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Socialism in America's Congress: A Primer (Vanity)
nicmarlo | 3/17/2003 | nicmarlo

Posted on 04/17/2003 4:48:52 PM PDT by nicmarlo

Socialism in America's Congress:
A Primer

[all links provided were current and up-to-date as of the date of posting;
I have no control over their effectiveness if they later change or disappear.]

"The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism, but under the name of liberalism they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day America will be a socialist nation without ever knowing how it happened." (Norman Thomas, 1936 presidential candidate on the Socialist ticket)

The war with Iraq has brought out the worst in liberals, all across America. We have witnessed those who preach "tolerance" become the most intolerant. We have listened to left wing tirades, ad infinitum, about the need for: diversity of thought, diversity of opinion, diversity of belief, diversity of values; yet when conservatives speak out, liberals insult us and assault us. Our criticism of their criticism "stifles freedom of speech." Our responses to their actions are called "hate speech" or "black listing."

Comparisons have been made of President Bush to Adolph Hitler and the Bush Administration to Saddam's "regime." Rather than blame France and Germany for failed diplomacy, on the eve of war, Tom Daschle, the "weasel of mass distortion," 1 decreed that the fault rests entirely with George W. Bush, President of the United States of America. Members of the left are guilty of such acts as "peace riots," 2 the desecration of a 9/11 Memorial, and imposing bans on patriotic displays of our flag or of yellow ribbons for our troops. On Hannity & Colmes, liberal Congressman Charles Rangel's vile remarks that our "soldiers are bombers of women and children," goes beyond the pale. Still more left-Americans cheered the edict that "a million Mogadishus" befall our soliders or prominently displayed their support for our troops only if they "shoot their officers."

Rather than condemn or show outrage to these vitriolic and reprehensible demonstrations and remarks, the DemocRats are guilty of partisan politics, justification, complicity, pacifism, or silence. As David Horowitz noted, "this anti-American support movement for America's enemies has deep roots in the Democratic Party" (America Under Seige).

One of the most egregious examples of their tactics is the anti-war lawsuit filed against our President and Secretary Rumsfeld. Of the numerous plaintiffs, 12 are members of the House of Representatives. Hadean's comment on that thread ( Decision To Throw Out Antiwar Lawsuit Upheld ) alarmed me: "the basis of the prosecution on the recent suit seemed to aim not only at the constitutional angle, but also at the sovereign right of the US to defend itself."

U.S. Court of Appeals' Decision to Throw Out Antiwar Lawsuit

Opinion 03-1266, March 13, 2003:
(Plaintiffs who are members of the House of Representatives are:
John Conyers, Dennis Kucinich, Jesse Jackson, Jr., Sheila Jackson Lee, Jim McDermott, Jose E. Serrano, Danny K. Davis, Maurice D. Hinchey, Carolyn Kilpatrick, Pete Stark, Diane Watson, and Lynn C. Woolsey.)

"The court did not address the plaintiffs' argument that a congressional resolution authorized war with Iraq only with United Nations approval, saying the claim could not be evaluated because war has not started."

On the thread posted in FR ( Decision To Throw Out Antiwar Lawsuit Upheld ), poobah posted the significant section wherein the Senate and House of Representatives, on October 2, 2002, empowered the President of the United States to use force against Iraq, as provided, in part, below:


  1. AUTHORIZATION- The President is authorized to use the Armed Forces of the United States as he determines to be necessary and appropriate in order to--
  2. defend the national security of the United States against the continuing threat posed by Iraq ; and
  3. enforce all relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions regarding Iraq.
  4. PRESIDENTIAL DETERMINATION- In connection with the exercise of the authority granted in subsection (a) to use force the President shall, prior to such exercise or as soon thereafter as may be feasible, but no later than 48 hours after exercising such authority, make available to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President pro tempore of the Senate his determination that--
  5. reliance by the United States on further diplomatic or other peaceful means alone either (A) will not adequately protect the national security of the United States against the continuing threat posed by Iraq or (B) is not likely to lead to enforcement of all relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions regarding Iraq; and
  6. acting pursuant to this joint resolution is consistent with the United States and other countries continuing to take the necessary actions against international terrorist and terrorist organizations, including those nations, organizations, or persons who planned, authorized, committed or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001.

When Hadean looked up the Order by the Court of Appeals, he made the following observation:

...I read the Order you linked up to. In it, there's mention of the basis of the plaintiff argument referring to Ange v. Bush, 752 F. Supp. at 515. Did a search, and it led to this: American Center for Law & Justice Memo, September 17, 2001: Breakdown of Responsibilities for Use of United States Armed Forces.

In this memorandum, it starts going into the North Atlantic Treaty. It then goes into Article 5, the "Mutual Defense Clause." Sept. 11 triggered this Article, and the 19 member nations of the treaty agreed to invoke the Treaty's mutual defense clause.

This litigation was all that was necessary to set me off "digging."

What follows is a compilation of definitions, documents, articles, and warnings which I believe are credible and show a pattern, either of the DemocRat agenda or of a cohesive group within that party promoting their agenda; many links are either authored by Freepers or posted on Free Republic (kudos especially to Patriot62 and Cincinatus' Wife).

Where the tragic events of September 11, 2001 failed to bring long-lasting unanimity to our country, where it failed to seal friendships with our long-believed allies, the war with Iraq succeeded, undisputedly, in exposing their masquerades of concern for either America or human rights abuses. We learned much about who are "with us," and the values for which America stands, and who are "with the terrorists," and the values for which they stand; these anti-Americans include:

Tom Daschle, Nancy Pelosi, Jim McDermott, Charles Rangel, John Kerry, Robert Byrd, Dennis Kucinich, John Conyers, David Bonier, Pete Stark, Jimmy Carter, Hans Blix, France, Germany, Russia, Jean Chretien, Vicente Fox, Turkey, Jordan, Ramsey Clark, Scott Ritter, Peter Arnett, Eason Jordan, Diane Sawyer, Katie Couric, CNN, BBC, CBS, ABC, the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, Tim Robbins, the Dixie Chicks, Susan Sarandon, Jeneane Garafalo, Martin Sheen, Michael Moore, Ed Asner, Sean Penn, Harry Belafonte, Mike Ferrell, Richard Gere, George Clooney, Barbra Streisand, Madonna, Prof. Nicholas De Genova, A.N.S.W.E.R. and, of course, the irrelevant United Nations.

No doubt, many of you have read about the deplorable and shocking statement made by Professor Nicholas DeGenova, a professor at the Columbia University in New York, at a "teach-in" (or the "bash America rally"): "The only true heroes are those who find ways that help defeat the U.S. military. I personally would like to see a million Mogadishus."

In an excellent article, "Moment of Truth", David Horowitz condemns those remarks. Besides revealing socialist tactics, Mr. Horowitz also states that the organizer of the Columbia "teach-in," Professor Eric Foner, had this to say about patriotism:

"I refuse to cede the definition of American patriotism to George W. Bush," Foner said, drawing a cheer from the audience. "I have a different definition of patriotism, which comes from Paul Robeson: 'The patriot is the person who is never satisfied with his country.'"

