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Beijing's ambitions and the Panama canal
BrookesNews.Com ^ | 10 June 2003 | Peter Zhang

Posted on 06/10/2003 1:24:03 PM PDT by Tailgunner Joe

Chinese control of the Panama canal has fuelled wild speculation in the US as to Beijing's plans for this strategic piece of real estate. Though I am not party to Beijing's military intentions I do know that they do not include submarine bases or sabotage, both of which would be obviously self-defeating.

On the contrary, the Chinese will, as former President Clinton inadvertently blurted out, bend "over backwards to make sure that they run it in a competent and able and fair manner." What matters, however, is not how the canal is managed but how Beijing will use the Hutchison Whampoa agreement to damage strategic US interests.

Irrespective of what some have asserted, Hutchison Whampoa is also an instrument of Chinese foreign policy. The company's chairman, Li Ka Shing, is an unofficial government minister. This fact is well known to US intelligence as it was to President Clinton. Nevertheless, Clinton still insisted on the canal passing into Beijing's hands, even though he knew Hutchison Whampoa had corruptly obtained the lease.

To get a clearer picture of what Clinton has let the US in for let us turn to Chi Haotian, Defence Minister and Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission, who said that war with the United States is inevitable. As a fan of Sun Tsu Chi well knows there is more than one way to wage war — and this is where the canal comes in. It provides Beijing with a base from which to create enormous mischief for the US while piously claiming that its presence is merely a commercial one.

It is commonly thought that acting through Castro's agents and the Colombian Marxist terrorist group FARC, Beijing is already heavily involved in running drugs into the US. To Beijing drugs are merely another weapon in its unofficial war against the US. Two other weapons are terrorism and subversion.

Drug revenues could be used to finance South American terrorists whose activities will, it is hoped, destabilise the region, particularly Mexico, thus tying up US military and intelligence resources. (Beijing also knows it can count on America's mainstream media to sympathetically report on left-wing terrorist activities). The emergence of the Zapatistas in the state of Chiapas could be a foretaste of things to come. It is no accident that this area is contiguous with Central America.

It is said in certain Beijing quarters that Mexico will play a central role in this strategy. These assume that encouraging political and social turmoil in Mexico would, for example, spur many more Mexicans to seek sanctuary in the US, forcing Washington to strengthen its southern boarder while antagonising Mexico City in the process. Beijing believes that a flood of Mexicans immigrants would provoke a backlash which in turn would whip up anti-American feeling south of the border, never a difficult task.

I said earlier that it was believed that Castro is now a Chinese agent. I can now state that there is no if about it. While in China a state official confided to me that Beijing has successfully enlisted Fidel Castro as an ally and he is to be heavily supplied with weapons and cash. South America is the weapons eventual destination.

The cash will be used, along with drugs, to finance revolutionary groups, buy off officials and corrupt politicians while the weapons will be shipped to select groups. Apparently Chinese intelligence has also invested a great deal in a Venezuelan army or former army officer who is linked to the DGI (Castro's KGB). Unfortunately, the official was not prepared to say anything further on the subject.

It was also said that the Beijing initially intended to form a Latin-American triangle consisting of Cuba, Venezuela and Colombia with Castro at the apex and Panama in the centre. The triangle was meant to be the heart of the Beijing's plans for the region. It looks, however, as if Marxist success in Brazil has caused Beijing to expand its plans for the region.

However, there are in Beijing who have urged caution. They have pointed out that Castro is aging and his regime is highly unpopular. They feel that should he die or fall seriously ill the regime will be swept away by a popular revolt with embarrassing results for Beijing.

Others have countered with the argument that the machinery of repression is so entrenched and the populace demoralised that Beijing's allies will have no problem in taking the reins of power. In any case, should the worse occur all any links to Beijing will be easily destroyed. Moreover, there is absolutely nothing to fear from America's mainstream media which is clearly besotted with Castro as is the Black Caucus and most Hispanic members of Congress.

What was particularly revealing is that Beijing seems convinced that most Democratic members of Congress and the Senate will play down any connections Beijing establishes with Castro and can be counted on to dismiss China's presence in the region as hysteria.

Some Senators and Congressmen and women were mentioned by name. The only reason I have not published the names is because I have no evidence of collaboration with Beijing. Nevertheless, I think I can say with confidence that if their names were made known their identities would come as no surprise to informed opinion.

It was made clear that the strategy is not basically one of establishing pro-Beijing regimes but of creating a massive running sore that will drain US political and military resources that will eventually help drive it out of the Pacific Asian region, leaving Hawaii as its only Pacific base.

I don't think this is a fantasy. Why else did Beijing provide missile know-how and nuclear weapons technology to the likes of North Korea, Pakistan, Iran and Libya? Because it generates tensions and fuels conflicts that tie up US resources. Knowing all of this, why did Clinton allow the canal to fall into Beijing's hands? Because, incredible as this will seem, he thought of Beijing as a "strategic partner" of sorts and not a potential enemy.

