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If the shoe fits...
1 posted on 08/25/2003 9:33:18 PM PDT by Utah Girl
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To: Heuristic Hiker
2 posted on 08/25/2003 9:33:45 PM PDT by Utah Girl
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To: Utah Girl
Seems to me that the violent actions speak for themselves, especially when accompanied by these "peaceful" people dancing in the streets in celebration.
3 posted on 08/25/2003 9:36:19 PM PDT by BenLurkin (Socialism is slavery)
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To: Utah Girl
oh yeah, good timing for a whine about too much reporting on muslim terrorist violence in the news, right before a bomb goes off in Bombay and kills 44.
Muslim terrorists.

It's news to me.

4 posted on 08/25/2003 9:36:33 PM PDT by WOSG
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To: Utah Girl
She had the guts to write this after Islam struck India's Hindu's.

I suppose they were mad about western intrusions and Palestine.

5 posted on 08/25/2003 9:37:30 PM PDT by Cold Heat (Nothing in my home is French!)
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To: Utah Girl
Hmmm... Maybe it's because of 90% of all wars or conflicts hapenning around the globe have to do with muslims, and Muslim terrorist extremists. Just a thought.
6 posted on 08/25/2003 9:37:39 PM PDT by vpintheak (Our Liberties we prize, and our rights we will maintain!)
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To: Utah Girl
Sure, 90% of Muslims are good and decent people, but about 10% of them identify with the Jihadists. Thats some 1 million people. The fact is, I can't think of another religion with that number of up and coming crazed lunatics.

The truth is, there is something FUNDAMENTALLY WRONG with these people and their view of their religion. The other problems in the world are just disconnected whacko's. Islamic Fundamentalism is a globally linked problem.

7 posted on 08/25/2003 9:41:14 PM PDT by Paradox
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To: Utah Girl
"Four out of six: that's how many of the stories were about Muslims who do violent things."

Huh? Where is there any peace in the Muslim world? Daily bloodbaths in Afghanistan, where they pick on little girls and shut down their schools. The Saddamites destroying the peace and standing in the way of democracy in Iraq. Brutal violence between Iraq and Iran for ten years, until there were no more young men left to die. Muslims in Pakistan attacking India and Kashmir almost dialy. Bloosdhed in Indonesia, and Islamic terror attacks in the Philippines. Terror bombings and shootouts in Saudi Arabia. Daily killing of Christians by Muslims in Rwanda, and the Sudan. Brutal oppression of Christians by the Muslims in Lebanon. Palestinian murderers destroying the peace plan in Isreal with unprovoked bus bombings. And of course there is Somalia, Yemen, Syria, and Libya, none of them peaceful nations or bastions of freedom. Wherever there is Islam, there is misery and death.

11 posted on 08/25/2003 9:45:45 PM PDT by TheCrusader
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To: Utah Girl
Sick and tired of these deceptions. While the media screams that our President misled us all about Iraq, they try to really mislead us with this sort of drivel.
13 posted on 08/25/2003 9:46:46 PM PDT by ladyinred (The left have blood on their hands.)
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To: Utah Girl
Incredible, willful ignorance! The Basques are no threat to civilized society worldwide; neither are the FARCs; neither are the Hutus or the Tutsies. But please, don't tell me this writer has no knowledge of the worldwide scope of Islamic gutter terror.
Nope. You'll never see a news story about the fact that the planets in their orbits are going along like clockwork, nor that the tilt of the earth with respect to the plane of its orbit remains a remarkably constant 23.5 degrees from vertical. These things are to be expected. Just as decent behavior is expected from people. So don't act so shocked that the news isn't full of Arabs in the street going "Salaam, Salaam" to everyone they meet.
17 posted on 08/25/2003 9:56:07 PM PDT by Migraine (my grain is pretty straight today)
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To: Utah Girl
A guy goes into a cave by himself for a few nights and afterwards tells others he has been spoken to by God thus the origin of Islam. A guy tells everyone he is the son of god and heals the sick and gets crucified and comes back from the dead thus christianity is born. (Sound like doctors of today dealing with scumbag lawyers) From these two guys, millions upon millions of people have been murdered and countless other lives have been destroyed. It`s still going on. Religion is good...for the individual. When it gets organized it`s not good. Spirituality is personal and you can use those guys as examples or you can use them as inspiration. When a group forms, watch out baby. All organized religion can shove it as far as I`m concerned. When the human race can get an average IQ above 20 I`ll support organized religin, but as for now, I compare it to sex or shitting..Get your face outta mine while I`m doing it.
18 posted on 08/25/2003 10:01:00 PM PDT by metalboy (Slinky, it makes a clickety sound and it goes downstairs, it is a marvelous spring)
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To: Utah Girl
Gwynne Dwyer fell hook, line and sinker for that phony study by a fictitious think tank in Pennsylvania which purported to prove that Dubya was the dumbest president in modern history and Bill Clinton the most intelligent.