Says David Horowitz, "it's true that Paul Robeson was never satisfied with his country. He was an icon (and member) of the American Communist Party, who received a Stalin Peace Prize from the dictator himself."

This anti-American, socialist/communist, theme is not restricted to our college campuses and universities. Through my own research, I discovered that many Progressive Caucus ("PC," how appropriate) members may be affiliated with the Democratic Socialists of America, seek trade with Fidel Castro, support Hugo Chavez, and/or desire to strip the rights of (or silence) conservative organizations (i.e., the Boy Scouts of America). Their statements and activities make suspect the motivation of all PC member's concern for, or loyalty to, either the Constitution of the United States of America or the American people.

Additionally, amid the crises since 9/11, if so many elected officials have failed to do the honorable or right thing, all under the media spotlight, it certainly behooves us to watch what they do in secret. We must be alert to: House/Senate Bills proposed which itend to erode the authority and supremacy of the Constitution of the United States; House/Senate Bills which attempt to replace capitalism with equitable distribution (through taxation or other means); attacks against the Judeo-Christian values and principles upon which this country was founded and replacement with other belief systems (i.e., humanism and moral relativism); attacks against individuals or groups who do not conform to socialistic beliefs and goals; and corrupt or questionable use of taxpayer dollars, i.e., Congressional trips to Cuba.

My desire is to inform and warn. I hope that the information which follows might "light a fire" and cause us to pay more attention to our Representatives, independently research their activites, and share pertinent information with others, both on FR and in our communities. (I also believe that this thread may serve one place to add information/links.) It is my strong belief that as our depth of knowledge and awareness increase as to how socialism is being infiltrated into America, the better prepared we will be to stop it and, hopefully, reverse its progression. Honest debate, armed with knowledge, leads to greater understanding and can aid us in our fight against members of the United States House of Representatives who have categorically and undeniably misrepresented, to their constituents, and to all Americans, their oath:

I, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.*

* The oath of office required by the sixth article of the Constitution of the United States, and as provided by section 2 of the act of May 13, 1884 (23 Stat. 22), to be administered to Members, Resident Commissioner, and Delegates of the House of Representatives, the text of which is carried in 5 U.S.C. 3331.

(coined by: 1tractorman; 2Interesting Times)

I. Socialism Defined and its Objectives:

A. "Socialism" is 3:
  1. a political system in which production and distribution of goods are controlled by 'the people' according to 'equity and fairness' rather than market principles;
  2. a Socialist political movement, typically advocating the end to private property ownership and exploitation of workers;
  3. a Marxist system in which pay and benefits are distributed according to 'need' rather than according to work done; and
  4. the intermediate Proletarian Revolution phase as society changes from Capitalism to Communism.

Socialism's end game is Communism. Communism is the opposite of our Republican form of national government. Communism requires abandoning Constitutionally-protected rights of individual American Citizens for the "common good" of collective society.

See: Socialism, by Ludwig von Mises. (The complete online version of the book by Ludwig von Mises. "The book is one of the most famous analysis and criticism of socialism, including all varieties of socialism and its economic, cultural and social aspects."); see also: Chart of U.S. Socialist History, 1900-1990, taken from Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) website (originally posted in FR by TaRaRaBoomDeAyGoreLostToday!); see also: Encyclopedia of Marxism.

B. The Communist Manifesto demands the following:

  1. end of private property ownership (Implemented);
  2. progressive and heavy taxation (Implemented);
  3. end of inheritance rights (Implemented through heavy taxation);
  4. government confiscation of property of emigrants and rebels (Implemented);
  5. a national central bank (Implemented);
  6. government control of transportation and communication (Implemented);
  7. government ownership of factories and agriculture;
  8. government control of labor;
  9. corporate mega-farms to replace family farms (Implemented to a large degree);
  10. regional planning (Implemented); and
  11. government control of education (Implemented).

See: The Ten Planks of the Communist Manifesto; see also: Communism and Socialism

II. Warning to Americans:

" . . . Socialists, like Communists, Nazis, Klansmen, or other political groups, rightfully enjoy the same constitutional protections as the rest of us. Unlike their more radical aforementioned counterparts however, the socialists believe in changing the system by "boring from within" rather than through illegal violence and sedition. As such, they prefer legislation, often filled with deceptive legalese and passed through Congress by duplicitous means, as their choice of arms in their quest toward revolutionary goals. Socialists are gradualists rather than extremists. They are slowly chipping away at our G-d given rights."

"Freedom loving Americans would be well advised to keep a close eye on socialist Congressmen." 4

3 Freedom & Privacy Committee News: Socialists in Congress
4 59 Socialists in Congress 2002, by Chuck Morse

U.S. Title 50, Chapter 23, Subchapter IV

Sec. 841. - Findings and declarations of fact.
The Congress finds and declares that the Communist Party of the United States, although purportedly a political party, is in fact an instrumentality of a conspiracy to overthrow the Government of the United States. It constitutes an authoritarian dictatorship within a republic, demanding for itself the rights and privileges accorded to political parties, but denying to all others the liberties guaranteed by the Constitution. Unlike political parties, which evolve their policies and programs through public means, by the reconciliation of a wide variety of individual views, and submit those policies and programs to the electorate at large for approval or disapproval, the policies and programs of the Communist Party are secretly prescribed for it by the foreign leaders of the world Communist movement. Its members have no part in determining its goals, and are not permitted to voice dissent to party objectives. Unlike members of political parties, members of the Communist Party are recruited for indoctrination with respect to its objectives and methods, and are organized, instructed, and disciplined to carry into action slavishly the assignments given them by their hierarchical chieftains. Unlike political parties, the Communist Party acknowledges no constitutional or statutory limitations upon its conduct or upon that of its members. [snip]

The Progressive Caucus:

Who Are They and What Are They About?

I. Who They Are:

"All members of the Progressive Caucus are Democrats, except for Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., who makes no pretenses and is a self-avowed socialist." --Dr. Miguel A. Faria, Jr.

Neil Abercrombie (HI)
Tammy Baldwin (WI)
Xavier Bacerra (CA)
Corrine Brown (FL)
Sherrod Brown (FL)
Michael Capuano (MA)
Julia Carson (IN)
William "Lacy" Clay (MO)
John Conyers (MI)
Danny Davis (IL)
Peter DeFazio (OR)
Rosa DeLauro (CT)
Lane Evans (IL)
Eni Faleomavaega (Am. Samoa)
Sam Farr (CA)
Chaka Fattah (PA)
Bill Filner (CA)
Barney Frank (MA)
Raul Grijava (AZ)
Luis Gutierrez (IL)
Maurice Hinchey (NY)
Jesse Jackson, Jr. (IL)
Sheila Jackson-Lee (TX)
Stephanie Tubbs Jones (OH)
Marcy Kaptur (OH)
Dennis Kucinich (OH)
Tom Lantos (CA)
Barbara Lee (CA)
John Lewis (GA)
Jim McDermott (WA)
James P. McGovern (MA)
George Miller (CA)
Jerry Nadler (NY)
Eleanor Holmes Norton (DC)
John Olver (MA)
Major Owens (NY)
Ed Pastor (AZ)
Donald Payne (NY)
Nancy Pelosi (CA)
Charles Rangel (NY)*
Bobby Rush (IL)
Bernie Sanders (VT)
Jan Schakowsky (IL)
Jose Serrano (NY)
Hilda Solis (CA)
Pete Stark (CA)
Bennie Thompson (MS)
John Tierney (MA)
Tom Udall (NM)
Nydia Velazquez (NY)
Maxine Waters (CA)
Diane Watson (CA)
Mel Watt (NC)
Henry Waxman (CA)
Lynn Woolsey (CA)
* denotes member July 2002, not on current list.
At the present time, the list is accessible through Bernie Sanders' website, The following "cached" view link is provided in case that list disappears: Progressive Caucus. (And if the cached list should "disappear" in the future, I have preserved it on my computer.)

