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Dating for Conservative Males
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| 4/16/03
| Bernard Chapin
Posted on 04/15/2003 7:56:26 PM PDT by fhardesian
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To: fhardesian
This means; "I have sent you a heads up concerning an article-posting-thread you might find interesting."
posted on
04/15/2003 8:14:35 PM PDT
To: 1stFreedom
Amen, brother. I've broken every one of these rules, married a woman more conservative than myself and sired three wonderful girls. We just celebrated 19 years together.
To: fhardesian
Rule 5
Give some cash for keeping the threads going
posted on
04/15/2003 8:17:02 PM PDT
To: 1stFreedom; fhardesian
posted on
04/15/2003 8:18:04 PM PDT
(Amen-Corner Hatchet Team, Nasty Little Clique)
To: fhardesian
Just date a woman who's in the military. My girlfriend enlisted and left for navy basic a few weeks ago. Hopefully things will last between us. But while we were actually together, everything was great!
posted on
04/15/2003 8:19:41 PM PDT
(from a current contra player)
Comment #26 Removed by Moderator
To: dighton
thanks and i'm turning into a "broken glass republican!"
To: fhardesian
"All my friends say 'Just do what you enjoy doing and you'll meet like-minded chicks'. Well, I've been getting stoned and watching Star Trek re-runs for the past two years and no one's knocking."
To: SickOfItAll
Salute! :)
To: Revolting cat!
PING is a way to alert a FReeper who might not have seen this thread. (Which is why the PING to the thread starter above doesn't make particular sense.) Perhaps the poster confused PING with BUMP. A series mistake.
posted on
04/15/2003 8:25:18 PM PDT
Slings and Arrows
(Diplomacy is my middle name. I don't know what Mom and Dad were thinking.)
To: 1stFreedom; carlo3b
"Look in the right places" Amen!
Register for the "FReeps Ahoy" Caribbean cruise.
You'll meet gorgeous and like-minded freeperettes, each of whom owns one of Carlo3B's "Clinton Legacy" cookbooks!
posted on
04/15/2003 8:25:28 PM PDT
(THIS JUST IN ! Astonishing fare reduction for FReeps Ahoy Cruise! Check it out, pronto!)
To: 1stFreedom
What organizations to join? The Knights of Columbus and meet the senile citizens? The Raccoon Lodge? Alice Kramden is already married! I'm with Psycho_Bunny on this one!
posted on
04/15/2003 8:27:57 PM PDT
Revolting cat!
(Subvert the dominant cliche!)
To: Desdemona
By legitmate confines I mean something that does not destroy credit.Therein lies the problem and the reason why I dont date. Sure I'd like to date, but then again, I like my credit rating right where it is.
posted on
04/15/2003 8:29:46 PM PDT
To: Black Agnes
Anyone want to start a Conservative Dating site?
If you think this guy has it hard, try finding conservative Jewish girls who are not orthodox.
I went to and found 4 in the NY metro area!
posted on
04/15/2003 8:30:23 PM PDT
("Millions for defense, but not one cent for tribute.")
To: fhardesian
Conservative women are seemingly extinct here, or I'm in the wrong circle of friends...from the feminist-types I keep running into, I'm starting to seriously consider whether I want to put myself through that kind of torture or whether I'll enjoy life more staying single. One mistake I won't make...being in a hurry. A good friend of mine made that mistake (*shudder*). He just wouldn't listen...
posted on
04/15/2003 8:32:14 PM PDT
("So what did Doug use?" "He used...sarcasm!")
To: MinuteGal
You'll meet gorgeous and like-minded freeperettes, each of whom owns one of Carlo3B's "Clinton Legacy" cookbooks!Yes, but do they use it?
posted on
04/15/2003 8:32:56 PM PDT
(Amen-Corner Hatchet Team, Nasty Little Clique)
To: GOP_Raider
Therein lies the problem and the reason why I dont date. Sure I'd like to date, but then again, I like my credit rating right where it is.
Why are you telling me this? just because some of us make the effort to look good doesn't mean we max out credit cards.
Well, not today anyway. Maybe tomorrow.
To: freedumb2003
wrote: Join active Christian organizations. You'll meet like minded women. Yeah, but you won't get any ;)
conversation I ovehead between a Young Republiacan male and a Young Democrat Male:
YR:So what are the chicks like in your group...(wink, wink)?
YD:I don't know, but I'm still checking out your YR honeys they're hot...
YR:Yeah well, just remember Republican women may be more attractive, but Democrat women are easier!
(Both started howling and high fiving)
posted on
04/15/2003 8:35:42 PM PDT
To: fhardesian
FYI - I think FR used to have (still has?) a sort of dating service started by one of its members on Yahoo called "No longer freeping alone".
posted on
04/15/2003 8:41:22 PM PDT
(Cogito, ergo FReepum)
To: Revolting cat!
Hmmm. How about some pro-life orgs? Plenty of Catholic chicks there.
Lets see, Human Life International, ALL, your local right to life affiliate, the Local College pro-life group, the Life Chain.
As for Catholic organizations, there are numerous young adult groups, lawyers organizations, movements (Regnum Christi, Opus Dei, etc.).
I would say that college aged men have the best odds since there are numerous groups on campus.
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