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Goldberg Predicts Collapse of Liberal Media ^
| Friday, April 11, 2003
| Phil Brennan
Posted on 04/11/2003 3:05:21 PM PDT by Remedy
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posted on
04/11/2003 3:05:21 PM PDT
To: Remedy
YEEESSSSS.....the FALL of the LIBERAL PRESS....we may have won a battle here on the home front!!!! Thanks to the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Coulter, Goldberg, the internet, FOX, Free Republic, and others....
posted on
04/11/2003 3:08:45 PM PDT
To: All
posted on
04/11/2003 3:10:37 PM PDT
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To: Remedy
I don't think it will fall.
It will be a meltdown.
posted on
04/11/2003 3:11:05 PM PDT
(Again, protestors have NO RIGHT TO BE HEARD, only a freedom to speak)
To: Remedy
He asked the audience if they knew anyone who was a conservative but became a liberal. "It doesnt happen that way," he noted. Reminds me of the old joke: if you are under 30 and you are a conservative, you have no heart; if you are over 30 and you are liberal, you have no brain.
posted on
04/11/2003 3:11:36 PM PDT
("He who is compassionate to the cruel, ends up being cruel to the compassionate." Jewish sage)
To: Remedy
Goldberg Predicts Collapse of Liberal Media While I hope this will happen, I will not bet the farm on it. There are a ton of left wingers out there who will support them. Of course, I hope I am wrong.
posted on
04/11/2003 3:13:30 PM PDT
To: Remedy
contrary to the opinion of some conservative critics, the medias liberal bias is not the result of a conspiracy. Dick Morris, explaining this week why liberals are wrong, used phrases like: "Disconnected from reality," and "Minds stuffed full of propaganda."
I agree.
To: Remedy
posted on
04/11/2003 3:16:02 PM PDT
To: Tamar1973
I'm actually writing a book on this subject. I think I'll dig up ole Bernie's email in order to interview him.
The other part about it adds in September 11th. The Left just doesn't get how much the country returned to its inate roots after that event, and why.
The media has already begun the slow slide into oblivion. If they don't change, (and they won't) it'll be great to watch.
To: Remedy
Interesting prediction, I hope it happens. We liberated the Iraqi people, now we need to liberate ourselves from the liberal media garbage.
To: goodnesswins
The liberal media has taken two more hits recently. The embedding was a bullet to the heart, and today's CNN NYT article was a shot to the gut.
They are taking themselves down...
To: Remedy
I know we're on the same side but if people are getting all their news from newsmax I truly fear for the Republic.
posted on
04/11/2003 3:19:55 PM PDT
(Republicans for Sharpton!)
To: Remedy
We on the right/Libertarian side are engaged in an "information war" with the Left- one where they have enjoyed the great advantage of having about 90% of the news and entertainment industry on their side for easily the last 30 years.
The 'net, working in hand with talk radio, is slowly changing this scenario as more and more ordinary people are starting to see "the rest of the story."
If the media doesn't like a story, they simply won't talk about it- or will mention it once, them forever dismiss attempts to bring it back up as "old news, we already covered that, nobody's interested in it anymore..."
One key to winning the info wars is simply getting people to be better informed and more skeptical of pre-digested news and opinion, and to give them tools for finding their own news, rather than passively absorbing it from the TV set.
posted on
04/11/2003 3:20:25 PM PDT
(Just an old keyboard cowboy, ridin' the trackball into the sunset...)
To: Remedy
When I saw the title of this thread, I thought it was about pro wrestler Bill Goldberg:
"Dan Rather........YOU'RE NEXT!!!!!"
To: Remedy
posted on
04/11/2003 3:22:24 PM PDT
(The gift is to see the truth.....)
Comment #16 Removed by Moderator
To: goodnesswins
Fox News = America's News Network
posted on
04/11/2003 3:27:34 PM PDT
To: Tamar1973
Winston Churchill once said is correct........ "If you are not a liberal at 20 then you have no heart, and if you are not a conservative at 40 then you have no mind".
That's not a joke, it's a quote. And a correct one at that.
posted on
04/11/2003 3:29:17 PM PDT
(Bush/Rice 2004- pray & fast for our troops this lent)
To: Tamar1973
Reminds me of the old joke: if you are under 30 and you are a conservative, you have no heart; if you are over 30 and you are liberal, you have no brain. Not intending to nitpick, but I hate that quote. I understand what it's trying to say, but it's wrong. It doesn't explain the college students who started ProtestWarrior, or my eighteen year old, staunchly conservative college freshman son, either. And he's not alone, by any stretch. And he doesn't parrot his old man's views, either. ;>)
To: Remedy
"They think their views are civilized and reasonable and moderate and mainstream because all my friends think that way about it.***
An excellent point. The same has been said about the Hollywood "elites." (Who started calling them "elites" anyway?) They are so insulated against what the average American thinks that they believe anyone who disagrees with them is provincial. Actually, they're the provincial ones because they are practically an incestuous part of society.
posted on
04/11/2003 3:31:27 PM PDT
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