Many are members of the Democratic Socialists of America, "DSA," (National Director of the DSA: Frank Llewellyn). "After the Washington Times in November 1998 blew the whistle on the so-called 'Progressive' Caucus, action was taken to hide the true nature of the organization, and its membership list was eventually taken off the dsausa Web site." (November 13, 2002, Newsmax: Exposed: Pelosi's Socialist Ties.) Fortunately, through the use of the "Wayback Machine" at, we can see the evidence which links the DSA to the PC: and

And we do not know how many may possibly be affiliated with or contribute to the Socialist Workers Party (SWP), as the SWP is allowed to keep this information secret. The SWP is exempt from "FEC reporting requirements that other political parties face, including identifying its contributors, the candidates it supports and the businesses it buys from." (March 31, 2003, by Sharon Theimer (AP), FEC Lawyers Back Socialist Workers Party.)

"The Socialist Workers Party was formed on January 1, 1938, from the Communist League of America after it was expelled from the Socialist Party by the SP's moderate leadership" and publishes The Militant. See American Red Groups for historical chart and further information about various commie/socialist groups within America.

II. What They Are About:

As taken from the 1998 archived statement by the DSA:

The Progressive Caucus of the US House of Representatives is made up of 58 members of the House. The Caucus works to advance economic and social justice through sponsoring legislation that reflects its purpose. The Caucus also works with a coalition of organizations, called the Progressive Challenge, to bring new life to the progressive voice in US politics.

In my opinion, the "Progressive Caucus" is nothing more than a front name; a disgraceful and deceptive attempt to conceal what they really are: a Socialist Caucus. Members of this group align themselves with marxist/socialist ideology and causes (as above-described, generally, and as follows, more particularly). Many have been, and continue to be, supportive of questionable leaders (i.e., Fidel Castro and Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez--for more information on Chavez, please see Cincinatus' Wife's excellent compilation (complete with a photo of his friend, Saddam Hussein): Hugo Chavez - Venezuela ; also see: Venezuela's Chavez: U.S. doesn't have right to decide "what is good and bad").

In 2003, 12 Members of the Progressive Caucus challenged America's right to wage war against Iraq without first obtaining UN approval. The President had already received Congressional authority in October 2002, but that was not "good enough" for these socialists. Although the "Dirty Dozen," swore to "support and bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America," they filed a lawsuit against George W. Bush, President, and Donald H. Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense, as a means to undermine and challenge the authority of the United States' Constitution and the sovereign right of the United States of America to defend and protect itself. The 12 PC members and their ilk would betray our Constitution and have our country be subject to the whims of the United Nations, an entity which has proven itself immoral and irrelevant.

By doing so, these 12 DemocRats have proven themselves irrelevant, as well.

The Dirty Dozen must be held accountable for their actions.

12 Members of the Progressive Caucus

Links to Representatives are periodically unavailable.
John Conyers, Jr.
(Member *)
Michigan-14th District

Bio/Voting Record/Next Election

Immigration Actions
Report Card

Top Contributors

April 11, 2003, by Gail Schiller: Congressional Democrats call on education secretary to resign. ...for his recent comments saying he favors schools offering "Christian values." It was signed by Reps. Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y.; John Conyers, D-Mich.; Henry Waxman, D-Calif.; Barney Frank, D-Mass.; Eliot Engel, D-N.Y.; Sander Levin, D-Mich.; Jose Serrano, D-N.Y.; Mike Honda, D-Calif.; Tammy Baldwin, D-Wis.; Gary Ackerman, D-N.Y.; Ted Strickland, D-Ohio, and Joseph Hoeffel, D-Pa.

March 19, 2003, Floor Remarks of John Conyers, Jr.: Special Order on Iraq

March 18, 2003, by Sherrie Gossett: Conyers Backs Away From Impeachment

March 17, 2003, by Jeff Gannon: Democrat Conyers to Protesters: Impeach Bush (freeREpublic mentioned)

March 16, 2003, By Denise Barnes and Patrick Badgley: "We need a Regime Change in the United States"

February 7, 2001, by Walter Williams: Does America owe reparations?

September 26, 2000, Newsmax: Are Democrats Preparing to Gang Up on Boy Scouts?

Danny K. Davis
(Member *)
Illinois-7th District

Bio/Voting Record/Next Election

Immigration Actions
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Top Contributors

April 11, 2003, by Dennis Conrad: Nuclear Industry Offers Congressional Aides Dutch Treat . . . Doug O'Brien, an aide to Rep. Mark Kirk, and Richard Boykin, an aide to Rep. Danny Davis, were treated by the Nuclear Energy Institute to about $3,500 each in transportation, lodging and meals [to the Netherlands], according to recently filed disclosure reports.....Joining the Illinois aides on the Dutch trip were two other congressional staffers from South Carolina and Tennessee, two lobbyists from the Nuclear Energy Institute and a lobbyist from Chicago-based Exelon, which is the parent company of ComEd and operates 11 nuclear reactors in Illinois. Exelon is one of NEI's largest dues-paying members. Danny Davis has received PAC contributions from Exelon Corp totaling $7,000: 6/21/2001, $1,000; 11/14/2001, $1,000; 3/26/2002, $3,000; 7/24/2002, $2,000; see Energy/Nat.Resources;Electric Utilities at PAC link.]

March 6, 2003, by David Enrich: Impeaching Bush re Iraq

April 2001, BuzzFlash Interview: Congressman Danny Davis

Maurice D. Hinchey
(Member *)
New York-22nd District

Bio/Voting Record/Next Election

Immigration Actions
Report Card

Top Contributors

Statement of Congressman Hinchey on War in Iraq: "...President Bush's decision to end diplomatic efforts to avert war in Iraq was a grievous error that will result in needless loss of life. This step was no surprise. It has been clear for months that the president had made up his mind on this matter and would not be dissuaded by the facts...."

