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Reminds me of the old joke: if you are under 30 and you are a conservative, you have no heart; if you are over 30 and you are liberal, you have no brain.
While I hope this will happen, I will not bet the farm on it. There are a ton of left wingers out there who will support them. Of course, I hope I am wrong.
Dick Morris, explaining this week why liberals are wrong, used phrases like: "Disconnected from reality," and "Minds stuffed full of propaganda."
I agree.
The 'net, working in hand with talk radio, is slowly changing this scenario as more and more ordinary people are starting to see "the rest of the story."
If the media doesn't like a story, they simply won't talk about it- or will mention it once, them forever dismiss attempts to bring it back up as "old news, we already covered that, nobody's interested in it anymore..."
One key to winning the info wars is simply getting people to be better informed and more skeptical of pre-digested news and opinion, and to give them tools for finding their own news, rather than passively absorbing it from the TV set.
"Dan Rather........YOU'RE NEXT!!!!!"
If they get appointed to the Supreme Court, it will happen.
"They live in a bubble. The bubble is basically Manhattan and Georgetown and Washington. They go to cocktail parties and dinner parties with their smart sophisticated liberal friends in these places.
This is perhaps the ultimate example of group-think in mainstream America. Traditionally, when one thinks about group-think they think of the common people or general public being manipulated by the media academia or some other external authority.
People in general, to varying degrees, have a vested interest in their particular group-think collective group. However, the less the vested interest the easier it is for the individual to educate themselves out of the group-think mentality. For them, they are not trapped.
Now think of the liberal media -- or any cult like group -- that have members that are not allowed to stray from the group's doctrine lest they be labeled a traitor. With cult-like belief they have trapped themselves by entrenched vested interest in the group -- only recognizing self in relation to their standing within the group.
Bernard Goldberg is a rare individual that realized that his own authority was much more powerful than that of the group he had once been a member of.
The liberal media is in fact and effect far more trapped by group-think mentality than the general public. They have set themselves up for eventual and certain collapse. All cult-like groups do it to themselves due to creating illusions of power and prestige wherein they soon after come to believe the illusions they created are real.
This type of authority group-think mentality is prevalent in congress, the judicial branch and executive/alphabet agencies. They too have set themselves up to believe the illusions they've created are real.
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How is it that people and society in general have prospered and increased their well being for decades yet the politicians and bureaucrats say we must have another 3,000 laws and regulations each year on top of the 100,000+ laws already on the books... That without them people and society face "disaster". People and society have done quite well without next year's 3,000 new federal laws and regulations. Why all of a sudden can people and society not continue to do quite well without them? The fact is, they'd be better off without 99% of them.
So who really benefits from 3,000 new laws and regulations each year? -- not to mention state laws and regulations. Politicians and bureaucrats. They create boogieman problems and with a complicit media towing their boogieman problems cast a net of false fear and unwarranted despair in people.
Quite literally, they create problems where none exist. They're sick in that they chose to frighten people and foist false despair on them and do that to collect their unearned paychecks. Their job security is predicated on deceiving as many people as possible.
Fully integrated honesty is key. That we have the government we have that has gone so far off course from the government the founders created is a product of irrationality and dishonesty. Changing the laws via the "system" is almost completely useless. Politicians create dozens of unconstitutional laws before even considering repealing just one unconstitutional law. That is not a system -- it's a quagmire of deception, irrationality, fraud and abuse.
Voting for the lesser of evils always begets evil. How can so many people thinking they're right be so wrong?
Wake up! Politics is not the solution -- politics is the problem.
Who are the producers?
Who are the parasites?
Praise the value producers --
Ostracizing the parasitical value destroyers.