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I could go on, but you get the picture. The debate continues now.
1 posted on 06/26/2003 8:37:05 PM PDT by Republican Wildcat
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To: Republican Wildcat
Mcdermott can go straight to hell.
2 posted on 06/26/2003 8:38:24 PM PDT by ConservativeMan55 (If they sneak in throw em out on their chin!!)
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Oops...that should have been PETE Stark, not Frank Stark.
3 posted on 06/26/2003 8:39:31 PM PDT by Republican Wildcat (Help us elect Republicans in Kentucky! Click on my name for links to all the 2003 candidates!)
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To: Republican Wildcat
And none dare call it treason. (Well, I mean his whole Baghdad Jim thing...) I wish when Colmes asked Ann Coulter "who would you call treasonous right now?" she'd have named McD instnatly.
4 posted on 06/26/2003 8:42:09 PM PDT by A_perfect_lady (Let them, like, eat cake, or whatever.)
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To: Republican Wildcat
I am watching the Senate hearings and Hillary has planted herself down in front where RATs have to pass her to vote.

Sen Kohl just voted with Republicans and Sen Zell Miller with the RATs on Senator Nickles amendment to raise the price of Part B premiusm for beneficiaries with higher income levels. The motion by the Hillary DemocRATs is to table the Nickles amendment. Gets even weirder -- Clinton voted NO along with Biden! She checked the number of votes it looked like and then voted NO and now changed her vote to Aye! Specter voted Aye!

Ayes -- 38 and Nays 59 --- Motion to Table is Defeated -- Hillary should have stuck with the Nays!

Now a Quorum Call in the Senate.
5 posted on 06/26/2003 8:44:13 PM PDT by PhiKapMom (Bush Cheney '04 - VICTORY IN '04 -- $4 for '04 -
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To: Republican Wildcat
Baghdad Jim should be impeached or censured or something to remove him from the public's eye. As a Washingtonian, I'm embarrassed that he comes from this state. DumbocRATS like him, as well as Patty "Moron" Murray and Maria Cant"budget"well, were elected by the residents of the west side where the most liberal, elite, leftist bunch of wealthy people live and concentrated population.
6 posted on 06/26/2003 8:45:19 PM PDT by lilylangtree
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To: Republican Wildcat
It's too bad they can't hurl chicken bones and bread crusts at the miscreants like the good ol' days. I suppose that's a good thing though; the next thing I'd urge the Republicans to do would be the hurling of fragmentation grenades...
7 posted on 06/26/2003 8:46:30 PM PDT by WorkingClassFilth (Defund NPR, PBS and the LSC.)
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To: Republican Wildcat
McDermott's that prick that went to Baghdad with Mt Clemens' own David Bonior awhile back.

Bonior got a professional ass kicking when he ran for governor. I'd like to see McDermott get the same.

9 posted on 06/26/2003 8:49:45 PM PDT by Dan from Michigan ("Say Hey! Hey! Damn Yankee!")
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To: Republican Wildcat
Ping me when they vote this down.
13 posted on 06/26/2003 8:54:23 PM PDT by TLBSHOW (The Gift is to See the Truth)
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To: Republican Wildcat
Please, oh, please, let them find a Galloway file on McDermott in Baghdad....
15 posted on 06/26/2003 8:55:35 PM PDT by patriciaruth
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To: Republican Wildcat
Years ago, to call an individual either a liar or a thief was the supreme insult.

Being accused of either being a liar of a thief called for a fight to the death of either the accuser or the accusee if the accusation was false.

To explain: If Joe called Jim a liar or thief and Jim was not a liar or thief, Jim would challenge Joe to a duel or they would fight. If Jim was indeed a liar and a thief, no one would do business, associate with, or socialize with him.

Today, however, the democratic political party has made both lying and stealing socially acceptable, hence no stigma as being labeled as such.
21 posted on 06/26/2003 8:59:59 PM PDT by sport
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To: Republican Wildcat
McDimwit is like most elected DemocRATS, a traitor. He and every other 'Rat who attacked Bush and spoke at Communist sponsored anti-war rallies should be forced to resign.
28 posted on 06/26/2003 9:06:19 PM PDT by stratman1969 (Nothin' new to say)
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To: Republican Wildcat
What it sounds like to my ears....

