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What part of homicide bombing doesn't the world understand!?-Not for the apathetic, squeamish.
Jewish World Review ^
| 5-18-03
| Binyamin L. Jolkovsky
Posted on 05/19/2003 5:22:09 AM PDT by SJackson
Why aren't these pictures from the May 18, 2003 Jerusalem bombing only one of a spate of terror attacks over the weekend on the front pages of the world's most influential dailies? They accurately depict the ability of Israel's new "peace partner" to control his "constituents" who, approved or not, act in his name.
Where is the outcry!?
Forward this page (see above, top-right corner) and let those who just "don't get it" or refuse to get it see for themselves. If this can happen in Israel, it will happen in America!
And, lastly, ask yourselves why Israel is being forced to do something against its better judgement. More importantly, do something about it!

TOPICS: Culture/Society; Editorial; Foreign Affairs; Israel
posted on
05/19/2003 5:22:09 AM PDT
To: SJackson
Wow. What heroes Allah's warriors are.
To: SJackson
Too disgusting for words. If the average person could see these and more graphic pictures, maybe they would also see the light. Something has to be done and talk isn't going to get it.
posted on
05/19/2003 5:32:07 AM PDT
Conspiracy Guy
(If you're looking for a friend, get a dog.)
To: SJackson
I absolutely hate those foul inhuman Palis and I hope I 'm around to see the day that Israel pounds them into hell.
To: dennisw; Cachelot; Yehuda; Nix 2; veronica; Catspaw; knighthawk; Alouette; Optimist; weikel; ...
If you'd like to be on or off this middle east/political ping list, please FR mail me.
posted on
05/19/2003 5:35:35 AM PDT
To: SJackson
Your question seems to echo mine with regard to 9-1-1.
The pictures of the desperate jumpers and dead at the scene of the World Trade Center need to be shown, and often, to keep the focus on the War on Terror.
"Out of sight-out of mind", seems to be very true now. Many here (FL) have slipped back into their "hate Bush" mode again.
posted on
05/19/2003 5:35:53 AM PDT
To: SJackson
posted on
05/19/2003 5:47:41 AM PDT
To: SouthernFreebird
I know some Palestinians and as I've said to them time and again, What do you want? A nation or to kill Jews?
What the Palestinian leadership doesn't realise is one of these days the Israelis are going to wakeup in the morning and say ENOUGH(!) and they will turn the IDF loose on the westbank and gaza. At that point the Paliestinians will discover just what it means to have a war with a modern state. And it's going to be bloody!
They want a nation? Great, stop killling Jews and within 18 months you'll have one. But first rhey MUST stop killing jews.
Of course talking to these folks is like talking to a wall.
posted on
05/19/2003 6:53:44 AM PDT
(Age and deceit beat youth and skill)
To: Valin
The Israelis will never unleash their power on the Pali's. I am convinced of it. The Iraq war could have been used as a cover to operate ruthlessly and extensively...but they did not. The only thing that may elicit a brutal and decisive response might be the use of WMD by Pali terrorists. Otherwise they will continue to murder Israelis one bus at a time.
To: SJackson
Sad bump
posted on
05/19/2003 9:07:40 AM PDT
(Full of power I'm spreading my wings, facing the storm that is gathering near)
To: Valin
I know some Palestinians and as I've said to them time and again, What do you want? A nation or to kill Jews? They want both. It's impossible for these options to be mutually exclusive to vile Pali scum.
To: SJackson
Where is GW on this? How on earth can we be fighting our "war on terror" and yet tell Israel that they cannon fight their own war?
How is "Islamic Jihad" different from Al Queda? The Islamists have a stated goal to wipe Israel off the face of the earth - killing every Jew possible. The world, and even worse - the UN has nothing to say other than Israel needs to withdraw from the "occupied" territories. Yet when Israel simply tightens security to protect it's citzens - it is accued of every war crime under the sun - including Genocide.
We exterminate temites because they damage our buildings and other structures. Termites cannot help that they eat wood. They were created that way - it is what their programming forces them to do. The Islamists have shown that they are nothing more than a pest (a very dangerous pest). They program each other to want to destroy everything Jewish/Israeli, Western, and then act upon it.
I don't go out in the woods and find termite colonies to randomly destroy. We kill the one's that pose a threat to our homes/structures. Every Pali/Islamist that is active anywhere near Israel is a threat - even the "innocent" women and children contribute - giving birth to more islamists, and the kids grow up with the same evil hatreds.
When will the US and Israel finally call in the exterminator and remove the treat from Israel (and now the world)?
To: TheBattman
How is "Islamic Jihad" different from Al Queda?Not much different.
Im assuming these attacks were carried out by Palestinian Islamic Jihad, not Islamic Jihad. If so, they were formed by Palestinians in Egypt, later based in Gaza, so it would be fair to say one difference is that they emerged from Egyptian culture, which only sent four terrorists into the WTC, rather than Saudi culture which sent fifteen.
If in fact its Islamic Jihad (unlikely), aka Egyptian Islamic Jihad and Jihad Group, theres no difference, they merged with Al Queda in June, 2001.
posted on
05/19/2003 11:08:42 AM PDT
To: SouthernFreebird
I absolutely hate those foul inhuman Palis and I hope I'm around to see the day that Israel pounds them into hell.You and I stand shoulder-to-shoulder on that score. I realized just how full of hate these sub-humans are when those Israeli soldiers took a wrong turn a few years ago and were captured and beaten to death by several Pali mongrels. I think Black Jack Pershing had the right idea back in 1911, if that Muslim execution with pig's blood-soaked bullets story is true. Even if it isn't, we should use the tactic anyway. Lately I have trouble remembering that there are some good Palestinians, but they're being mighty quiet.
posted on
05/19/2003 11:36:56 AM PDT
(Inflation has gone up over a dollar a quart.)
To: Valin
I know some Palestinians and as I've said to them time and again, What do you want? A nation or to kill Jews? "We will have peace with the Arabs when they love their children more than they hate us."
Former Israeli Prime Minister Golda Mier
posted on
05/19/2003 12:11:57 PM PDT
Jay D. Dyson
(When the smoke cleared, the terrorist was over there...and over there...and over there...)
To: SJackson
Thanks for the pings, S.
Say, I've noticed that the term 'homicide bomber' is vastly preferred here rather than the more appropriate (I think) term 'suicide bomber'.
Do the locals here just like being redundant (since all bombings are presumably intended to be homicidal). The 'suicide' description indicates part of the method. Just seems a bit silly to me to refer to them as 'homicide bombings'.......
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