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Court bans religious gifts to classmates
The Washington Times ^
| September 21, 2003
| Julia Duin
Posted on 09/21/2003 10:44:56 AM PDT by yonif
Edited on 07/12/2004 4:08:28 PM PDT by Jim Robinson.
Kindergartners and first-graders may not distribute to their classmates gifts that bear a religious message, according to a ruling by a federal appeals court.
The 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals recently ruled in favor of a New Jersey elementary school in forbidding a boy from giving out pencils with the message "Jesus loves the little children" with a heart symbol substituted for the word love.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Front Page News; Government; News/Current Events; US: New Jersey
KEYWORDS: 1stammendment; 3rdcircuit; aclu; alcuignoresthis; antichristian; ban; catholiclist; christianity; control; court; doublestandard; firstamendment; firstammendment; freedomfromreligion; freespeech; gifts; hypocrisy; jesus; kindergarten; power; purge; religion; religiousintolerance; rutherfordinstitute; school
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To: AppyPappy
What freedom have I demanded be curtailed?
AppyPappy wrote:
The freedom of speech, which is what this case represents.
BS... You're out of your gourd. Prove your point or shut up.
95 -tpaine-
"The kid wanted to hand out pencils. The government declared he couldn't because they disagreed with the content even though the content is not deemed offensive in normal speech."
Wrong.. The kids parents tried to have him hand out pencils with religious slogans, the content of which were deemed objectionable by some other parents.
The courts declared the kid couldn't because they are sworn to uphold both the public peace, and our constitutional laws.
Get a grip on your fervor.
posted on
09/21/2003 3:27:25 PM PDT
( I'm trying to be Mr Nice Guy, but politics keep getting in me way. ArnieRino for Governator)
To: tpaine
The kids parents tried to have him hand out pencils with religious slogans, the content of which were deemed objectionable by some other parents. if some parents object to the American flag, we should remove it. You are siding with the goosesteppers, tpaine.
posted on
09/21/2003 3:28:49 PM PDT
(If You're Not A Part Of The Solution, There's Good Money To Be Made In Prolonging The Problem.)
To: Mulder
Mulder wrote:
"What if 3 million students had the same response as Andrew Jackson did when faced with a Supreme Court ruling he didn't like?
What if 3 million students said "they have made their decision, now let them enforce it"?, and gave each other religious gifts."
What if? -- The millions of parents/students who objected could refuse to attend such schools or to pay taxes to support them.. -- And they would win their case in the USSC.
posted on
09/21/2003 3:34:03 PM PDT
( I'm trying to be Mr Nice Guy, but politics keep getting in me way. ArnieRino for Governator)
To: AppyPappy
Not at all pap. I side with our constitution.
-- You are the one kicking the bull high.
posted on
09/21/2003 3:36:25 PM PDT
( I'm trying to be Mr Nice Guy, but politics keep getting in me way. ArnieRino for Governator)
To: yonif
If this was at the kids church or home or off of campus or after school where they are picked up by car I could see it.
You can't have different faiths acting like Jehovah's witnesses in class trying to convert people even though it is well meaning.
Would they love to get Muslim pens while in school saying convert to Islam or else? Nope!
posted on
09/21/2003 3:41:46 PM PDT
A CA Guy
(God Bless America, God bless and keep safe our fighting men and women.)
To: tpaine
Could you please cite the Constitutional law that allows the prohibition of our God-given inalienable right of the free exercize of religion?
posted on
09/21/2003 3:43:56 PM PDT
To: INVAR; tpaine
Could you please cite the Constitutional law that allows the prohibition of our God-given inalienable right of the free exercize of religion? He could do no such thing. Paine finds whatever he pleases in the 14th Amendment to support his neo-federales view on America.
To: A CA Guy
Would they love to get Muslim pens while in school saying convert to Islam or else? Nope!Then they throw them in the trash if they are offended. Their is no right not to be offended and there is a right to freely exercise religion. Would you have the state check students backpacks for Christmas cards during the holidays?
What makes you think you have a god given right to promote your religion to my kid at a public grade school?
Get out of my kids face, and we'll get along fine..
posted on
09/21/2003 3:54:26 PM PDT
( I'm trying to be Mr Nice Guy, but politics keep getting in me way. ArnieRino for Governator)
To: jwalsh07
Prove your point, or shut up.
posted on
09/21/2003 3:56:20 PM PDT
( I'm trying to be Mr Nice Guy, but politics keep getting in me way. ArnieRino for Governator)
To: Thud
So what do you think?
To: tpaine
LOL. You're a central government clown Paine, a worshipper of the 14th Amendment, a neo-federales.
But perhaps if you say shut up enough it will magically change all that, eh? :-}
To: jwalsh07
You're a states rights clown, walsh, a worshipper of big brother, and an anti-constitutional advocate of junking our bill of rights.
