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Interviewed by Couric, Pro-Robinson Bishop Says "We Respond to 'Reason,' Not only to Scripture"
The Today Show
Posted on 08/05/2003 4:38:17 AM PDT by governsleastgovernsbest
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To: Biblebelter
Thanks, BB. The contrast in the statements of the two bishops, in which one recognizes Scripture and the other "reason" as the ultimate authority, does seem to epitomize the debate within this and other churches.
PS: I note you're from Wyoming. I'm therefore assuming there's a large silver buckle on your Bible belt!
To: sauropod
I do love one of the keywords---"GAYSWISHOP". LOL
To: governsleastgovernsbest
As a former lurker, I could not let this subject pass without a comment. I am a Christian, more specifically, a Missouri Synod Lutheran.
I agree with your point. Even to refer to this group as a "church" is to label it incorrectly. A church is defined as many things: a building, a group of like-minded worshippers, etc. However, the truest definition of a church is "any place the Gospel is preached in its truth and purity and the Sacraments are rightly administered." I don't recall Luther mentioning anything about responding to reason in any of his writings(thankfully). My only thought in response to the bishop is that his reason is a poor substitute for God's Word. If this trend continues, may God preserve us.
To: governsleastgovernsbest
Sir (or Madam) -- you may not be a Christian, but you understand more about true Christianity than many who profess to be Christians. Hats off!
To: governsleastgovernsbest
Also, Shaw seems to define "reason" as "anything we wish were true". This definition isn't exactly, well, reasonable.
To: utahagen
Many thanks to you and others on this thread who have had complimentary things to say.
I'd say it's not that I understand much about Christianity, but would like to think I understand something about logic. And it is simply illogical to claim to belong to a religion, any religion, which purports to be based on divine Scripture, and then to say that such Scripture is not authoritative. Why belong to the religion in the first place?
To: reasonseeker
"If reason shouldn't trump Scripture, then why isn't death row filled with adulterers and children as well as homosexuals, as the Bible clearly commands?"
If you'd use your reasoning abilities (you do have them, don't you?), you'd soon deduce that Israel was a theocracy, whereas the U.S. is a Republic.
posted on
08/05/2003 10:35:14 AM PDT
To: y2k_free_radical
"Heard a high up VERMONT EPISCOPAL minister explain"
What was he high up on?
posted on
08/05/2003 10:39:10 AM PDT
To: governsleastgovernsbest
According to the TV reports, the investigation of the allegations of sexual misbehavior on the part of Robinson has been completed, the report on the investigation will be released at 3:30 EDT today, with the vote on his candidacy to follow.
An investigation completed in less than 24 hours? Sounds like a whitewash.
To: governsleastgovernsbest
just you watch..AOL is gonna get the blame for this..why bot..they've done everything else wrong.....
posted on
08/05/2003 11:13:21 AM PDT
To: reasonseeker
I thought Jesus came to fulfill the old law, not to cover it. What exactly do you mean by "cover?" Why would a perfect God revise His laws, or need to have his Son's blood "cover" them? Jesus did come to fulfill both the old law and the prophets. The old law called for blood sacrifice of unblemished animals for atonement of sins. In essence, a perfect God gave a blood sacrifice of His own son to cover the old law of blood sacrifice for the continuing imperfection of man.
A perfect God also offered a peace offering for when he destroyed the world in Noah's time. However, he offered no such peace offering after the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.
To: governsleastgovernsbest
Shaw is clearly seeking to elevate reason above the other legs of the Church.And he tries to equate lust with "love".
To: governsleastgovernsbest
"We don't only respond to Scripture. We respond to reason... Logic sure to fill those empty pews.
posted on
08/05/2003 12:13:26 PM PDT
Mike Darancette
(Save Traditional Marriage -- It's for the Children!)
To: governsleastgovernsbest
If a church is governed by a set of rules, and the newcomers do not like the rules and make changes, then the church ceases to be the church. It turns into a completely different entity.
posted on
08/05/2003 12:18:09 PM PDT
Pan_Yans Wife
("Life isn't fair. It's fairer than death, is all.")
Comment #135 Removed by Moderator
To: goldstategop
And sin is sin. One cannot live in open sin and qualify for the clergy. It may not be our right to judge them for being in sin. But judgement in the biblical sense means interpreting and applying the penalty of the law. Jesus holds the right to apply or withhold penalty at this point.
That doesn't constrain us from upholding the example that the apostles gave and that Christ commanded. If you want to claim christianity, then live it. If you want to live something else and call it Christianity, then you're nothing more than a liar. Pure and simple.
posted on
08/05/2003 4:30:43 PM PDT
(If you can't be frank all the time are you lying the rest of the time?)
Comment #137 Removed by Moderator
To: Blue Scourge
No DU here, please.
Comment #139 Removed by Moderator
To: governsleastgovernsbest
Just another group of religious apostates. These people wouldn't know Christ if He sat down amongst them. In fact, they would put Him back up on the cross, as they have done again recently at their latest political gathering.
posted on
08/06/2003 7:19:39 AM PDT
("The only way evil triumphs is if good men do nothing" E. Burke)
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