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Hannity Show Contrasting Dems with Bush (Worley Song in Background)
Posted on 09/11/2003 2:17:42 PM PDT by NYC Republican
Hannity has been playing Darryl Worley song, "Have You Forgotten" while mixing in the Dems attacks on the President... It also intersperses Bush's comments, re: his war on terrorism.Awesome, in my view, of making the Dims look extremely small, childish, petty, mean, etc etc etc...
Even if you don't like Sean, you really have to appreciate the fact that someone is hitting back. The VP, Senate and House MLs sure aren't doing a thing...
Kudos to Sean.God bless the troops protecting our nation, and our hearts go out to the families that lost loved ones 2 years ago...
TOPICS: Editorial; Foreign Affairs; Government; Miscellaneous; Politics/Elections; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: 2ndanniversary; darrylworley; hannity; talkradio; tribute
To: NYC Republican
The liberals rhetoric on the war on terror continues to strengthen the enemy. Dean, Kerry, Clinton, etc etc. are true allies to every terrorist organization out there.
posted on
09/11/2003 2:24:06 PM PDT
(Harley riders against Elton John)
To: NYC Republican
...speaking of Darryl Worley. I saw him last weekend and he was great. He, of course, ended his show with "Have You Forgotten", but not before he took the time to tell how and why the song was written and his philosophy regarding the War on Terror and his strong support for the President and out troops. Suffice it to say that Darryl Worley would make a great Freeper.
posted on
09/11/2003 2:29:33 PM PDT
Comment #4 Removed by Moderator
To: NYC Republican
As Hugh Hewitt is fond of saying, Democrats can NEVER AGAIN be trusted with the National Security of the United States.
To: ElRushbo
The liberals rhetoric on the war on terror continues to strengthen the enemy.Their rhetoric could undermine the public's resolve to win this war. In my opinion that is not only unpatriotic but it borders on sedition. We've got troops in harms way and they're trying their damndest to undermine all public support for and confidence in this war. It's hard to say how much I despise these people.
posted on
09/11/2003 2:32:30 PM PDT
To: NYC Republican
Sean has been one of the few who has been taking on the democrats. It is a damn shame that no one else seems to take them on directly. I hope Sean continues with the drum beat.
To: upright_citizen
If you listen to the "liberal americans" (libs do not deserve the capital A) talking about the war, they are feeding fodder to the terrorists. Jane Fonda did this 40 years ago. Wake up pal.
posted on
09/11/2003 2:40:49 PM PDT
(Babes should wear Bullet Bras -
To: NYC Republican
I think the democrats expect plenty of terrorist money via so called harmless charities.
posted on
09/11/2003 2:41:02 PM PDT
To: ElRushbo
"The liberals rhetoric on the war on terror continues to strengthen the enemy."
You must understand that they are on the side of this country's enemies. May I suggest that you read What Makes America Great by Dinesh D'Sousa (sp). You will see just how complicit this bunch is with our enemy's
Keep up the fight. Never Forget!
To: NYC Republican
That was an excellent piece of work. Kudos to Sean and staff and Mr Worley.
The 9 mental midgets deserve to have this palyed nationwide on every radio station at least 10 times a day, imo. Idiots and agents for change, Yeah, change to "This nation now under new ownership."
posted on
09/11/2003 2:49:11 PM PDT
(Semper Fi ."mean-spiritedness" in the pursuit of a return to sanity in gub't ain't a bad thing. imo)
To: MattGarrett
Democrats can NEVER AGAIN be trusted with the National Security of the United States. Exactly. Where was President Hillary while the 911 terrorists were planning their attack ? We all know President Bill was too busy in his oral office to be bothered with matters of national security. If Democrats really did care about this nation and its people, instead of their own political power, they would currently be condeming the attacks in Iraq on our troops. Instead they are condeming the commander in chief of our troops. The left will always sacrifice our security for their own political power. Just look at the gun control issue.
To: MattGarrett
I agree. If we want a country - don't vote democratic. They will turn us over to the control of the U.N. as fast as their little paws can do it.
They worship at the altar of the U.N. - I don't.
posted on
09/11/2003 4:00:03 PM PDT
(It's just not safe to vote Democratic.)
To: NYC Republican
Yes I heard that to... I thought it was great even though the stupid flipper chick didn't like it. I also loved Jay leno's joke last night. He said did you see the osama bin ladden tape where he calls bush evil, the great satan and all sorts of horrible things, in other words it was just like the democratic debates.