--- A neo-statist.
posted on
09/21/2003 4:14:24 PM PDT
( I'm trying to be Mr Nice Guy, but politics keep getting in me way. ArnieRino for Governator)
To: tpaine
You're getting crazier as the years go by Paine.
Why don't you at least attempt to answer the mans question. Understandably, of course, because you don't have an answer. President Jefferson built Churches with public funds and filled them with Bibles.
And kids handing out Christian pencils or Christmas Cards somehow violate the 1st Amendment that Fisher Ames constructed.
You're getting whackier by the day.
To: tpaine
It's 'intolerent' for a parent to object to having others religions brought into a public school to influence his child? Are you daft? No, are you?
Apparently you have a reading comprehension problem. The report states that it was the schoolteachers and administrators that prevented the little boy from handing out his pencils when the other children were handing out their presents. Anyone who makes a fuss about a four-year-old handing his classmates little pencils with the inscription Jesus loves the little children is a nut! Daft! Not the sharpest tool in the shed! A few fries short of a Happy Meal! And so is the person who defends this sort of Orwellian mind control, and I do mean you!
My catholic mother would have been outraged if I would have been 'promoted' by protestants in kindergarden, -- and vice versa.
You also appear to have a writing problem. I have no idea what that sentence means. Promoted by Protestants? Does that mean that the school administrators at District 29 were Protestants and your mother was outraged that they promoted you? Was your mother a Catholic bigot who insisted on having her little boy promoted by Catholics? Im betting that your mother had more sense. Based on your ability to express yourself, I have a suspicion that you left District 29 as a result of social promotion.
posted on
09/21/2003 4:20:42 PM PDT
(I have not flattered its rank breath, nor bowed to its idolatries a patient knee.)
To: tpaine
What makes you think you have a god given right to promote your religion to my kid at a public grade school? Get out of my kids face, and we'll get along fine. It was the Founder's intention that's why. The precepts of Biblical Morality, Charity and Law were fundamental for both the establishment of this Republic, and it's survival.
The fact that we have degenerated to the point that religion is offensive, is a harbringer of this nation's impending doom. Our Founders warned us of this.
Our Founders were men of differing denominations, sects and scriptural holdings in regards to Scripture and Christianity - but they ALL agreed and came to gether on the foundation of both God's Law in scripture and the precepts of Christianity as necessary for liberty to survive.
NEVER would they have been offended at a Baptist child passing out "Jesus Loves You" flyers to a bunch of Methodists and Anglicans in the town school. It would have been a springboard of agreement and even a possible lesson to be taught had the teachers seen it. Is it truly harmful to me and mine if some kid passes out pencils that state "Allah is God"? Heck no! I can utilize that as an opportunity to teach my own kid.
If YOU are offended by Christian religious expression - that is your own problem, the majority of Americans adhere to one form of Christianity or another as has been our entire history since the Mayflower, so why do you seek to infringe on our free exercize?
At one time in this Republic, such devotion was a duty - as even George Washington DEMANDED all his troops attend religious services if not on duty. Likewise, our Founders considered it a DUTY for the people to be a religious and holy, moral people for our nation to survive:
"No human society has ever been able to maintain both order and freedom, both cohesiveness and liberty apart from the moral precepts of the Christian Religion applied and accepted by all classes. Should our Republic ever forget this fundamental precept of governance, men are certain to shed their responsibilities for licenteousness and this great experiment will then surely be doomed" - John Jay
posted on
09/21/2003 4:32:42 PM PDT
To: hosepipe
"America is deporting GOD, instead of illegal aliens... Can a nation long survive with that kind of logic....." Thank you for this astute observation. It should be pondered by our leaders and every churchman/person in the Nation. May God habe mercy..
To: yonif
So does this mean that they can't wish each other Merry Christmas or pass out Christmas cards to classmates. Are the other kids going to be allowed to harass the Catholic kids on Ash Wednesday because they have ash on their forehead at school showing that they are good Roman Catholics. No crosses on tie tacs, necklaces, coat lapels, what else?
Where does this attack from the ACLU stop? More importantly when is the rest of America going to get angry enough to shout: STOP IT! ACLU your days of tyranny are ended!
posted on
09/21/2003 4:45:51 PM PDT
(Duty, Honor, Country. What else needs to be said?)
To: middie
The Third Circuit is absolutely correct.
Only if perversion absolute. So condoms and alternative "sex" are absolutely wright and our moral heritage is absolutely wrong? See, I like absolute absolutionists who argue about relative values. They give me a good laugh every time.
To: tpaine
Boris Yeltsin ahead ... he blocked the road to the white house --- the liberals are evacuating wash dc !
posted on
09/21/2003 4:58:01 PM PDT
(evolution vs intelligent design ... science3000 ... --- * architecture * !)
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