It went on to say that the various Democrat presidents were head and shoulders smarter than the Republicans.

He even wrote a whole column about it.

That wil give you some idea of his perspicacity.
20 posted on 08/25/2003 10:09:36 PM PDT by quidnunc (Omnis Gaul delenda est)
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To: Utah Girl
Yep, they'll smile at you has they stick the knife in your back.
22 posted on 08/25/2003 10:16:04 PM PDT by DB (©)
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To: Utah Girl
A Startling Lack of the Vision Thing

It’s perfectly all right for the United States to slap the rest of the world in the face once in a while, if the rest of the world is wrong or just to defend its own vital national interests. But it should be done for national interests, not private ones, and it should be done in ways that cause the least possible offence. That is not what's happening now.

Consider only the past month. In the second week of July, the Bush administration told Congress that its ballistic missile defence project would "bump up against" the constraints of the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty "within months".

Never mind that it's a stupid idea; just look at how it's being done. The ABM Treaty allows either party to withdraw unilaterally on six months' notice, but no such notice has been given. The US is just going to breach the treaty illegally.

In the third week of July, US negotiators at a UN conference aimed at curbing the global trade in small arms effectively killed the initiative.

The country that produces over half of the world's small arms blocked any restrictions on private gun ownership, and vetoed an African-backed proposal to ban arms sales to "non-state actors" (ie, the guerilla groups who are ravaging so many African countries). "The US should be ashamed," said South African envoy Jean Du Preez.

Late in July it was the turn of the 1972 treaty outlawing germ warfare. For six years, 56 countries have been negotiating a supplementary treaty that would create verification rules and international inspectors to enforce what was previously just a pious pledge not to produce biological weapons.

Fifty-five of those countries had agreed on a 200-page draft protocol and suddenly, on July 25, the US declared that it could not agree because US pharmaceutical plants, which dominate the world market, would then be open to inspection too, thus jeopardising commercial secrecy.

It's as if every interest group gets to make policy.

And so it goes. Last week Thomas Novotny, the lead US negotiator for the past decade on the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, suddenly resigned his post. Colleagues say that it was over frustration at the sudden US switch from a policy that sought to restrict cigarette advertising and marketing to one that basically echoes the tobacco industry's positions.

It's as if there was nobody in charge, so that every bureaucratic or industrial interest group with access to the Bush administration gets to make policy for its own bit of the picture. If George W. Bush were really running the show, there would at least be a coherent strategic vision, and maybe tactics to match. But you just have to look at the frequent anguish on his face as he struggles to find his way to the end of the sentence to suspect that he may not be up to the challenge.

IQ tests are notoriously unreliable, and we all know that "IQ" does not correspond very closely to executive ability. But the Lovenstein Institute's conclusions about George W. Bush are nevertheless illuminating.

The Lovenstein Institute, based in Scranton, Pennsylvania, has long published an IQ for each new president, based on his academic performance, writings "achieved without aid of staff", linguistic clarity, and so on.

It's rough and ready stuff, but it awarded Bill Clinton an astonishing IQ of 182 (the average in the US today is around 104), which largely conforms to one's previous impression that the man was useless but brilliant.

Jimmy Carter got 175, John F. Kennedy got 174, and Richard Nixon got 155: very clever men all, though with few accomplishments to show for it. By contrast, the mid-range men like Franklin D. Roosevelt (147), Harry Truman (132), Lyndon Johnson (126), Dwight D. Eisenhower (122), Gerald Ford (121) and Ronald Reagan (105) all had a major impact on affairs (except Ford, of course).

At the other end are the Bushes. Even the father only scored 98, but he did seem in charge of his White House. He was, after all, a man with long service in bureaucratic wars and much foreign experience as well. But George W. Bush has no such background, and the Lovenstein Institute estimates his IQ at 91.

An IQ of 91 does not mean you are stupid. It means that you are more intelligent than at least a quarter of the American population. But it probably does not equip you to run large and complex enterprises or deal with the clever and ruthless operators who inhabit the upper reaches of Washington politics, bureaucracy and lobbydom.

It is a harsh and an early verdict, but maybe things are spinning out of control just because they are smarter than he is.

(Gwynn Dyer in The Canberra (AU) Times, August 7, 2001)

We Have a Winner

The envelope please. And the World's Laziest Columnist is … Gwynne Dyer!

We know what you're thinking: Who the heck is she? Actually, Gwynne's a guy, and according to his bio on this page, he is "one of Canada's media renaissance men, an outstanding journalist, broadcaster, producer, author and filmmaker who now makes his home in London." He claims his syndicated column appears in 150 newspapers, but we found the column that won him this coveted award in only three: Australia's Canberra Times, New Zealand's Southland Times and New Jersey's Newark Star-Ledger.

