To: All; Billie; dansangel; dutchess; Aquamarine; FreeTheHostages; LadyX; jwfiv; MeeknMing; ladtx; ...
Good morning all! Beautiful prayer graphic today, Billie.
God bless our active duty military and our veterans for their sacrifice and their commitment to serve and protect.
I made this table for my profile page awhile back and then decided not to use it, so I will post it here for Military Monday.
Wishing everyone a great day.
"The great intangible of America's wars beyond logistics, beyond strategy, beyond wonder weapons and Generals, is the spiritual force of its fighting men and women - and that is the force that the USO so magnificently serves."
Click below to go to the USO site and find out what you can do to help.
On May 18, 1967, at the age of 38, KENNETH CAMERON perished in the service of our country in North Vietnam, Nz.
RICHARD LEE AYERS served as a 1323F in the Air Force, 12 TRS TAN SON NHUT AB. He is listed as Missing in Action.
58,220 gave their lives in Vietnam.
Visit "The Virtual Wall"
76 posted on
09/08/2003 9:52:53 AM PDT by
( Lori)
To: Mama_Bear
Beautiful Memorial, (((((Mama_Bear))))))
Let me add to that, Staff Sergeant Richard A. Fitts who was MIA in 1968 in a helicopter crash, then whose remains were found in 1990.
R.I.P. SSgt. Fitts
79 posted on
09/08/2003 9:59:06 AM PDT by
(America - Love it, Support it or LEAVE it!)
To: Mama_Bear
Hi, Lori!
80 posted on
09/08/2003 10:00:03 AM PDT by
(Bush/Cheney in '04)
To: Mama_Bear
I was in Santa Barbara when the travelling Vietnam Memorial was there,overlooking the bay.It was a sobering sight in a beautiful setting.I was looking for a classmate's name.It was so crowded I never did but found him by just googling his name when I got a computer.It is good that the Virtual Wall and other sites are available by the internet for all to see and remember.Thanks for the beautiful tribute page.
81 posted on
09/08/2003 10:06:27 AM PDT by
To: Mama_Bear
106 posted on
09/08/2003 11:16:23 AM PDT by
(Check out the Texas Chicken D 'RATS!:
To: Mama_Bear
Beautiful table! (As usual!)
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