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1 posted on 08/15/2003 3:29:47 AM PDT by kattracks
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To: kattracks
Do we have any power gurus who can explain about this whole notion of load distribution and how it affects separate power systems spread over hundreds of miles? I have always wondered why there aren't a set of switches that shut down transmission outside an area and keeps the capacity confined.

And on a funny note, imagine all the kids all over the Northeast, who got yelled at to not open the refrigerator last night.

2 posted on 08/15/2003 3:35:20 AM PDT by Chancellor Palpatine ("What if the hokey pokey is really what its all about?" - Jean Paul Sartre)
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To: kattracks
They obviously don't have a clue. They all seem to be in major finger pointing mode, with Chretien the first out of the gate!
3 posted on 08/15/2003 3:39:38 AM PDT by SolutionsOnly
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To: kattracks
Operation TinFoil Alert:

A group of Islamofascist terrorists, operating quite easily in Canada, uses an SA-19 missile to strike the substation in Niagara. Under the cover of a rain storm, the explosion looks like a lightening strike.

Meanwhile, at the border...with no electricity, the US boarder gaurds are helpless to check all vehicles entering the US.

Two semitrailers, loaded with weapons and ASSEMBLED Fissile explosive devices slide through the boarder and head into the US...

Nothing is beyond the possible these days...

4 posted on 08/15/2003 3:39:41 AM PDT by GRRRRR (If the GOP could just send in the Marines against the Demokrats now....)
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To: kattracks
...still likely won't know why the fail-safe system didn't work, McGee said.

The fail-safe system included software. I've heard it rumored that a software "problem" could have caused the system to not work as intended. Otherwise, what made the software fail?

7 posted on 08/15/2003 3:40:47 AM PDT by bets
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To: kattracks
"The Northeast is an area of tremendous congestion," says D'Arcy McGee

There's a freekin news flash, thanks D'Arcy that explains it all!

8 posted on 08/15/2003 3:47:12 AM PDT by j_tull
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To: kattracks
A few minutews ago, CNN Daybreak's Carol Costello was talking on air by phone to a "Con Ed spokesman" for about three minutes. He stated that the power should be back on everywhere in about 2 to 3 hours. She reacted to his statement about the power still not being on in many areas by one AM, like they were promised. He then said "would you bang Howard Stern?" She said "what". He repeated it. They cut of the caller and acted upset that they had been had.
9 posted on 08/15/2003 3:47:51 AM PDT by Hillarys Gate Cult ("Read Hillary's hips. I never had sex with that woman.")
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To: kattracks
Foxnews just dropped dead and here's the dhue canned report! wtf!
13 posted on 08/15/2003 4:04:24 AM PDT by Monty22
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To: kattracks
National Grid, is the world's largest independent transmission company with depth of experience in competitive energy markets in Europe. National Grid USA operates utility distribution companies in the Northeast. 
14 posted on 08/15/2003 4:14:40 AM PDT by syriacus (Chuck Schumer belongs to a group which excudes women from full membership)
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To: kattracks
As I understand it, the system runs at near capacity with regard to the electrical load. When a generating leg somewhere fails, the load exceeds the generating capacity of the remaining power sources and automatic relays shut down the power sources to avoid damage to very expensive equipment.

I believe it would be theoretically as if your house clothes dryer circuit breaker tripped but the dryer was wired to pull the same current from other breakers in the panel which exceeded their ampere ratings and therefore they all tripped.

Of course, a house electrical panel isolates the loads of various devices and trips only a single breaker. In the national power grid system, load is only isolated between the three massive power grids. This allows convenient maintenance shut-down of individual power generators without affecting the ability to shift load to various sources but is also its great vulnerability and weakness.

The solution, though costly, would be to isolate more generating sources from each other so a single failure would not place an excessive load on the system.

Another lesson to the country is states which use more power than they generate create an inherent weakness.

Liberals have fiercely fought new power plant construction but always want more juice for their electrically-powered toys and conveniences. The people got what they deserve for demanding the moon and refusing to create a system to meet their own selfish demands.

15 posted on 08/15/2003 4:16:14 AM PDT by NoControllingLegalAuthority
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To: kattracks
Mayor Bloomberg blamed a lightning strike in Quebec. "

Don't believe anything this man says.

18 posted on 08/15/2003 4:19:54 AM PDT by Rome2000 (Convicted felons for Kerry, McCarthy was right!)
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To: kattracks
Is a grid riddle correctly shortened as a griddle?
22 posted on 08/15/2003 4:51:55 AM PDT by William McKinley (Who will go this week-- Carter? Nixon? Presidential Survivor
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To: kattracks
Canada as a likely cause.

All kidding aside, Chretien was desparately trying to fling blame at Pennsylvania, Mohawk NY, and God.

Can't help but wonder if the socialist paradise that is Canada could be the real culprit.

24 posted on 08/15/2003 4:55:13 AM PDT by P.O.E.
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To: kattracks
Mayor Bloomberg blamed a lightning strike in Quebec. "

No, he blamed a white male with a Marlboro.

30 posted on 08/15/2003 7:45:38 AM PDT by Fair Paul
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