"Mister President, every time a backhoe takes up a scoop full of dirt, we find ONLY skulls, bones, arms, legs, of men, women, and children, but NO WMD's!
Moster President, was it worth it?
31 posted on 06/26/2003 9:10:18 PM PDT by Ruy Dias de Bivar
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To: Republican Wildcat
Great thought - peers LAUGHING at McDermRAT. Thanks for the uplifting post! :)
32 posted on 06/26/2003 9:12:58 PM PDT by Libertina (FR - roaches check in, but they don't check out....)
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To: Republican Wildcat
Jim McDermott (D-WA) just said the Republicans can't be trusted on prescription drugs because WMD have not been found in Iraq

What the heck does that have to do with prescription drugs ???

I was watching the Senate (boring).. just turned on the House

46 posted on 06/26/2003 9:37:45 PM PDT by Mo1
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To: Republican Wildcat
Democrat Dirty Tricks
By The Prowler
Published 5/16/02

AN ADMISSIBLE ADMISSION Rep. James McDermott acknowledged in court papers last month that he leaked to two reporters a recording made of a cell phone call between Rep. John Boehner and then-Speaker Newt Gingrich, Rep. Dick Armey and Rep. Tom DeLay. The conversation between the House leadership included how best to spin the expected House Ethics Committee report on Gingrich's fundraising tactics for non-House related projects.

A Florida couple using a scanner intercepted the December 1996 conference call, most likely picking up the signal from Boehner's cell phone. The couple then traveled to Washington, D.C. and handed the tape over to McDermott, a liberal Democrat from Washington state and then member of the House Ethics Committee, who says he listened to the tape, considered it to be of significant public interest, and then leaked its contents to two Capitol Hill reporters.

282 posted on 06/26/2003 11:40:10 PM PDT by lowbridge (Rob: "I see a five letter word. F-R-E-E-P. Freep." Jerry: "Freep? What's that?" - Dick Van Dyke Show)
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To: Republican Wildcat
McDermott should be arrested on treason and sedition charges.
313 posted on 06/27/2003 12:37:12 AM PDT by KC_Conspirator (Let me tell you something, Johnson!)
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To: Republican Wildcat
Seems Jimbo is having another "Look at me!" diving board whining fit.
319 posted on 06/27/2003 9:39:18 AM PDT by theDentist (Liberals can sugarcoat sh** all they want. I'm not biting.)
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To: Republican Wildcat
Bubba lied under oath, Bubba lied on camera while wagging his finger/dog, and Bubba cried on cue.

The Rats never had any problems "trusting" X42 on the issues (especially national security).

327 posted on 06/27/2003 11:10:14 AM PDT by weegee
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To: All
(Republicans in roman; Democrats in italic; Independents underlined)

      H R 1     RECORDED VOTE     27-JUN-2003   2:33 AM
      QUESTION: On Passage
      BILL TITLE:  Medicare Prescription Drug and Modernization Act

REPUBLICAN 207 19 1 2
DEMOCRATIC 9 195   1
TOTALS 216 215 1 3

--- AYES    216 ---

Aderholt Garrett (NJ) Nunes
Akin Gerlach Nussle
Alexander Gibbons Osborne
Bachus Gilchrest Ose
Baker Gillmor Otter
Ballenger Gingrey Oxley
Barrett (SC) Goode Pearce
Bartlett (MD) Goodlatte Peterson (MN)
Barton (TX) Goss Peterson (PA)
Bass Granger Petri
Beauprez Graves Pickering
Bereuter Green (WI) Pitts
Biggert Greenwood Platts
Bilirakis Hall Pombo
Bishop (UT) Harris Pomeroy
Blackburn Hart Porter
Blunt Hastert Portman
Boehlert Hastings (WA) Pryce (OH)
Boehner Hayes Putnam
Bonilla Hayworth Quinn
Bonner Hefley Radanovich
Bono Hensarling Ramstad
Boozman Herger Regula
Boswell Hobson Rehberg
Bradley (NH) Hoekstra Renzi
Brady (TX) Houghton Reynolds
Brown (SC) Hulshof Rogers (AL)
Brown-Waite, Ginny Hunter Rogers (KY)
Burgess Hyde Rogers (MI)
Burns Isakson Rohrabacher
Calvert Israel Ros-Lehtinen
Camp Issa Royce
Cannon Janklow Ryan (WI)
Cantor Jenkins Saxton
Capito Johnson (CT) Schrock
Carter Johnson (IL) Sessions
Castle Johnson, Sam Shaw
Chabot Keller Shays
Chocola Kelly Sherwood
Coble Kennedy (MN) Shimkus
Cole King (IA) Shuster
Collins King (NY) Simmons
Cox Kingston Simpson
Cramer Kirk Smith (NJ)
Crane Kline Smith (TX)
Crenshaw Knollenberg Souder
Cubin Kolbe Stearns
Culberson LaHood Sullivan
Cunningham Latham Sweeney
Davis, Jo Ann LaTourette Tauzin
Davis, Tom Leach Taylor (NC)
Deal (GA) Lewis (CA) Terry
DeLay Lewis (KY) Thomas
Diaz-Balart, L. Linder Thornberry
Diaz-Balart, M. LoBiondo Tiahrt
Doolittle Lucas (KY) Tiberi
Dreier Lucas (OK) Toomey
Duncan Manzullo Turner (OH)
Dunn Matheson Upton
Ehlers McCotter Vitter
Emerson McCrery Walden (OR)
English McHugh Walsh
Everett McKeon Wamp
Feeney Mica Weldon (FL)
Ferguson Miller (MI) Weldon (PA)
Fletcher Miller, Gary Weller
Foley Murphy Whitfield
Forbes Myrick Wicker
Fossella Nethercutt Wilson (NM)
Franks (AZ) Neugebauer Wilson (SC)
Frelinghuysen Ney Wolf
Gallegly Northup Young (AK)
--- NOES    215 ---

