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John/Ken: Gay Bomb Next
Posted on 10/03/2003 6:58:27 PM PDT by Paul8148
I guess we have to wait to the nine o'clock deadline and keep up on drudge.
TOPICS: Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: gay; recall; schwarzenegger
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To: Paul8148
Actually, it's a movie -- Arnold and Drudge were making a gay musical about Hitler with a bathhouse scene that included a drive by appearance of a doped up Rush meeting his maid, while a high level White House staffer was having a clandestine meeting with a reporter........ Meantime bill and hill were plotting the demise of the pubbies with gray-out davis and clark-bar, while terry mcawful was screaming "look, look" Bill O'Reilly is really Ronald Reagan in disguise, you see he had plastic surgery and started a second career........ And Ann Coulter along with Laura Ingraham are signing autographs for all the bimbos who claimed to be groped by Arnold (-- hollywood bimbos are so clueless) .............
posted on
10/03/2003 8:36:59 PM PDT
To: Howlin
I'm guessing the word "overdo" is not in Davis' vocabulary. Correct...think James Cagney in "White Heat." ("Top o' the world, Ma!)
Next thing you know, ABC is going to break in with an interview with Mr. Ed That should be interesting, since, given the lifespan of horses, Mr. Ed has long since gone to that great paddock in the sky, where he gets whole corn and oasts with mollasses, along a apples and carrots, every day. (And presumably, if he was an Arabian, 72 fillies) :)
posted on
10/03/2003 8:38:57 PM PDT
El Gato
(Federal Judges can twist the Constitution into anything.. Or so they think.)
To: El Gato
To: harpo11
I thought this bombshell was going to be about G(r)ay. People on the inside have all sorts of stories about Davis being a little light in the loafers.
Right now he is spending most of his time living in West Hollywood. 'nuf said.
posted on
10/03/2003 8:42:47 PM PDT
(Not that there's anything wrong with that.)
To: Paul8148
Dude, I predict that the next sensational revelation will be that Arnold was one of the hijackers on one of the planes that flew into the World Trade Center towers! Read the Saturday Religion Secton of the New York Times!
To: F.J. Mitchell
"He also killed Cock Robin and shot Roger Rabbit and Liberty Valance."On top of that he kicks his dog just for fun.
To: Canticle_of_Deborah
I can't say.
posted on
10/03/2003 9:00:26 PM PDT
(California: Where government is pornography every day!)
To: Billthedrill
At some point the mud-slinging devolves into self-parody and more mud sticks to the slinger then to the slingee. I don't know what's going on with them. Do they think people don't see through the transparent nature of these attacks? Ever heard of the word "backlash"? How desperate must they be? It's pathetic - it's beyond pathetic to words I don't think are in the english language.
posted on
10/03/2003 9:12:19 PM PDT
(Free people will set the course of history)
To: rocklobster11
I just found two sites which cite an unauthorized biography that Arnold is friends with Horg Heider of Austria, who states that "Hitler had sensible policies", and Arnold was seen giving the Nazi salute as recent as 1996. If this is true and there are pictures, he's toast.
I don't think gay pictures will kill his campaign. Californians are pretty desensitized. It has to be outright racism or a criminal charge.
To: per loin
that hunting trip when they shot Bambi.Now that part's believable...Felix Salten, who wrote Bambi, was an Austrian, so Bambi must have lived in the Austrian woods.
By the way, the person who translated Bambi into English was none other than Whittaker Chambers.
To: El Gato
He was a quarter horse and a gelding, and his full sister was a champion race horse. He could only look at the fillies.
To: Yossarian
The trunk on that elephant seems a bit longer than usual -- umm, now I understand why some people said that after seeing the nude pix of Arnold, they were going to vote for him twice, if possible.
To: Moonmad27
Pachyderms rule.
posted on
10/03/2003 10:19:43 PM PDT
To: Paul8148
I gotta say this. Everyone knows I'm for McClintock, but I think these stories about Arnold are disgusting, unfair, ridiculous and downright HORRIBLE! Dirty rotten politics that smacks of that rat Gray Davis!!!
It makes me sick! It just muddies the waters even more.
I am sorry this is happening to Schwarzenegger. There's plenty of ammo regarding his positions or lack thereof. We don't need to resort to this trash.
posted on
10/03/2003 10:25:23 PM PDT
Saundra Duffy
(For victory & freedom!!!)
To: Canticle_of_Deborah
I see he was photographed with Haider in 1996. No salutes then.
posted on
10/03/2003 10:32:46 PM PDT
To: Howlin
You HAVE Moral Decay. You have John Edwards!
posted on
10/03/2003 10:33:43 PM PDT
To: All
The last minute mud-slinging is not to sway a few voters, as almost all political pundits keep telling us.
It is done to cover up vote fraud. The last minute dirty trick is to provide an excuse for why a candidate who is popular in the polls suddenly loses 5% or so of the vote. If you think about how many times this has been used, and in what elections, you will see I am right.
The only reason that we aren't regretting the damage to Bush's campaign with that DUI thing is that the democrats underestimated how popular Bush was.
They did this with Matt Fong, Bruce Herschenson, and Bill Simon. It is quite likely that all three were winners, but with the last minute bombshells no one thought to check the voting records.
Californians should be alert, as this will be the Rat practice run for 2004.
To: ambrose
I think this was one of the things from the Oui article from long ago. I seem to recall hearing that sort of thing, not that he necessarily had an encounter, but there was something. I didn't read the entire article, it was a bit too raw for my delicate ears! :-)
posted on
10/03/2003 10:37:33 PM PDT
(The left have blood on their hands.)
To: Paul8148
That'll clinch the SF every Survey USA poll I've read, his lowest support is among blacks and in the SF Bay area.
posted on
10/03/2003 10:39:54 PM PDT
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