To: NormsRevenge
That was an excellent piece of work. Kudos to Sean and staff and Mr Worley. The 9 mental midgets deserve to have this palyed nationwide on every radio station at least 10 times a day, imo. Idiots and agents for change, Yeah, change to "This nation now under new ownership."Exactly! It would make a fantastic radio ad!
To: NYC Republican
I'm grateful for Sean Hannity. He is the only voice of reason in a sea of liberalism.
Have you heard his radio show? This guy is a stroke of genius. He takes call ins and answers the hard questions with no notes.
Did anyone else find it ironic that the Saudi Prince, while visiting the President, George Bush (soon to be re elected), refused to take any questions from Fox news? The Saudi's know that Fox won't be tossing then a softball. They only ask the HARD questions!
posted on
09/11/2003 5:48:28 PM PDT
To: NYC Republican
Darrell Worley was on Sean's show tonight too. It was sung during one of the memorials today too. I don't know if it was actually sung there, or if it was added in the control booth.
Ed Koch was on tonight, and he kept Colmes in his place.;-) He wouldn't let Colmes talk over him (told him to "wait a minute"), and when Colmes asked him if he thought the war in Iraq was justified, said "Better there than here". On Sean's radio show, he said he would vote for Pres. Bush the next time! Wonder how the Dims will respond to that.
posted on
09/11/2003 7:54:39 PM PDT
To: pgkdan
If only I could convince my girlfriend and her sister that they are wasting their money when they go to Bruce Springsteen concerts. Crappy seats cost over $50, and the guy is so far left he's out of the ballpark. I recall reading somewhere that he plugged Al Franken's newly published tirade before playing "Born in the USA." And she wonders why I tell her that I wouldn't be caught dead at one of his shows.
posted on
09/11/2003 8:00:39 PM PDT
("A bad peace is even worse than war." -TACITUS)
To: Navistar
I'm responding to this post below, which you made to me on a thread discussing the discredited "professor" Foster's theories. Unfortunately that thread was pulled, yet you have have left out the threat of legal action against me.
You say to me and poster jamieson:
Mr or Mrs Bennett, we've debated this topic ad nauseum and you think too highly of yourself. Who are "THEY"? You apparently only came to this forum to start problems. I've been reading here from the start and was hoping to never run into you.
My goodness, did you know that Mr. Foster is contemplating a restraining order against you?
Why on earth you came to the one place I read everyday, I'll never know. Bad luck on my part, apparently.
First off Navistar, the world does not revolve around you. You should know that or be placed in appropriately 24-hour monitored facility, until such time as a rational sense of the world returns to you. I am referring to such comments you made as "I've been reading here from the start ... Why on earth you came to the one place I read everyday." and some related theme prior comments that I recollect you made on the now-unavaiable thread.
Secondly, I am not a Bennett. I do not know jamieson -- the other poster you responded to.
Thirdly, Professor Foster -- in my opinion -- seems to love interjecting himself into public notorious cases, with much personal grandstanding and little substansive to offer, if even to the point being a pest set to bother the truth-finding process by a spew of professorial and popular, yet totally fictional and barren, cockamanie. See "Don Foster, author of Vanity Fair anthrax article, discusses his investigation of anthrax attack", FR thread in the Goggle cache.
Fouthly, threats of legal action, as you brought up, especially in the way you brought it up, are noxious to discussion. Anyone can sue anyone for anything. That is a given. To threaten to sue, or even to sue, is no indication of a valid claim, or even of sanity. Their are legal nutcases of pests who make their own lifes and the lifes of everyone around them miserable by means of law suits that only stoke there insanity's tender flesh, and .make a mess for the rest of us to clean up. And indeed the threats of legal action, yours amoung them, obviously, did on all fact poison that discussion from which I have excerpted your posting. It was pulled, Mr. Robinson gave the reason of not wanting to get involved in a legal cat-fight.
Fifthly, Danielle Van Damn is dead. Many good, thinking rational people who closely followed the the trial still believe that trial was a sham, a railroading of one neighbor. A public lynching moderated by Nancy Grace and Court TV, among others. (Including Hannity and O'Reilly). We feel that her death, its circumstances, remain unsolved, and many suspect some involvement by the van Damns themselves in her death -- finding the behaviours and travels of the father, David suspicious.
And the public testimony under oath about the van Damn's sexual habits makes Brenda to be, a slut. In the historical sense and common use of that word. In my opinion.
posted on
09/12/2003 6:17:15 AM PDT
To: holdonnow
posted on
09/14/2003 10:58:47 PM PDT
(Is the DemocRATic party extinct yet?)
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