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Pakistan Nabs USS Cole Suspect, Five Others
Fox News ^
| April 30, 2003
| Fox News
Posted on 04/30/2003 7:37:49 AM PDT by Mister Magoo
Edited on 04/22/2004 12:36:17 AM PDT by Jim Robinson.
KARACHI, Pakistan
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Breaking News; Foreign Affairs; News/Current Events; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: alattash; alqaeda; attash; captured; pakistan; usscole; yemen
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To: Mister Magoo
If Gore had managed to steal Florida with the help of the RAT Florida Supreme Court, Iraq would still be under a brutal dictator, terrorists would be operating camps out in the open in Afghanistan, and Pakistan would have done nothing to be of assistance to us.
posted on
04/30/2003 7:42:23 AM PDT
doug from upland
(my dogs ran from the room when they heard Hillary shrieking on the radio)
To: Mister Magoo
Sounds like good news.
Is this Cole attack planner, one of the Yeminis who walked out of the Yemen prison recently!
posted on
04/30/2003 7:45:30 AM PDT
Grampa Dave
(Being a Monthly Donor to Free Republic is the Right Thing to do!)
To: Ernest_at_the_Beach; Shermy; BOBTHENAILER; Miss Marple; Dog; Dog Gone; hchutch; NormsRevenge; ...
Good news, here from Mr Magoo!
posted on
04/30/2003 7:47:12 AM PDT
Grampa Dave
(Being a Monthly Donor to Free Republic is the Right Thing to do!)
To: Mister Magoo
Good news.Thanks for the post!
posted on
04/30/2003 7:48:53 AM PDT
To: Grampa Dave
Is this Cole attack planner, one of the Yeminis who walked out of the Yemen prison recently! I was wondering the same thing, and looked it up: the Cole attacker who escaped in Yemen is Jamal al-Badawi. There was also a second escaped Yemeni prisoner involved with the Cole, but no name was given.
To: Grampa Dave
posted on
04/30/2003 7:50:58 AM PDT
Dog Gone
To: browardchad
Thanks, I just did the same thing. He was not the named, Badawi.
It will be interesting to see if the second unnamed one is this guy.
When these guys "escaped" there are only so many places for them to flee too. If they were "monitored" in their flight, their trail might lead to other al Qaeda thugs.
posted on
04/30/2003 7:52:11 AM PDT
Grampa Dave
(Being a Monthly Donor to Free Republic is the Right Thing to do!)
To: Grampa Dave
All six suspects still are in Pakistan.Hopefully to be "properly" interrogated and not let out the back door, as happened in Yemen.
posted on
04/30/2003 7:52:56 AM PDT
(Just like Black September. One by one, we're gonna get 'em.)
To: Mister Magoo
Hang the b*stards.
posted on
04/30/2003 7:52:59 AM PDT
To: Mister Magoo; xzins
What happened to the people that escaped from jail in Yemen?
To: aristeides
Amazing how a certain group of us think along the same lines.
posted on
04/30/2003 7:54:28 AM PDT
Grampa Dave
(Being a Monthly Donor to Free Republic is the Right Thing to do!)
To: Grampa Dave
It would be interesting if this guy in Pakistan was caught because the escapees in Yemen were tracked.
To: Angelus Errare; Straight Vermonter
More good news today! Curiously, I had no mention of this guy in any of my AQ sources. The closest I have is Tawfiq Attash Khallad, but it doesn't seem to be him. And in previous USS Cole arrests, I don't recall seeing his name. Perhaps one of you can shed light on this terrorist.
posted on
04/30/2003 7:59:02 AM PDT
(God bless our troops!)
To: Coop
Note to Sen Graham My Sen , We are stilling fighting Terrorism unlike Bill Clinton
To: aristeides
That was my first thought on this.
If the Pakis are working with us, we could just alert them to be aware of these escapees and let them do the work and get the credit.
posted on
04/30/2003 8:06:38 AM PDT
Grampa Dave
(Being a Monthly Donor to Free Republic is the Right Thing to do!)
To: Mister Magoo
Yep, lock the door and let the Pakis have a go at them.
Then, when they are turned over to us, they will be glad to come and share a few memories with our guys.
posted on
04/30/2003 8:10:03 AM PDT
Grampa Dave
(Being a Monthly Donor to Free Republic is the Right Thing to do!)
To: scooby321
Graham and the Da$$hole will be deeply sadden by this latest news.
posted on
04/30/2003 8:11:00 AM PDT
Grampa Dave
(Being a Monthly Donor to Free Republic is the Right Thing to do!)
To: BOBTHENAILER; Mister Magoo; All
posted on
04/30/2003 8:19:44 AM PDT
Grampa Dave
(Being a Monthly Donor to Free Republic is the Right Thing to do!)
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