Abercrombie Gutierrez Norwood
Ackerman Gutknecht Oberstar
Allen Harman Obey
Andrews Hastings (FL) Olver
Baca Hill Ortiz
Baird Hinchey Owens
Baldwin Hinojosa Pallone
Ballance Hoeffel Pascrell
Becerra Holden Pastor
Bell Holt Paul
Berkley Honda Payne
Berman Hooley (OR) Pelosi
Berry Hostettler Pence
Bishop (GA) Hoyer Price (NC)
Bishop (NY) Inslee Rahall
Blumenauer Jackson (IL) Rangel
Boucher Jackson-Lee (TX) Reyes
Boyd Jefferson Rodriguez
Brady (PA) John Ross
Brown (OH) Johnson, E. B. Rothman
Brown, Corrine Jones (NC) Roybal-Allard
Burr Jones (OH) Ruppersberger
Burton (IN) Kanjorski Rush
Buyer Kaptur Ryan (OH)
Capps Kennedy (RI) Ryun (KS)
Capuano Kildee Sabo
Cardin Kilpatrick Sanchez, Linda T.
Cardoza Kind Sanchez, Loretta
Carson (IN) Kleczka Sanders
Carson (OK) Kucinich Sandlin
Case Lampson Schakowsky
Clay Langevin Schiff
Clyburn Lantos Scott (GA)
Conyers Larsen (WA) Scott (VA)
Cooper Larson (CT) Sensenbrenner
Costello Lee Serrano
Crowley Levin Shadegg
Cummings Lewis (GA) Sherman
Davis (AL) Lipinski Skelton
Davis (CA) Lofgren Slaughter
Davis (FL) Lowey Smith (MI)
Davis (IL) Lynch Snyder
Davis (TN) Majette Solis
DeFazio Maloney Spratt
DeGette Markey Stark
Delahunt Marshall Stenholm
DeLauro Matsui Strickland
DeMint McCarthy (MO) Stupak
Deutsch McCarthy (NY) Tancredo
Dicks McCollum Tanner
Dingell McDermott Tauscher
Doggett McGovern Taylor (MS)
Dooley (CA) McIntyre Thompson (CA)
Doyle McNulty Thompson (MS)
Edwards Meehan Tierney
Emanuel Meek (FL) Towns
Engel Meeks (NY) Turner (TX)
Eshoo Menendez Udall (CO)
Etheridge Michaud Udall (NM)
Evans Millender-McDonald Van Hollen
Farr Miller (FL) Velazquez
Fattah Miller (NC) Visclosky
Filner Miller, George Waters
Flake Mollohan Watson
Ford Moore Watt
Frank (MA) Moran (KS) Waxman
Frost Moran (VA) Weiner
Gephardt Murtha Wexler
Gonzalez Musgrave Woolsey
Gordon Nadler Wu
Green (TX) Napolitano Wynn
Grijalva Neal (MA)
--- PRESENTS    1 ---

--- NOT VOTING    3 ---

McInnis Smith (WA) Young (FL)

334 posted on 06/27/2003 1:24:26 PM PDT by Republican Wildcat (Help us elect Republicans in Kentucky! Click on my name for links to all the 2003 candidates!)
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