The Clintons and their supporters belong to that peculiar school of thought that sees conflict, particularly war, as the tragic outcome of misunderstandings between basically decent and reasonable people — except for fascists, of course, meaning those who challenge their beliefs and premises. Impervious to reality, those who cling to this suicidal-like vision accuse their critics of bad faith and dismiss their patriotic warnings as alarmist, ridiculous, hateful and so on.

The only thing Beijing's warlords understand and respect is power and the will to use it. America still has the power and its swift destruction of the Taliban and Saddam demonstrated that under the right president it still has the will to use its military might. And I think this is one of the principle reasons the Democrats hate Bush.

TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Cuba; Editorial; Extended News; Foreign Affairs; Mexico; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: china; chinastuff; farc; hutchisonwhampoa; kashing; latinamericalist; narcoterrorism; panamacanal; zapatistas
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Lula da Silva, Castro and China

Communist Axis of Evil?

Reclaim Our Canal!

1 posted on 06/10/2003 1:24:03 PM PDT by Tailgunner Joe
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To: Tailgunner Joe
Who Sold Us Out to China: A Study of the Sino-American Relationship
2 posted on 06/10/2003 1:27:40 PM PDT by Publius
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To: Tailgunner Joe; Sparta
Excellent post.


If I am not mistaken, the Chicomms have the worlds largest naval base in the Bahamas. Should another Carter or Clinton become POTUS we will have big problems. Communism is not gone.

3 posted on 06/10/2003 1:29:38 PM PDT by MattinNJ
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To: Tailgunner Joe
4 posted on 06/10/2003 1:31:44 PM PDT by monkeywrench
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To: Tailgunner Joe
"On the contrary, the Chinese will, as former President Clinton inadvertently blurted out, bend "over backwards to make sure that they run it in a competent and able and fair manner."

Competent, able and fair? Is that the way they run Hong Kong?
5 posted on 06/10/2003 1:31:55 PM PDT by lilylangtree
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To: Tailgunner Joe
Great post!

On the contrary, the Chinese will, as former President Clinton inadvertently blurted out, bend "over backwards to make sure that they run it in a competent and able and fair manner." What matters, however, is not how the canal is managed but how Beijing will use the Hutchison Whampoa agreement to damage strategic US interests.

Thanks Bill >>/sarcasm>
6 posted on 06/10/2003 1:37:02 PM PDT by Pro-Bush (I don't believe in coincidences!)
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To: ChaseR
7 posted on 06/10/2003 1:38:28 PM PDT by b4its2late (Time may be a great healer, but it's also a lousy beautician.)
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To: Tailgunner Joe
Nobody seems to notice or care that H-W is part owner in Canadian Oil (Husky Oil).
From the H-W corporate web site:
Energy and Infrastructure
The Group has major shareholdings in Cheung Kong Infrastructure, a diversified infrastructure company; Hongkong Electric, the sole supplier of electricity to Hong Kong and Lamma Island; and Husky Energy, one of Canada's largest integrated energy and energy related companies.
( red and emphasis is mine)
Last I heard, H-W owned 30% of Husky.

8 posted on 06/10/2003 2:15:32 PM PDT by Lokibob
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To: Publius
A report prepared by Free



The Impact of Foreign Influences on the Clinton Administration,

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CHINA – Overview

CHINA – Adherence to Treaties and Agreements

  1. INTELLIGENCE WARNINGS - FBI Warns of China’s Attempt to Influence Elections

  2. FOREIGN INFLUENCES - Riady / Lippo / Overview


FOREIGN INFLUENCES - Changes in Policy towards Vietnam

FOREIGN INFLUENCES - Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument

  1. FOREIGN INFLUENCES - American Companies and the China Connection, Loral, Hughes, and Chung

FOREIGN INFLUENCES - Changes in Export Policy, Satellites

FOREIGN INFLUENCES – Changes in Export Policy, Telecommunications

FOREIGN INFLUENCES – Changes in Export Policy, Supercomputers

FOREIGN INFLUENCES – Changes in Export Policy, Encryption

  1. FOREIGN INFLUENCES – COSCO, Poly Technologies, Chung, Trie

  2. SECURITY RISKS – Los Alamos, Nuclear Secrets I

SECURITY RISKS – Los Alamos, Nuclear Secrets II

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9 posted on 06/10/2003 2:35:46 PM PDT by Wolverine
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To: MattinNJ

If I am not mistaken, the Chicomms have the worlds largest naval base in the Bahamas.

You are correct. NORINCO or H-W (both PLA front companies) operate the world's largest port in the Bahamas.

Should another Carter or Clinton become POTUS we will have big problems. Communism is not gone.

We don't need to wait for another Commie president to have problems, we have them now. The Chinese control the Panama Canal. Venezuela, Cuba, and Brazil are assembling the new ComBloc in Latin America. There are more Latin American nations in danger of going Red. The Chinese Navy is rapidly expanding and advancing technologically. The Chinese and Russians have formed an anti-American alliance known as the Shanghai Cooperation Project. Pakistan, Iran, and India are expected to join soon. The Chinese have stepped up their influence in Burma and are having talks with Vietnam. Also, the Russians have expanded their influence in Indonesia and Malaysia. The enemy is beginning to show themselves, we need to be prepared.