So how is Dyer lazy? Let us count the ways. First, the premise of his column is the most tiresome cliché around: that President Bush is not too bright. When the Star-Ledger ran the column last Tuesday, it gave it the oh-so-subtle headline "Too Dull-Witted to Lead."

Second, Dyer offers the following "evidence" of Bush's supposed intellectual shortcomings:

IQ tests are notoriously unreliable, and we all know that "IQ" does not correspond very closely to executive ability. But the Lovenstein Institute's conclusions about George W. Bush are nevertheless illuminating.

The Lovenstein Institute, based in Scranton, Pennsylvania, has long published an IQ for each new president, based on his academic performance, writings "achieved without aid of staff," linguistic clarity, and so on.

It's rough and ready stuff, but it awarded Bill Clinton an astonishing IQ of 182 (the average in the U.S. today is around 104), which largely conforms to one's previous impression that the man was useless but brilliant. …

At the other end are the Bushes. Even the father only scored 98, but he did seem in charge of his White House. He was, after all, a man with long service in bureaucratic wars and much foreign experience as well. But George W. Bush has no such background, and the Lovenstein Institute estimates his IQ at 91. … It is a harsh and an early verdict, but maybe things are spinning out of control just because they are smarter than he is.

There's just one problem, and we'll let the Star-Ledger explain it. On Saturday the Jersey paper ran the following correction (which we couldn't find on its Web site):

A column by Gwynne Dyer on Tuesday's op-ed page contained incorrect information. The column cited a study by the Lovenstein Institute of Scranton, Pa., that concluded President Bush had the lowest IQ of any recent president. There is no Lovenstein Institute in Scranton, Pa., and no such study was conducted.

U.S. News & World Report (fifth item) pegs the "Lovenstein study" as an "Internet hoax," and the excellent urban-legend site has a thorough debunking.

So Dyer is citing a canard to confirm a cliché. But we have not finished plumbing the depths of his intellectual indolence. It turns out even in being duped he was merely being derivative. All of the "information" about the "study" that Dyer included in his "column" had appeared in London's left-wing Guardian nearly three weeks earlier, and Dyer doesn't even "credit" the Guardian for its "reporting"!

We actually saw the Guardian piece back in July and thought about excerpting it for our How Others See U.S. feature. But the story seemed far-fetched to us, so we checked it out by running a Yahoo! search, which turned up no evidence of the institute's existence. Accordingly, we dropped the idea of using the Guardian column.

Now, we don't mean to pat ourselves on the back for our diligence. Conducting that search took us no more than 10 seconds. Our point is that Gwynne Dyer was too lazy to do even that minimal amount of work. Canada's renaissance man indeed.


(James Taranto in The Wall Street Journal Opinion Journal, August 13, 2001)

23 posted on 08/25/2003 10:26:31 PM PDT by quidnunc (Omnis Gaul delenda est)
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To: Utah Girl
this is just a barely thought out hit piece on why we terrible Americans are persecuting those lovely Muslim folk who live lives of complete non-violence, and aren't we bad because no one pays attention to the Basque separatist...

I can , however, envision most Arab people as peaceful, although it seems in every Arab nation, women are treated like slaves, but that seems to have not caught the attention of this writer...

what I would like from our Arab and Muslim neighbors is only this....

if you proclaim to be the "religion of peace" then will you please stop supporting terroism and condemn all terrorists attacks openly and loudly.....something that was pecularly missing after 9/11.....

28 posted on 08/25/2003 10:52:38 PM PDT by cherry
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To: Utah Girl
So what explicit instructions does the Koran command for chopping off the heads of the infidels?
29 posted on 08/25/2003 10:53:39 PM PDT by RLK
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To: Utah Girl
only in the media can a terrorist be a "freedom fighter."
31 posted on 08/25/2003 11:05:17 PM PDT by MatthewViti
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To: Utah Girl
." The only peaceful religions are dead religions.

Did anybody else catch this one? That's sort of like the "Only good Injun is a dead Injun" ditty. Is the author saying we'd be better off by killing off all religion?

37 posted on 08/26/2003 2:43:29 AM PDT by Prodigal Son
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To: Utah Girl
"But for the moment Samuel Huntington's nightmare vision of a coming "clash of civilizations" is still a long way off,"

...I disagree

41 posted on 08/26/2003 3:18:42 AM PDT by joyful1
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To: Utah Girl
Dyer's MO of late seems to revisit as a new, revelation of old debunked news, repackaged for controversy, void of reality, and spiced with elitism.

I guess if nothing else, it pays his bills and lines a lot of bird cages.
43 posted on 08/26/2003 3:47:24 AM PDT by JoeSixPack1 (POW/MIA - Bring 'em home, or send us back! Semper Fi)
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To: Utah Girl
All Muslims are enablers of murder and mayham at the very least. Many Germans before WWII were living peaceful normal lives. This is missing the point.
45 posted on 08/26/2003 4:44:46 AM PDT by tkathy
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