Attacking Iraq Would Be Dangerous And Wrong

March 27, 2003, New York Post: Massacring the Truth (NY Post Bashes Rep. Hinchey for Accusing US of Massacre in Iraq)

March 26, 2003, by Patricia Doxsey: NY Rep. Hinchey Under Fire for Criticizing Bush's Policy

March 23, 2003, Statement by Hinchey: Upstate NY Congressman Maurice Hinchey Accuses President Bush of Committing "Massacre" in Iraq

February 20, 2003, by Tree McElhinney: Critics of the Post-Sept. 11 Legislation Say it Compromises Civil Liberties Guaranteed by the Constitution: Some Mid-Hudson Communities Are Joining a National Grassroots Movement Promoting Civil Liberties and Challenging the Federal USA Patriot Act

October 23, 2002, by Patricia Doxsey: Hinchey and Hillary on the stump, on the attack: . . . He said . . . President Bush is responsible for renewed problems with North Korea.

October 29, 2000, by Eightbits: Attention Southern Tier, NY freepers! It's time to get rid of Maurice Hinchey: . . . During the 1998 election he received almost $500,000 from PACs, almost half of the PAC money was from labor unions. . .

Jesse Jackson, Jr.
(Officer *)
Illinois-2nd District

Bio/Voting Record/Next Election

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Top Contributors

Statement on Iraqi War, March 7, 2003: President Bush still has not made the case for launching a preemptive attack on Iraq at this time. . . .However, the logical conclusion of the President's anti-UN argument that the U.S. needs no permission' to launch a preemptive attack against Iraq is an argument to replace the rule of international law and collective security with the law of the jungle (survival of the fittest) and world anarchy. . . .The President's position did not seem to be based on the truth....

February 25, 2003, by David B. Rochelson: Jackson Jr. Argues for New Amendments: . . . Constitutional amendments must be put in place to ensure equality in education, health care and housing, U.S. Rep. Jesse L. Jackson Jr., D-Ill., said. . . . All of these inequalities stem from the delegation of too much power to the states, Jackson said.

February 25, 2003, by Kate Randall: Jesse Jackson and the Chicago Dance Club Tragedy: . . . Democratic Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr., also sprang to Kyles' defense . . . The Jacksons have good reason to rally around the club's owner, despite the fact that he was operating the facility illegally. Dwain Kyles is an active supporter of Jesse Jackson's Rainbow/PUSH Coalition....

Sheila Jackson-Lee
(Member *)
Texas-18th District

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Top Contributors

April 14, 2003, by Jeff Johnson: Democrats Predicted Doom in Iraq, Now Want Control

March 3, 2003, by Rachel Graves: Jackson Lee Unfazed by Jeers at Rally . . . Jackson Lee opposes war in Iraq. She was greeted with a mixture of cheers and boos as she approached the podium and was then drowned out by the crowd's chant of "USA! USA! USA!" and "Bush! Bush! Bush!" She was accompanied by police as she left the event....

January 21, 2003, Press Release: Sheila Jackson Lee website: Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee joins peace groups to seek repeal of the authorization for military force against Iraq....Congresswoman Jackson Lee introduced legislation to repeal the Use of Force Against Iraq Resolution signed into law last October.

August 19, 2002, Newsmax: Enron: A Democrat Scandal, Time Says: . . . Ken Bentsen, D-Texas, is the congressman who received the most money from Enron in the past 12 years. He got $42,750. The second-largest receiver was Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas, who received $38,000....

February 6, 2002, Newsmax: Sheila Jackson Lee, Limousine Liberal: . . . On her web site Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee claims, "As your Representative in Congress, I feel that it is my duty to ensure that the government tirelessly works on your behalf." But in reality she seems to think taxpayers must work tirelessly on her behalf so she can be chauffeured one block to work. . . . Jackson Lee has a staff member pick her up in a government car each morning to take her to work. That might not be a head-turning event except that she lives . . . in an apartment building whose entrance is 200 paces - yes, paces - from the building where her office is located."

February 20, 1999, by Andres Petit The Leadership of the U.S. Congressional Black Caucus visits Cuba to Evaluate the U.S. Embargo, Meets with Castro: . . . Rep. Maxine Waters, D-California, and Chair of the Black Caucus, Rep. Earl Hilliard, D-Alabama,Vice Chair of the CBC, and Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee, D-Texas, Whip of the CBC, were joined by 3 additional CBC members and others in a delegation that arrived in Cuba on Feb 17th. . . .

Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick
Michigan-13th District

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Top Contributors

March 11, 2003, by Stephanie A. Crockett: Black Lawmakers Scrutinized for Accepting Expensive Trips:. . . Reps. Jackson, Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick (D-Mich.) and Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) were recently sanctioned for accepting an all-expense-paid Caribbean cruise last year ....

February 3, 2003: Thousands Support Affirmative Action Through Protest: . . . Among the speakers, there were . . . U.S. Rep. Carolyn Cheeks-Kilpatrick . . .

Dennis J. Kucinich
(Co-Chair *)
Ohio-10th District

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Top Contributers

March 13, 2003, Statement by Kucinich on Iraqi War: President's War Abroad Increases Likelihood of Terror at Home. Recent news reports that our nation will go to a dark orange' terror alert status if war breaks out is a stark reminder that the President's rush to war in Iraq is making our country, and the world, less safe.

March 13, 2003, by Kim Campbell: He Sees a Society Ready to Ban War: . . . Kucinich...insists the time is ripe for humanity to make that giant leap in conflict resolution. . . .That's why the visibility of the peace movement at this time becomes so important, because government is proceeding without listening....

March 12, 2003, by Sabrina Eaton and Stephen Koff: Kucinich Used Divisive Politics in Early Years, Politicians Say

February 24, 2003, by Paul M. Weyrich: Dennis Kucinich Can Bring Pro-Life Democrats Back From the Dead: . . . He has reversed his position on abortion. The Congressman has taken pro-life positions since entering the Congress. But now, he says, his perspective on this issue has been broadened....

Global Renaissance Alliance Website About Congressman Dennis Kucinich's Proposed Legislation to Establish a Cabinet-level Department of Peace

Jim McDermott
(Member *)
Washington-7th District

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Top Contributors

March 26, 2003, by Patriot62: "Baghdad Jim" McDermott Sponsors Resolution to Rescind Authorization for War

March 16, 2003, Gannett News Service: House Vote on a Bill to Limit Malpractice Awards in Lawsuits Against Health Care Providers: . . . A yea' vote was to pass the bill. Among those voting "no" were . . . Jim McDermott."

October 6, 2002, by Patriot62: A Sunday With McDermott and the Hate America Crowd

October 2, 2002, by Chris Weinkopf: Saddam's Three Stooges

Sept. 29, 2002, Newsmax: Lott to McDermott: Shut Up and Come Home

McDermott Statement, September 12, 2002: ...I have not yet seen evidence of proximate nuclear, biological or chemical threat that demands immediate military action.

July 11, 2000, by Agustvn Blazquez with the collaboration of Jaums Sutton Castro's Cockroaches: . . . Washington's James McDermot is a fanatical supporter of Castro and the infamous Venceremos Brigades...

Jose Serrano
(Member *)
New York-16th District

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Top Contributors

March 11, 2003, Thor Halvorssen: Comandante Chavez's Friends: . . . Hugo Chavez Supports Saddam Hussein and Terrorism. Several Congressional Democrats Support Chavez. What's Wrong With This Picture?