10 posted on 06/10/2003 3:21:52 PM PDT by Sparta (Tagline removed by moderator)
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To: Tailgunner Joe
From the past:

Unresolved Questions- the Panama canal, good, bad, or a waiting disaster?--thread II

11 posted on 06/10/2003 3:24:02 PM PDT by backhoe (The 1990's will be forever remembered as "The Decade of Fraud(s)..."( Oslo, dot-bombs, clintons...))
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To: *China stuff; HighRoadToChina; maui_hawaii; Slyfox; Free the USA; rightwing2; borghead; ChaseR; ...
China Ping!
12 posted on 06/10/2003 3:26:59 PM PDT by Enemy Of The State (Common sense is instinct, and enough of it is genius.)
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To: Tailgunner Joe; Luis Gonzalez
I said earlier that it was believed that Castro is now a Chinese agent. I can now state that there is no if about it. While in China a state official confided to me that Beijing has successfully enlisted Fidel Castro as an ally and he is to be heavily supplied with weapons and cash. South America is the weapons eventual destination.

The cash will be used, along with drugs, to finance revolutionary groups, buy off officials and corrupt politicians while the weapons will be shipped to select groups. Apparently Chinese intelligence has also invested a great deal in a Venezuelan army or former army officer who is linked to the DGI (Castro's KGB).

We are destined to live in interesting times.

13 posted on 06/10/2003 4:09:04 PM PDT by marron
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To: Tailgunner Joe
We can thank Jimmy Carter for giving our property, (The Panama Canal) away which we paid for and built the damn thing! Between the two of them, Carter & Clinton our nation was damaged, for many years and many years yet to come.

God Bless USA
14 posted on 06/10/2003 4:38:07 PM PDT by Tedmeister
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To: All
After JFK failed to kick Cuba and Castro to the curb at the Bay of Pigs, a new Monroe Doctrine went in effect which Jimmah and Bubba would eventually build upon, call it the Marilyn Monroe Doctrine ..

Our National Security would eventually become another victim like Marilyn, all thanks to the demRats and those they would and will not confront, and today, openly support and commisserate with.

President Bush, Our hemisphere, our borders and our nation need a helluva lot more attention paid to them to prevent those within a stone's throw and a missile's fuelload of our shores of eventually overwhelming us.

15 posted on 06/10/2003 5:20:47 PM PDT by NormsRevenge (Semper Fi .. Support FRee Republic)
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To: MattinNJ
If I am not mistaken, the Chicomms have the worlds largest naval base in the Bahamas. would be mistaken. Good grief, where did you pick THAT idea up?

16 posted on 06/10/2003 5:25:52 PM PDT by John H K
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To: John H K
"If I am not mistaken, the Chicomms have the worlds largest naval base in the Bahamas."

There were reports a coupe of years ago of COSCO building the worlds largest container port somewhere in the Bahamas. Speculation is that it would have dual functionality as a commercial and possibly future military facility.

17 posted on 06/10/2003 5:54:21 PM PDT by semaj
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To: Tailgunner Joe
Panama Canal is 7000-8000 miles away from the Chicoms

The Chicoms have no aircraft -carriers, no blue ocean navy , no airforce planes that can reach the Panama-they have no mid-air refueling

Panama does not recognize the Chicoms diplomatically, but recognize Taiwan

I say 2 American air-borne Divisions and a CVCG will easily evict the few Chicoms in the Panama
18 posted on 06/10/2003 8:37:25 PM PDT by The Pheonix
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To: The Pheonix; Tailgunner Joe
The Chinese are busy conquering Panama the same way they managed their relations with the US during the nineties; they bought the president. They supposedly also bought the president of Venezuela, according to defectors.

Its much easier to invest a few million in a president, and save yourself the billions required for an aircraft carrier group.

Panama becomes their newest aircraft carrier; in fact, if they play their cards right, and make the right investments in the right congressmen and future members of the executive branch, the US becomes their aircraft carrier.

A few US Marines could potentially evict them from Panama, but someone would have to give the order; thus the importance of influencing who that person is, and influencing the congressmen who would have to ok the policy.

Furthermore, China is learning what Rumsfeld is trying to teach us; the new era of warfare is upon us, in which a few well-placed commandos can bring down a whole army; where similarly a few latin american troublespots can tie us down to the point that we can not afford to worry what China is up to, where we can not get too interested in anything outside our own hemisphere.

The war with China will be fought with guerrillas, with containerships smuggling dope and weapons. With well-placed bribes (remember that well-placed bribes helped to neutralize the Republican Guard). How hard would it be for the Chinese to buy every president in this hemisphere? Considering that they have already done it once, how hard would it be to buy the US president? This war will be fought in plain sight, but most people will not see it; our newspapers will tell us it isn't happening. And most people will never think a second thought about it.
19 posted on 06/10/2003 11:03:12 PM PDT by marron
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To: Tailgunner Joe
20 posted on 06/10/2003 11:11:48 PM PDT by <1/1,000,000th%
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