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Scientists Vie To Break Junk DNA's Secret Code
The Telegraph (UK) ^
| Roger Highfield
Posted on 10/06/2003 4:34:06 PM PDT by blam
Scientists vie to break junk DNA's secret code
By Roger Highfield, Science Editor
(Filed: 06/10/2003)
Huge tracts of human DNA, previously written off as meaningless junk, have been found to contain a hitherto unrecognised "genetic grammar", making the language of our genes much more complex than previously thought.
The discovery is of potentially huge significance, since it could lead to an entirely new explanation for certain diseases and symptoms. A race is now on among teams of scientists worldwide to investigate this cryptic code.
While the genetic recipe of a human being is spelt out with three billion letters of DNA code, only about two per cent of these correspond to the genes - the DNA that describes the proteins that build and operate bodies.
In the latest issue of the journal Science, Prof Stylianos Antonarakis of the University of Geneva Medical School, Dr Ewen Kirkness of the Institute of Genomic Research, Maryland, and colleagues have reported compelling evidence that up to three per cent of our genetic material has a crucial role that is not understood.
They made the unexpected discovery that some DNA regions of humans, dogs and species as distant as elephant and wallaby are nearly identical. These regions of what were once called junk have been dubbed "conserved non-genic sequences", or CNGs, a reference to how they are not conventional genes.
Prof Antonarakis said: "I suspect that mutations in CNGs may contribute to numerous genetic disorders." Defects in CNGs could result in illness while the symptoms of Down's syndrome, caused by an extra copy of a chromosome, might be linked to the presence of additional CNGs.
"Many laboratories are now working on identifying pathogenic mutations," he said.
TOPICS: Heated Discussion
KEYWORDS: crevolist; geneticgrammar; godsgravesglyphs; helixmakemineadouble; junkdna
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To: VadeRetro
New age gods - godesses ... overlords --- inquisition - executioners !
Mafia ... drivebyes!
posted on
10/08/2003 10:53:20 AM PDT
(evolution vs intelligent design ... science3000 ... --- * architecture * !)
To: Boiler Plate; PatrickHenry; VadeRetro; Piltdown_Woman
I've even said science cannot use God as a causation because He cannot be tested for; we were making this point long before Aric2000 ever showed up. Now, I'm going to have to go back through the entire TUCvER resource looking for examples from prior years. Maybe I'll get some help and have something for you shortly.
posted on
10/08/2003 10:54:41 AM PDT
(Killed a six pack ... just to watch it die.)
To: balrog666
Main Entry: para·noid
Pronunciation: 'par-&-"noid
Variant(s): also para·noi·dal /"par-&-'noi-d&l/
Function: adjective
Date: 1904
1 : characterized by or resembling paranoia
2 : characterized by suspiciousness, persecutory trends, or megalomania
3 : extremely fearful
- paranoid noun
posted on
10/08/2003 10:57:32 AM PDT
(evolution vs intelligent design ... science3000 ... --- * architecture * !)
To: VadeRetro
Main Entry: meg·a·lo·ma·nia
Pronunciation: "me-g&-lO-'mA-nE-&, -ny&
Function: noun
Etymology: New Latin
Date: circa 1890
1 : a mania for great or grandiose performance
2 : a delusional mental disorder that is marked by infantile feelings of personal omnipotence and grandeur
- meg·a·lo·ma·ni·ac /-'mA-nE-"ak/ adjective or noun
- meg·a·lo·ma·ni·a·cal /-m&-'nI-&-k&l/ also meg·a·lo·man·ic /-'ma-nik/ adjective
- meg·a·lo·ma·ni·a·cal·ly /-m&-'nI-&-k(&-)lE/ adverb
posted on
10/08/2003 10:59:34 AM PDT
(evolution vs intelligent design ... science3000 ... --- * architecture * !)
To: f.Christian
New age gods - godesses ... overlords --- inquisition - executioners ! Seriously- is there a reason behind your posting style?
posted on
10/08/2003 11:00:38 AM PDT
("Oh, you all talk big but who here has the guts to stop me!" -Mr. Burns)
To: DittoJed2
JimRob can do whatever JimRob wishes. I have let him know my displeasure at being named as a "harasser" of Alamo Girl. Should he have said "Ogmios" instead?
He is free to ban or keep whomever he wishes.
Maintaining a minimal level of polite discourse means booting the adolescent disruptors when they act up. Just like in real life.
posted on
10/08/2003 11:04:02 AM PDT
(As long as people believe in absurdities, they will continue to commit atrocities.)
To: Modernman
Freaks of false nature - science ... evolution --- error and error !
Normal people are going to look weird to you !
posted on
10/08/2003 11:04:12 AM PDT
(evolution vs intelligent design ... science3000 ... --- * architecture * !)