Late last year, 16 U.S. congressmen voiced their approval for Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez. Representatives Barney Frank, John Conyers, Chaka Fattah, Jan Schakowsky, Jose Serrano, and others complained in a letter to President Bush that the United States was not adequately protecting Chavez....

August 6, 2001, Alba Herrera-Rohdes: A Suggestion for U.S. Reps. Rangel, Serrano, Dodd and Waters: . . . In light of the recent vote in the House to lift the travel ban against Cuba, and knowing how much you admire Mr. Fidel Castro and his revolution, I suggest to you the following: . . .

September 2000, by Hisham Aidi: Castro Revisits Harlem: Representative Maxine Waters (D) of California and Representative Jose Serrano (D) of New York, both long-time proponents of normalization of relations with Cuba, both referred to Giuliani's abrasiveness in their introductory remarks at Castro's Harlem speech. . . . Serrano recalled Castro's visit to the Bronx in 1995 and extended the greetings of New York's Puerto Rican community. "Thank you for solving a political problem in New York City....

June 6, 2000, Dr. Miguel A. Faria, Jr.: In Bed With Castro

January 6, 1999, AfroCuban History: a Time Line II, 1900 - the present: U.S. Representative Jose E. Serrano introduces H.R.256, a bill to repeal the Cuban Democracy Act of 1992 and the Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity (LIBERTAD) Act of 1996.

Pete Stark
(Member *)
California-13th District

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Top Contributors

March 20, 2003, Newsmax: Rep. Stark Accuses Bush of Terrorism

February 26, 2003, by Lisa Friedman: 'No' Does Not Always Mean 'No' in Politics: WASHINGTON -- Just because a politician votes "no" on a bill doesn't mean he or she can't claim credit for it once it passes. That, at least is what Reps. George Miller, D-Martinez; Anna Eshoo, D-Palo Alto; Pete Stark, D-Fremont; and Lynn Woolsey, D-Marin; demonstrated recently when they broadcasted their legislative prowess in obtaining money for local flood control projects, roads, buses and schools. The only problem is, they actually voted against that local funding....
[article archived; use search term: "flood control projects" on link provided above.]

January 25, 2003: San Francisco Athiests Award: . . . Congressmen Mike Honda and Pete Stark were honored with the First Amendment award for their courageous refusal to endorse the resolution condemning the Pledge decision issued by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in June....

March 20, 2002: Comments by California Congressman Pete Stark During House Debate on Concurrent Resolution on the Budget, Fiscal Year 2003: . . . "the overwhelming desire of the Republican Party is to destroy programs in the Federal Government, except those few intended for the very wealthy." [excerpt]

March 20, 2002, Congressional Records: Pete Stark Compares Republicans to Nazis (on the record)

June 16, 2001, Editorial, The Florida Times Union: Stark Raving Mad [Rep. Pete Stark's Vicious Attack on Rep. J. C. Watts]

Diane Watson
(Member *)
California-33rd District

Bio/Voting Record/Next Election

Immigration Actions
Report Card

Top Contributors

Diane Watson's Statement on Iraqi War: Despite the steady build-up of U.S. forces in the Gulf region and the Administration's unwavering commitment to the use of force against Iraq, our government still has not made a credible case for going to war at this time....

December 19, 2002, by Laurence A. Elder: A Lott of Double Standards: . . . Congresswoman Diane Watson, D-Calif., demands Lott's resignation. . . . Watson said [in 1985], "[Ward Connely's] married to a white woman. He wants to be white. He wants a colorless society. He has no ethnic pride. He doesn't want to be black." At least Lott apologized, whereas Watson later defiantly said, "That's right. I said it."....

February 22, 2002, by Edgar B. Anderson: Leftists Rally Against Bush in Los Angeles

February 2002, AP:
Possible End to Cuban Embargo: . . . Recently, U.S. Representatives from California; including Diane Watson (D.-CA), Sam Farr (D.-CA), Mike Thompson (D.-CA) and Bob Filner (D.-CA), traveled to Cuba to meet with Cuban President Fidel Castro . . . When queried about the Bush administration's continued support for the embargo, Rep. Watson told the AP, "That might be the executive branch's view, but that is not the legislative branch's, and we make policy."

February 2002, by Dan Clarke: Congressional Trip to Cuba: . . . Mike Thompson (D-St. Helena) had dinner with Fidel Castro Sunday night, February 10th [2002]. . . . Thompson was part of a delegation from the House of Representatives, which visited Cuba over the weekend. The group, all Democrats, included Sam Farr of Monterey, Bob Filner of San Diego and Diane Watson of Los Angeles.

Lynn Woolsey
(Vice-Chair *)
California-6th District

Bio/Voting Record/Next Election

Immigration Actions
Report Card

Top Contributors

April 11, 2003, by David Lightman: Aid Groups Hindered by War and Politics . . . "If the Defence Department runs the effort, you'll know we are not there to help the Iraqi people. You'll know we are there because this is a military coup," said Representative Lynn Woolsey.

April 10, 2003, by Clark Mason: Woolsey backs Department of Peace bill

March 12, 2003, Woolsey Statement on Iraqi War: Woolsey Against "First Strike" Military Policy

March 10, 2003, AP: Bill Introduced to Repeal the Library and Bookstore Provisions of Patriot Act . . . Rep. Bernie Sanders, Ind.-VT., introduced the bill . . . its 23 co-sponsors include four San Francisco Bay area Democrats -- Reps. Barbara Lee of Oakland, Lynn Woolsey of Petaluma, Sam Farr of Carmel and Pete Stark of Fremont....

September 25, 2002, by Stephen F. Hayes: Woolsey thinks that the United States should learn about women's rights from Saudi Arabia . . ."Despite the United States' claim to be a leader of human rights, we are the only industrialized country that has not ratified CEDAW," she writes. "It's time to abandon this unfavorable distinction." And the way to do that, apparently, is not to continue safeguarding the rights of women as America does, but to sign an anti-discrimination agreement that boasts signatories such as Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Nigeria.

February 9, 2001, Congressional Reagan-Haters Flip Gipper a Birthday Bird . . . What do Oregon's Peter DeFazio, Texan Eddie Bernice Johnson, and Californians Barbara Lee, Fortney "Pete" Stark, Maxine Waters, Loretta Sanchez, and Lynn Woolsey have in common? The seven House Democrats all refused to back a completely innocuous congressional resolution Tuesday wishing former President Reagan a happy birthday....

June 23, 2000, by David Limbaugh: The Raging Culture War: . . . Apparently frustrated that the Supreme Court ruled that the Boy Scouts have a right to bar homosexuals from serving as troop leaders, California congresswoman Lynn Woolsey plans to introduce legislation to repeal the federal charter of the Boy Scouts, granted in 1916. "We're not saying they're bad. We're saying intolerance is bad," said Woolsey.....

* denotes position (Officer or Member) in Progressive Caucus

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KEYWORDS: capitalism; communism; communistsubversion; consequences; democrats; electionpresident; electionuscongress; fundingtheleft; govwatch; marxism; socialism; socialists; traitorlist; unintended
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To: TheLion
thanks, Lion....and yes, TGIF!!!
161 posted on 04/25/2003 9:35:24 AM PDT by nicmarlo
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To: nicmarlo
One of John Conyers "Top Contributors" is the Ironworkers Union. At the Union website, I wasn't surprised to find that this union is anti-Republican.

