. Rape is violation of another human being. If sperm and egg does not meet then there is no child. Besides, if it were God's Will, wouldn't He cause you to screw up the timing?


233 posted on 11/05/2003 7:12:17 AM PST by jjm2111 (;))
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To: jjm2111
It very well might be a selfish violation of God's will. But pulling out is in no way on the same plane as rape. Rape is violation of another human being.

So hurting another human being is worse than denying God's will?

If sperm and egg does not meet then there is no child. Besides, if it were God's Will, wouldn't He cause you to screw up the timing?

Maybe on the island of Calvinistic automatons. Here on earth, we are given free will. If you truly believe what you just said, then you are incapable of sin, since God will just cause you to do exactly what He wants.


234 posted on 11/05/2003 7:15:14 AM PST by SoothingDave
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To: dangus
>>That's the only point of this list.

Well, in that respect, I do agree with the author.
235 posted on 11/05/2003 7:16:00 AM PST by jjm2111 (;))
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To: dangus
From my orthodox Jewish roommate, whose Tanakh had no vowels.

Yes, it has no vowels. But not for the reason you suggest. Your assertion that the purpose was to "make it impossible for anyone to read the Bible without a rabbi" is as false as the Protestant claim that the Catholic church only allowed Latin bibles to "make it impossible for anyone to read the Bible without a priest".

236 posted on 11/05/2003 7:17:29 AM PST by malakhi (Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.)
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To: SoothingDave
You're drawing the wrong guy into an agrument. I'll write you a FReepmail.
237 posted on 11/05/2003 7:18:00 AM PST by jjm2111 (;))
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To: skull stomper
Never claimed to be perfect. I'm a sinner like all the rest.

Yet still, you don't explain the logical inconsistencies of your belief system.
Yet still, you attack the RCC with false accusations.
Yet still, you put false words in my mouth.
Sounds like a "lack of charity and decorum" to me.

Were indulgences abused by members of the clergy? Absolutely.
Are indulgences sound doctrine and biblical? Absolutely.
The sins of Catholics do not negate the truth of Catholicism.

Seek the truth. Not all truth is in the Bible.
How do I know? The Bible tells me so.
238 posted on 11/05/2003 7:23:54 AM PST by polemikos (Salus Ex Catholicis Est)
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To: jjm2111
You're drawing the wrong guy into an agrument. I'll write you a FReepmail.

If you wish. My only point is that examining the conscience should involve all facets of sin, not just "major league" ones. Like I already said, Jesus equated mere lustful thoughts to adultery.

Pirating software is not the same as robbing a liquor store, but they are both violations of the commandment.


239 posted on 11/05/2003 7:24:14 AM PST by SoothingDave
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To: malakhi
That is what he taught me. And to him, this was virtuous, and I saw the sense in it.
240 posted on 11/05/2003 7:34:31 AM PST by dangus
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