To: VadeRetro
What does this shouting match between "y'all" have to do with this quote from the article that started this thread?:
""Many laboratories are now working on identifying pathogenic mutations,"
It is a rotten shame that not one piece can be posted on anything to do with DNA that isn't turned into a philosophical marathon; worse yet, the same cast of characters always seem to bloviate back and forth until the debate becomes a donnybrook.
posted on
10/08/2003 11:04:53 AM PDT
Old Professer
(Public Service message from the Smart-Ass Spelling Police)
To: f.Christian
Freaks of false nature - science ... evolution --- error and error ! Umm... okay. I wasn't looking to get insulted, but that seems to be par for the course. I was simply asking why you write the way you do, nothing more.
posted on
10/08/2003 11:07:04 AM PDT
("Oh, you all talk big but who here has the guts to stop me!" -Mr. Burns)
To: Junior; Alamo-Girl
Interesting that someone who was specifically warned against harrassing AG is now back accusing her of misusing scripure. I guess thow who profess to believe scripture are exempt from the admonition not to judge others, exempt from the requirement to forgive, exempt from any obligation to behave better than the heathen.
And I really like the veiled threat embodied in the reminder that we will all find out the truth someday. Nothing like holding the spider over the flames to learn it the truth.
posted on
10/08/2003 11:10:33 AM PDT
To: balrog666
Maintaining a minimal level of polite discourse means booting the adolescent disruptors when they act up. Just like in real life.
Coming from someone who called me a "lying sack of sh!t" and a "shameless hussy for Satan", I will take that to be a slam against yourself. I've never said anything as egregious as half of your statements, and yet I'm called out as a "harasser". Go figure.
posted on
10/08/2003 11:11:29 AM PDT
(Liberty must at all hazards be supported. We have a right to it,derived from our Maker- John Adams)
To: js1138
My statements stand.
posted on
10/08/2003 11:12:36 AM PDT
(Liberty must at all hazards be supported. We have a right to it,derived from our Maker- John Adams)
To: DittoJed2
Talk about a royalty ... church - state - science --- sacrosanct !
Main Entry: sac·ro·sanct
Pronunciation: 'sa-krO-"sa[ng](k)t
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin sacrosanctus, probably from sacro sanctus hallowed by a sacred rite
Date: 1601
1 : most sacred or holy : INVIOLABLE
2 : treated as if holy : immune from criticism or violation < politically sacrosanct programs >
posted on
10/08/2003 11:19:35 AM PDT
(evolution vs intelligent design ... science3000 ... --- * architecture * !)
To: f.Christian
Also, I wasn't harassing. I wasn't even posting to her. I was answering Vade Retro's specific comments. Whatever.
posted on
10/08/2003 11:21:44 AM PDT
(Liberty must at all hazards be supported. We have a right to it,derived from our Maker- John Adams)
To: DittoJed2
I'm not at all surprised, since your friends are on record at that other site, conspiring to get us banned. Oh wait, I didn't make the "A" list, so I shouldn't be complaining. But I do think folks who plot -- in public -- to get freepers banned, should not expect the warm hand of friendship.
posted on
10/08/2003 11:23:17 AM PDT
To: Junior; PatrickHenry; Piltdown_Woman; DittoJed2; f.Christian; gore3000
Save yourself the trouble if you have to go back that far. A2's post and Oggy's post were only a month apart. He was pulling out his shiny new toy every chance he got. The wording and phrasing is the same. So all that is left is for him to answer the question. Is Ogmios the same person formerly postin as Aric2000? Yes or no.
Boiler Plate
P.S. I don't think Vade wants to be part of this anymore.
To: DittoJed2
Evolution madness ... drifting gas - sand --- rages !
posted on
10/08/2003 11:25:42 AM PDT
(evolution vs intelligent design ... science3000 ... --- * architecture * !)
To: js1138
And flagging Alamo Girl was exactly trying to accomplish what? As far as I'm concerned, there are 4, maybe 5, troublemakers on these threads. They come on creationist threads with the usual insults and wreck threads and get them pulled. That's what happened with the threads that Vade spoke of. They (the evolutionist posters I am speaking of) can't post on a single thread without baits and insults. If this were my forum, they would be gone. Instead, I'll probably be gone because Alamo Girl will complain that I'm still harassing her. Thanks JS. You really show you care about the truth.
posted on
10/08/2003 11:26:05 AM PDT
(Liberty must at all hazards be supported. We have a right to it,derived from our Maker- John Adams)
To: DittoJed2
False retaliation manias ... some people are paranoid just because of the havoc they reek --- guilt !
posted on
10/08/2003 11:29:44 AM PDT
(evolution vs intelligent design ... science3000 ... --- * architecture * !)
To: f.Christian
Well, its because of these shenanigans that I didn't give in the Freepathon this year. I was planning to, but after I was singled out, I realized things have changed. It's been a fun 5 years. It's just not the same though.
posted on
10/08/2003 11:32:50 AM PDT
(Liberty must at all hazards be supported. We have a right to it,derived from our Maker- John Adams)
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