Ironworkers Political Action League
by Frank Voyack

Always Read the Disclaimer

We’ve all been warned about something sounding too good to be true. So when Congressional Republicans propose a legislative cure called the Family Time Flexibility Act one should proceed with caution......

162 posted on 04/25/2003 9:44:25 AM PDT by nicmarlo
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To: nicmarlo
Whoo! this is alot to absorb.
163 posted on 04/25/2003 9:46:46 AM PDT by OXENinFLA
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To: nicmarlo
Old, but IMHO, still relevant to Socialist/Commie tactics:

Document #8
Joint Legislative Fact-Finding Committee on Un-American Activities, Second Report: Un-American Activities in Washington State (1948)

.....the pattern of the Communist Party in the field of education.

164 posted on 04/25/2003 9:47:24 AM PDT by nicmarlo
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Yes, way too much information to read for entertainment value, lol; btw, a link to your trashing of the 9/11 Memorial in La Habra, CA, is in here....somewhere in the body of the post. : )
165 posted on 04/25/2003 9:50:37 AM PDT by nicmarlo
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To: nicmarlo
Did you know that Congressman José Serrano denounced Castro in New York?

Days before he was elected In march of 1990 to represent Congressional District 18 in New York, Congressman Jose E Serrano -who replaced Congressman Bob Garcia in the U S Rouse of Representatives- attended anti-Castro protests and courted the Cuban exile community by denoun­cing the Castro tyranny.

* * *

In recent years, Serrano has dedicated his public efforts to fiercely defend the communist oppression in Cuba and is today considered one of the Castro regime’s main lobbyists in Congress.

166 posted on 04/25/2003 11:27:27 AM PDT by nicmarlo
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To: nicmarlo
Supporters of Castro:

Why Maxine Waters?

For quite a while everyone has been wondering why Maxine Waters is so adamant about returning Elián to Cuba. Of course behind every position, there is a reason. Good old Maxine owes Fidel.

She wants Elián to go back to Cuba, because, she says, he belongs with his father. And she also said that we Cubans must obey the law. Good old Maxine is practicing the old saying "Do as I say, NOT AS I DO".

Maxine Waters is supporting someone who has broken the law and is hiding in Cuba, running away from the American judicial system that wants her.

The person in question is Joanne Chesimard, aka Assata Shakur, a militant woman member of the Black Panthers Party, who has been found guilty of murdering a police officer in New Jersey. There is a price over her head. And Maxine Waters has asked Castro not to deport her to US.

So visit the following site where you can read all about it. The account of the murder story and the reward. You can also read Maxine Waters' letter to the dictator of Cuba. This information was obtained as a courtesy of the Fairfax County, Virginia, Republican Party: [the link provided no longer works:; however, by using the "Wayback Machine" at, this came up:

Attacks Congresswoman's Support of Cop Killer Dec. 18, 1998

167 posted on 04/25/2003 11:47:55 AM PDT by nicmarlo
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To: nicmarlo
Background information on H.CON.RES.254

Title: Calling on the Government of Cuba to extradite to the United States convicted felon Joanne Chesimard and all other individuals who have fled the United States to avoid prosecution or confinement for criminal offenses and who are currently living freely in Cuba.

Sponsor: Rep Franks, Bob [NJ-7] (introduced 3/30/1998)
Cosponsors: 26
Latest Major Action: 10/21/1998 Passed/agreed to in Senate.
Status: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.

168 posted on 04/25/2003 12:51:59 PM PDT by nicmarlo
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To: nicmarlo
169 posted on 04/25/2003 6:03:19 PM PDT by TheLion
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To: nicmarlo
Patriot Act is the very thing Constitution guards against
V.B. Price
April 23, 2003

Some day in the future, American politicians who have opposed the Patriot Act will be glad they did.

Resentment toward that sinister bulwark of what New Mexico ACLU executive director Peter Simonson calls a "secret surveillance society" runs deep in our country and cuts across traditional political barriers.

U.S. Rep. Tom Udall is among those courageous objectors who voted against the Patriot Act in the first place - the only New Mexican in Congress to do so. And now he's joined a tri-partisan effort - Texas Republican Ron Paul, Democrat John Conyers from Michigan and Bernard Sanders, a Vermont Independent - to begin what I hope will be a long series of legislative action to dismantle the Patriot Act completely.

Udall and others are co-sponsoring something called the "Freedom to Read Protection Act," which would leave libraries and booksellers free from government agents spying on what people read without a warrant from a judge based on probable cause.


170 posted on 04/26/2003 9:19:59 AM PDT by nicmarlo
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To: nicmarlo
Nickels, Locke, and the FBI
Security background checks on local officials raise civil liberties alarms.
by George Howland
April 30 - May 6

The Federal Bureau of Investigation is doing background checks on elected officials around the country so the politicians can receive top-secret clearances for briefings on terrorism. While local law enforcement officials and politicians going through the process praise the FBI initiative, civil libertarians find it deeply disturbing.

* * *

“Being involved in street protests is a problem in FBI files,” asserts professor David Price of St. Martin’s College, who has done extensive research and writing on the FBI, including reading the results of many background checks of deceased academics and politicians. He adds, “I’m not sure what ‘constitutionally protected’ means under the Patriot Act. We need to be very worried about this.”

* * *

At least one local politician has decided the solution to all the dilemmas created by classified materials is simply to refuse to be briefed on them. Since 1995, U.S. Rep. Jim McDermott, D-Seattle, has avoided all classified briefings. McDermott’s office says the congressman doesn’t feel what he learns from the briefings is worth the “muzzle” he is forced to wear afterward.

171 posted on 04/26/2003 9:33:30 AM PDT by nicmarlo
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To: nicmarlo
U.S. bombs Mujahedin; backers hide
By Sam Dealey
April 23, 2003

Congressional supporters of an Iraq-based terrorist organization kept a low profile this week after confirmation that U.S.-led coalition forces attacked their bases during the final days of the war.

The group, known as the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK), is made up of Iranian dissidents based in Baghdad. Despite a history of violence against Americans and its common cause with former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein, the group developed a significant following in Congress for its opposition to Tehran’s mullahs.

In 1997, the State Department identified the MEK as a foreign terrorist organization. Last Tuesday, General Richard Myers, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, acknowledged in a briefing at the Pentagon that the U.S. bombed MEK forces.

* * *

Earlier this month, Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-Colo.) expressed shock upon hearing that the State Department considered the MEK combatants. “If these reports are accurate, that’s the end of it for me,” he told The Hill three weeks ago.

But citing “information of a different nature entirely from people who are closer to the scene than the State Department,” Tancredo later called The Hill to reassert his backing of the MEK. He declined to identify his sources at the time, except to say that they were with “our government.”

Like Ros-Lehtinen’s office, Tancredo’s aides did not return calls this week seeking comment. Other lawmakers who have long backed the MEK also declined comment. They are Reps. Edolphus Towns (D-N.Y.), Bob Filner (D-Calif.), Lincoln Diaz-Balart (R-Fla.) and Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas).


172 posted on 04/26/2003 9:50:39 AM PDT by nicmarlo
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To: nicmarlo
Zinn documentary bites justice system
JESSE J. SMITH, Freeman staff
April 18, 2003

Six years after serving a six-month prison stint for violating campaign finance laws, town of Ulster entrepreneur Michael Zinn is putting the criminal justice system on trial in a documentary film called "Mad Dog Prosecutors."

Zinn's documentary argues that all Americans, law-abiding and otherwise, are at risk from a legal system that grants federal attorneys the power to conduct scorched-earth prosecutions for minor violations of business regulations.

* * *

Following an 18-month investigation, Zinn was indicted on conspiracy charges related to his work as finance chairman of then-Assemblyman Maurice Hinchey's [a democRAT, now a member of the U.S. House of Reps, New York] first campaign for the House of Representatives in 1992. According to the indictment, Zinn reimbursed employees and their relatives for contributions to the Hinchey campaign under the guise of bonuses, essentially using his staff to launder illegal contributions from the company.

In June 1997, Zinn, facing up to eight years in prison, cut a deal with U.S. Attorney Eliot Jacobsen, pleaded guilty to three counts of the indictment, and was sentenced to six months in prison.

Zinn says he was the victim of bad legal advice by a lawyer for the Hinchey campaign and Besicorp's counsel, who advised him on his fundraising activities and never hinted that he could be breaking the law.

"I was close to the edge," he said. "But I never had criminal intent that is necessary to prove the charges against me." Zinn said he reluctantly pleaded guilty on the advice of his lawyer and to avoid a harsh prison term if convicted at trial.

173 posted on 04/26/2003 10:17:22 AM PDT by nicmarlo
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To: nicmarlo
Boehlert, Hinchey stress need for major humanitarian effort
April 10, 2003

ITHACA -- Tompkins County's two representatives in Congress said Wednesday that the with the fall of Baghdad the focus must shift to rebuilding Iraq and supplying humanitarian needs to civilians left without food, water and electricity.

U.S. Rep. Maurice Hinchey, D-22nd Dist., said that he didn't see evidence of a massacre, a term he used over a month ago to describe the then-impending conflict. He said he feared "massacre" may be used by other nations to describe the war.

Hinchey voted against the House bill that allowed President Bush to use force in Iraq. He voted in favor of a resolution that expressed support for U.S. troops in the Persian Gulf.

"I'm still worried about our reputation," Hinchey said from his Washington office on Wednesday. "I don't want our country to be seen that way by other people." "I see this winding down in a good way. There hasn't been house-to-house fighting and loss of life," that some feared would be part of intense urban warfare, Hinchey said.


174 posted on 04/26/2003 10:28:05 AM PDT by nicmarlo
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To: nicmarlo
The Dirty (Near) Dozen
By Brian Maher
April 7, 2003

* * *

The non-binding House resolution [House Resolution 104] passed easily - 392 in favor, 11 against -- and the Senate passed a similar resolution with a resounding 99-0 vote. Just who are the 11 congressmen who voted against the resolution? They are: John Conyers (D-MI); Mike Honda (D-CA); Stephanie Tubbs Jones (D-OH); Barbara Lee (D-CA); Jim McDermott (D-WA); Bobby Scott (D-VA); Pete Stark (D-CA); Edolphus Towns (D-NY); Diane Watson (D-CA); Maxine Waters (D-CA); and Charles Rangel (D-NY). What do they have in common? To the shock of no one, they're all members of the Democratic Party; not one Republican voted against the resolution. In addition, most are members of the Congressional Black Caucus.

One name in particular stands out among the dissenters. Jim McDermott was one of three "useful idiots" in the House, including fellow Democratic Representatives Mike Thompson and David Bonior, to visit Iraq last October. In an act perilously approaching treason, McDermott served up a series of propaganda softballs for Saddam to knock out of the park, claiming that President Bush "would mislead the American people," and was "trying to provoke a war." In addition, he averred that, "you have to take the Iraqis on their face value." The Potemkin village tour that the three received apparently did not reveal the banned Scud and al-Fatah missiles that Iraq lobbed into Kuwait, one of which landed within a football field's distance of U.S. troops. Nor did it reveal the witch's brew of chemical and biological toxins that will surely be unearthed by victorious coalition forces, if they are not used against them first.

Another twenty-one Democrats voted "present" for the resolution - a non-vote essentially; an act of political cowardice. These fence sitters were apparently unable to decide whether they stood behind the American troops now risking their lives on distant battlefields. Profiles in courage they are not. Among those voting "present" was Dennis Kucinich, the leftist Democrat who hopes to secure the Democratic presidential nomination in 2004. His vote calls into serious question his ability to function as a future Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. armed forces. Other representatives opting to vote "Present" include Jesse Jackson, Jr. (D-IL), son of the discredited racial huckster; Major Owens (D-NY), member of the Democratic Socialists of America; and Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX), a Castro apologist who is among the most partisan of leftist Democrats.

All told, twenty-three of thirty-seven members of the Congressional Black Caucus - a decided majority - refused to show nominal support for the troops, voting either "nay" or "present." Clearly, artificially drawn districts produced by racial gerrymandering have sent several black candidates to Washington who slant so far leftward that they cannot even offer their basic support for American troops in harm's way.


175 posted on 04/26/2003 11:00:56 AM PDT by nicmarlo
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To: nicmarlo
Book Review
Oregon Magazine
by Peggy Whitcomb
April 1, 2003

"Our Media Not Theirs"
(by Robert W. McChesney & John Nichols)

....In their book Our Media Not Theirs, McChesney and Nichols propose to solve our dissatisfactions with the media, television and newspapers, too, by placing them under the ownership and management of the government, funded entirely by taxes. They attempt to frame this government take-over of the media as essential to the survival of our democracy, but the attempts are weak and unconvincing.

Though they insist that every citizen should have a voice in what is offered on TV (and newspapers and magazines), they present no method by which this could be accomplished other than to suggest that most programming would focus on narrow local issues and interests. Decisions about the presentation and content of national and international news presumably would be made by government bureaucrats.

* * *

There's a thread of resentment hinted at throughout the book, resentment that the authors' opinions and desires are being ignored, and they consider it their best bet to be heard if the government has control and forces the rest of us to listen, to not be distracted by our own, to them, petty interests. Consider who wrote forewords to the book: Noam Chomsky, Barbara Ehrenreich and Ralph Nader. Outside of academia and those who believe in massive government control of everything, who listens to them?

* * *

The book is a not very coherent diatribe against all private property ownership -- including copyright and patents -- which is in fact the very basis of American liberties and prosperity. The authors suggest that in our efforts to reform the media we should connect with other organizations and movements such as the unions, minorities, the feminists, and other special interest groups...The authors are confident of success in ridding the media of commercialism, citing the opening doors in Congress from such representatives as Ernest Hollings, Jesse Jackson Jr. and John Conyers, very liberal Democrats all.

McChesney and Nichols want the media to become the new "issue" for us, as the environment and civil rights have been before, and then to leave it to them to guide the way....


176 posted on 04/26/2003 11:13:57 AM PDT by nicmarlo
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To: nicmarlo
History of the Socialist Party of America

* * *


Since 1973 the heirs of the Socialist Party tradition have been the Democratic Socialists of America. The largest socialist group in the country (about 11,000 members) and the US affiliate of the Socialist International, DSA has focused its attention more on building the socialist movement in the US, and raising the same kinds of socialist issues as their predecessors. For years, DSA has worked to build a socialist presence within organized labor, and the President of the AFL-CIO, John Sweeney, is a member. Now the organization is working with the House Progressive Caucus in the US Congress, headed up by independent socialist congressman Bernie Sanders (I-VT). DSA claims two members of the House of Representatives as members, Danny Davis (D-IL), and Major Owens (D-NY).

The other camps of the 1973 split in the Socialist Party have continued to exist, but became more political clubs than active organizations. The Social Democrats USA (about 150 members) have pursued their bizarre combination of traditional positions on economic issues and right-wing positions on foreign policy (e.g.- supporting the Contras in Nicaragua, as well as almost all US military actions around the world), and have been isolated by those to their right as well as their left. The former left wing of the party took the party name, calling itself the Socialist Party USA (about 500 members) It has continued to run educational presidential campaigns, but has no ballot status and is not recognized as a national political party.

177 posted on 04/26/2003 11:25:56 AM PDT by nicmarlo
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To: nicmarlo; cyncooper
(cyncooper, thanks for posting this on another thread):

The Weekly Standard has a long article about Saddam Hussein and his regime paying off journalists and politicians. It starts by recounting the Galloway documents. It notes the villa in Portugal is valued at $400,000.

It goes on to detail how Middle Eastern and European journalists have been on his payroll for progaganda. Finally toward the end we get U.S. references and, in particular, to Ritter and McDermott:

Saddam's Cash

"Al-Khafaji first came to public notice after revelations that he gave former U.N. weapons inspector Scott Ritter $400,000 to produce a film that criticized the United States for its role in the inspection process. Al-Khafaji, who is listed as a "senior executive producer" of the film, arranged meetings for Ritter with high-level officials in Saddam's government, a feat New York Times magazine writer Barry Bearak found "impressive." Ritter had previously been an outspoken critic of Saddam Hussein, and issued dire warnings about the status of the Iraqi dictator's weapons of mass destruction. His sudden flip--he is now a leading apologist for Saddam's regime--and revelations about Ritter's 2001 arrest for soliciting sex with minors have fueled speculation about the nature of his relationship with al-Khafaji."


"On October 25, McDermott received a check for $5,000 from Shakir al-Khafaji. The money, first reported by Amy Keller in Roll Call, had been deposited in an account for the McDermott Legal Expense Trust, a fund the congressman set up to pay legal bills in a lawsuit brought against him by Rep. John Boehner."

178 posted on 04/26/2003 12:59:19 PM PDT by nicmarlo
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To: nicmarlo
The Left's Weapons of Mass Distraction

...Just as many sports fans need a program to see who's who or what's what on the field, many citizens need a guide to understanding the Leftist lexicon. So, here's a brief primer into what the Left actually means when they say:

* * *

Conservative, a: 1) Anyone fighting the socialist aspirations of the radical Left or anyone who is either Advantaged or wants to be Advantaged. 2) A person proud to be an American, and one who holds ideals like honesty and morality and heralds individual rights over group rights. 3) Dumb taxpayers who love America.

* * *

Fascist, a: 1) Anyone who is not a Progressive (see below). 2) People who believe in America's system of merit and capitalism. 3) Conservatives. (Note: Doesn't include Leftist genocidal tyrants who brutalize their people in nations throughout the world.) 4) George W. Bush.

* * *

Hate Speech: Speech by either the Advantaged or Conservatives that doesn't promote a socialist "progressive" agenda.

* * *

Progressive: 1) Socialist. (The word socialist became real unpopular after the fall of the Soviet empire and was quickly replaced by a more easily digested word.) 2) A cruel joke on the American people. A word intentionally meant to deceive the hapless taxpayer into believing that the "progressive" ideology is somehow related to real progress. In reality, progressive and progress are antonyms.

Progressives: 1) Those who advocate the slow, clandestine progress of big government and command-and-control socialism in America. 2) Liberal Democrats.

179 posted on 04/27/2003 7:22:33 AM PDT by nicmarlo
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To: nicmarlo
America exports/sp/flawed democracy
By Jesse L. Jackson Jr.
Originally published April 13, 2003

EXPORTING DEMOCRACY is as American as apple pie. President Bush feels divinely "called" to convert other countries' governments from oppressive regimes to democratically free governments. He is freeing Iraq through "gunboat diplomacy," then proposes to govern it with gunpoint democracy. But what kind of democracy is Mr. Bush proposing to export?

* * *

After we win the war in Iraq, Mr. Bush will argue that the Iraqi people have been liberated and democracy is on its way to Iraq. But what kind of democracy? Who will enjoy the greatest freedom? The Iraqi people? Or Mr. Bush's "friends" from the private sector?

The word democracy is comprised of two Greek words, demos (people) and kratos (strength or power). It means "we the people" have the power to create the government and laws under which we shall live. Democracy has a second premise, that all men and women are created equal under the law.

Ideally, a truly democratic government should provide its people with the right to vote, a good education, quality health care, affordable housing, a safe environment, equal opportunity for all, fair taxes and meaningful work.


The Revisionism Zone
By Bob Ellis
April 26, 2003

I fear that in attempting to be fair and balanced, the Rapid City Journal has taken its readership on a trip through the "Twilight Zone," or something like it. In Jesse L. Jackson Jr.'s (April 17) column in the Journal, we indeed traveled through another dimension, a dimension not of common sense and fact, but of delusion, a utopian land whose only rules are those of the imagination. Our next stop, the Revisionism Zone.

Congressman Jackson would like to believe President Bush was some megalomaniac who seeks to conquer the world, but the facts don't support this. We went into Iraq for a number of reasons: (1) Saddam's defiance of international mandates; (2) Iraq repeatedly fired on our and British aircraft as we protected Saddam's people from Saddam; (3) Saddam's weapons of mass destruction programs; and (4) his multilateral support of terrorism, including those who were behind the 9-11 attacks that cost nearly 3,000 people their lives. If that isn't enough for Jackson, then perhaps nothing can be.

* * *

Jackson continues his path through the Zone as he makes the claim that a democratic government should play Santa Claus, providing the things that are better and more efficiently secured by the people themselves. Jackson's vision of a nanny society is not only dangerous to the dignity of America's citizens, it is dangerous to the Constitution itself. Jackson even says we need to find "new rights in our own Constitution - the right to vote, education, health care, housing, equality for women, a sustainable environment, fair taxes, and employment." Theoretically, Jackson is proposing we "find" these new rights the same way we "found" the right to kill our unborn children by judicial fiat in Roe vs. Wade.


180 posted on 04/27/2003 1:07:45 PM PDT by nicmarlo
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